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  1. Did we ever figure out the mystery of the "Final Transmission"? That may be a good way to bide time until .17 (Also, Sal, I mean not to be rude, only brutally honest when I say this: Scenario's? Really? Capitalization? A totally unnecessary apostrophe? Unless the next thing you talk about belongs or somehow relates to the scenarios, don't use it) (You call yourself a moderator...)
  2. Talk about 9/11 here... I googled some 9/11 video's today and found one of people jumping out of the towers... I was nearly in tears by the end of it, but I didn't cry because my 8 year-old brother was in my room with me and think I am a baby.
  3. I like the idea of getting back into orbit so that another ship can come pick you up. While establishing an orbit is a fairly expensive maneuver in and of itself, it's still nothing compared to the demands of taking off from an atmosphere. Also, at first I was dismayed that there are so many atmospheres coming, because that makes it harder to get back. But thinking about it, a ship on an interplanetary mission is going to build up some serious speed on approach, and turning into a fireball in an atmosphere (aerobraking) would be the easiest way to not burn several tuns of rocket fuel trying not to just fly by really quickly. Just try to dip in enough to not be going ridiculously fast, and then fly to wherever it is your going. And yeah, it would be nice if we had the blogs back. Honestly, I liked the old threads anyway because they are more convenient for the users (and probably the developers too), but mostly I just miss the activity, and knowing what is going on. If we are now testing, then that explains the hush since there would be less to talk about, but I can't imagine we have already been in testing this long. Also, the status thread would indicate that we are still no where close to the stage we are apparently at, so it would be nice if that at least was updated.
  4. I'd like to talk about Jool. Since it's a gas giant, we all know it doesnt have an actual surface. inside it's atmosphere there only different type of gases. But these planets have also a core... And i wonder, if Jool's core hasn't dissolved, we could see it through probes maybe. But this is only a theory. Let me know what you guys think about it.
  5. nice idea. kinda love it its a shame some very interesting threads are locked, even on the off-topic forum. maybe there should be a sub category on the off-topic board called 'the forbidden posts' like suggestions on the KSP development board. 1 post is a little small to talk about EVERYTHING.. this should realy be listened to..
  6. First off, let me say that I do not wish to cause any trouble. If this thread is deleted, I totally understand. So I've had threads locked a couple times on the forums for accidentally inciting controversy. (orbital construction, talk of aliens, etc.) Others have too, and it can be a little frustrating sometimes, both for members and moderators alike. So I propose THE FORBIDDEN THREAD. It'd be a thread, possibly this one, where everyone can post their controversial ideas (controversial in game, not real life). If someone starts talking aliens or giant space weapons, the post gets moved here. Argument about mechjeb? Moved here. The idea is to contain all so called "forbidden" topics in one area so that the moderators can concentrate on other things. This way moderators can be happy, and members can be happy. (those of us who can't shut up about what not to suggest) Other suggested names: The thread of shame, dreamland, twighlight zone, outer limits, the ass-end of the galaxy, mos eisley cantina. Obviously this thread would go to the Forum Forum, but since it's currently a suggestion, I guess it goes here? Thoughts?
  7. Chapter 3, where Jeb, Bill and Tomson get a closer look at the anomaly. Feedback welcomed as always. ========================= SUMMARY OF CHAPTERS 1 & 2 ========================= Strange readings from the Mun have revealed debris floating beneath the surface of the satellite. A capsule of three Kerbonauts were sent to investigate, but their mission was cut short by mysterious malfunctions and apparent mental breakdown of the crew. After Jebediah Kerman, from Kerbin, took the rocket down in a catastrophic landing, two of the Kerbonauts, obviously mentally unstable, disappeared on the surface of the Mun, leaving Tomson Kerman alone. (Read Chapter 1 here) Sent on a rescue mission, Jeb and Bill Kerman managed to land near the crash site, only to see Tomson vanish as well beneath the surface of the Mun. After a heroic, successful rescue, they are ready to go on, when Bill discovered a photograph in the crashed capsule, showing a mysterious and seemingly unnatural structure. Tomson, agitated, vehemently refuses to leave the Mun, claiming they "have to be there". (Read Chapter 2 here) ==== LIES ==== Jeb, Bill and Tomson stood still, silent, for what seemed like a long time. Bill leaned slowly towards Jeb and whispered: "So... Should we head home?" "You heard the man, Jeb shrugged. 'We have to be here.'" "But..." "COME! ON! Aren't you at least a little curious? We have plenty of fuel to make it to whatever the hell that is, and be back on Kerbin on time to catch 'Who Wants To Be A Kerllionnaire'." "It has nothing to do with why we're here," Bill objected. "For all we know, this thing has EVERYTHING to do with the reason we're here. It's not very far from the former Poseidon crash site. Not very far from where we landed five years ago. Not very far from where the phantom debris anomaly happened." He pointed at Tomson, who was vacantly staring at the hatch, murmuring seemingly random numbers. "Plus Tomson here is a few crayons short of a full box, if you know what I mean. He's not ready to return. Neither am I. And, admit it, neither are you." Had they ever been ready to return to Kerbin? Being here, Bill felt as if he had never left. He remembered his first step out of the Poseidon hatch, back on Kerbin, five years ago. Remembered the heavy feel of his footsteps, the panic that almost overwhelmed him when he reluctantly removed his helmet. His prolonged disinterest in his family, his work, his long daydreams about being back up there. It had felt like the most pivotal part of his life was behind him, the moment Poseidon had lifted off the munar surface. He knew the three of them had dealt with it differently - Jeb with chasing highs and girls, Bob by immersing himself into a task that was way beneath him. Bill had just vanished. Disappeared. What was the point of even existing beyond this? He had walked on the Mun! Where do you go from there? The answer was right here: you go back. As insane as Jeb could be, he understood that they couldn't live with themselves with the knowledge that a few engine nudges away, maybe, just maybe, laid an answer to all their questions. Bill got on the radio. "Bob? You there man?" A few seconds passed. "Yep Bill. Congratulations. Champagne is popping all over the place here. Press conference in the morning, you guys are heroes already!" "Yeah listen... We've come across something... Unexpected. Take a look." Bill downlinked the photograph and waited a few seconds. "What the Kerb is that?" Bob finally interjected. "We don't know... But we'd like to find out." "Why wasn't it in the original photos sent by the Tomson crew? This thing looks HUGE! You think it has to do with the PDs?" "Your guess is as good as mine." "Give me this mic, Bob." The voice coming from Control was deep, authoritative, not unlike the growl of a pitbull. This could only mean one thing, and it wasn't good. "Jebediah, Tomson, Bill? This is Space Center director J. Edgar Kerman. I hereby relieve you of your investigation in the Phantom Debris Initiative and order you to come back to Kerbin as soon as you can make the proper preparations. You guys have done good work. It's time to see you home." "But we can't come back!" Tomson cried. "Come back, the director replied. This is a direct order." "Sir, if I may, Bill interrupted, we have plenty of fuel to make the trip and Jebediah here is the best rocket pilot in the universe. This is a rather unique opportunity to advance PHADE to the next level, and..." "Retrieving Tomson was already quite the exploit, Bill, the director cut. And we appreciate that. This is probably just a lens flare, a small geographical anomaly that's been magnified out of proportion. Nothing for which I would risk the lives of my best Kerbonauts." "But if I may..." "You may not. This is not a democracy. I repeat, this is a direct order from your director. See you soon boys, stay safe. Bob, make sure that they have proper trajectory information to get back to Kerbin." Bill turned off the radio and glanced at Jebediah. His face was flushed with anger and determination. He turned the radio back on. "Bob, you there? What the Kerb..." "Yeah I'm here, Bob said, his voice quivering. I'm sorry, he... Surprised me. He must have been here already, uh, celebrating." Everyone knew J. Edgar Kerman didn't get where he was by "celebrating". Wherever and whenever he was, his work was always his top priority. Jeb was right: something was going on, but Bill hesitated as to what exactly that was. Did the director have data they didn't know about on the "small geographical anomaly"? Or did he, as he pretended, have only safety in mind? Bill doubted it. This was the Kerbal who had sent multiple Kerbonauts away in old rackety rockets on numerous occasions, sometimes on trivial pursuits. Besides, safety wasn't really a "Kerbal thing". "Listen guys, Bob said, I have to run. I'll get you your flight plan in an hour. Make sure to be ready if you don't want to miss the window. The nights are long up there." "Uuuuh okay... Bill responded, puzzled, as he turned the radio off again and swivelled to face Jeb. Well that was weird." "Bob is not exactly 'like' us, Bill. He was plainly terrorized. He's just doing his job." The subtext being they shouldn't count on him - or anyone in Control, for that matter - for anything. They were clearly on their own. Jeb started checking the various flight instruments. "Tomson, a hand over here?" "A what?" "So... Uh yeah. How are you holding up?" "We have to go there." "We've established that, yeah. On numerous occasions, actually. That wasn't my question." "A hundred twenty one eight thirty one point thirty nine thousand forty... The light..." "Uuuuh okay. Fine. Sorry I asked." He took his hand to his left temple, looked at Bill and made a gesture like he was unscrewing something from his head. Bill shrugged. His heart felt like a hole. Jeb tapped the fuel gauge and made a note on the computer. "I know what you're thinking, that we should get out of here, he started. Be good little boys. But what is the director going to do? He can't exactly hop in a rocket and fire us. It will have to wait until we come back, and with any luck, we'll come back with something. You know what's gonna happen if we leave now." Bill knew. They were going back to the soul-crushing reality, facing the terrible truth that, at some point, they had been sitting a few kilometers away from the greatest mystery they had encountered in their lives. Bill sensed that it would be too much. That he would snap. The next two hours were spent quietly making preparations for what was very probably their last flight as Kerbonauts. Careful fuel calculations were crucial if they were to actually go back home. EVA suits had to be checked and rechecked. Emergency landing protocols were vital. The radio light came on. Bill shot Jebediah a look, and flicked a switch. "Guys?" It was Bob. "We're there Bob." "I had to switch frequencies, I'm in the old control room. I have at least half an hour before the director suspects something. Listen to this. On the night of the first PHADE mission, Tomson sent 257 pictures that were RECEIVED in Control. Someone deleted number 213 almost immediately. That's the photo you re-sent." "I knew it!" Jebediah shot between his teeth. "You haven't heard anything yet. I snooped around old mission logs for clues, looking for stuff we could have missed, and stumbled upon the first low-orbital Mun mission... This video was filed under obscure references, it's quite lucky I found it. But I did. Uplinking it now." "And guess who was the Kerbonaut in that one-Kerbal capsule." "J. Edgar Kerman, Bill and Jebediah said in unison." "You're damn right it was. First Kerbal around the Mun. The Agency has known about this thing for at least twenty years. Painstalkingly erased every single piece of evidence they came across. There's more. There's a lot more. Twelve years ago, records exist of early efforts to land on the Mun: Project Odysseus. We're not talking theory either: a team was assembled, studies were made. Officially they never went for undisclosed reasons, but records didn't match, hear this. Of the three Kerbonauts on the team, only one is still on record, and I couldn't find a single piece of evidence of the very existence of the two other, after the supposed cancellation of the mission. Says here they retired after Odysseus got scratched, but I couldn't find financial records of their retiring packages. Not to mention spending mysteriously skyrocketed during this time period. There's at least 5000 liters of fuel, amongst other things, that simply disappeared. 'Clerical error'. I think Project Odysseus went to the Mun, and I think they didn't like what they found. Care to know who is the Kerbonaut who's still on record, or are we past the guessing games?" "Our dear director, I presume?" "Exactly, Bob answered in a hushed voice. Soon after that he became Agency director. I don't have anything else. I'll go back to Control now and update you with your 'flight plan'. Over." Bill strapped himself in his seat. "Let's go sight-seeing." "Spoken like a true Kerbal, Jeb replied with a laugh. Tomson you ready?" "I am," Tomson answered, curiously lucid for the first time. "Alright. Here goes nothing!" After disabling the automated update system that was downlinking their position to the Control Room, Jeb got the rocket off the ground the only way he knew how: full throttle. He shifted the trajectory ever so slightly and, a few seconds later, cut the engines with confidence. Bill marvelled at Jeb's assurance: never a split second of hesitation, he'd go exactly for the right button, would turn a knob exactly the right amount - and that had always been, too. Back in training, Bill remembered a younger, quieter Jebediah, repeatiedly correcting the default orbits they made apprentice Kerbonauts learn. "Inefficient," he used to say practically all the time. Jebediah had long been the unofficial pick for the future direction of the Kerbal Space Program. Everything changed when he came back from the Mun. He was always as brilliant - even moreso, as a matter of fact - but to say he had problems with authority (both receiving and administering it) was an understatement. He could get on board any rocket and make it dance through the air, but he wouldn't have been able to muster the organization skills to get another Kerbal to unscrew a light bulb. The rocket soared through the Mun's lack of atmosphere. Soon, they could see the strange formation in the distance. "Holy Kerbol, Jeb said. I couldn't believe it until I saw it." Seeing as they were almost eight kilometers up, the structure seemed immense, made of a light grey material that clashed with the dull sand of the surface. "We're here. We're here," chanted Tomson, trying to see through the porthole. Almost simultaneously, the rocket jolted violently to the side. "What the..." Bill started, before another, more powerful tremors threw him up in the air, only to be caught by his safety belt. "Don't worry, got it," Jeb said, although his voice was thinner that usual. "Activate the ASAS!" Jeb shouted - the first time Bill had heard him say that in ten years. He executed the command promptly, but the Stability Augmentation System - also renamed Sickness Avoidance Solution by the Kerbonauts themselves - did nothing to quell the increasing shaking. "Can you hear the walls? Bill shouted. I don't think we're supposed to HEAR the walls." "Chill out. Chill out." From all around them, the joints were shrieking as if some force was trying to tear the ship apart. On the bright side, Tomson, glued to the porthole, had never been more ectstatic, repeating "We're here" at the top of his lungs. Jeb turned the rocket around in a swift motion and increased the amount of retro-burn, working hard to keep the rocket in a semblance of trajectory. His half-smile made him seem all-knowing whereas Bill, on the other hand, was ready to treat his spacesuit to a diversified array of bodily fluids. The deafening roar of the rockets, the excited shouts of Tomson, the high-pitched shrieks of the metal plates, produced a nightmarish cacophony that paralyzed his thoughts. The only sane thing to do was to watch Jeb's quick hands try to steady the ship: calm, his eyes slimmed down to a tight slit, as if he was conducting an orchestra. He was whistling. Bill couldn't hear it over all the racket, but he could swear the bastard was whistling. And then it happened. The rocket shimmered with a loud clunk, and red lights flashed on the control board. As Bill shot a look through the porthole he saw something grey and metallic flash by. "Was that a..." he started. "Just a landing leg," Jeb shrugged, shouting in his microphone. "We're still five out of six. We're good." Bill checked the altimeter. We are far from good, he thought. And just as they went below the 4000 meters bar, it all got quiet. Jeb sat back, slowly pulling on the engine throttle with his right foot. He let out a laugh as the remaining legs touched the Munar surface ever so gently. "Well, that was close, man," he said. "You don't have anything more historical to say?" They looked through the window. "Here's for history," Jeb whispered. "Wow. Have you ever even heard of something like this?" Bill said in a hushed voice. The structure was awe-inspiring, defying the very perception of their incredulous eyes. One of its bases only looked almost four times as big as their rocket. It was towering over them even though it was still much in the distance. The radio beeped. Jeb flicked a switch. "What's up Control, he said, trying to control his voice. It seems we uh, didn't receive any further instructions from you, we're sitting still. No sign of Phantom Debris anywhere. Our A.U.S. is also malfunctioning, but all systems are ready to go otherwise. Want to update our flight plan?" "We were getting worried over here, Bob said. Glad you're okay." "Oh we're okay, Jeb said with a smile. We're okay alright." "Nice to hear it. Uplinking your flight plan back to Kerbin. As for the Automated Update System, have you tried..." "Yup, turned it off and back on again. It looks fried." "OK. We're going to radio it for the adjustments then." "I don't need 'adjustments', Bob, we'll be fine and back soon. I'm going to go for a walk... You should do the same." "Uh... Bob hesitated, then lit up. Yeah. I'll go for a walk." "Talk to you later. Over." As he turned around to Bill, he just had time to see Tomson hurriedly opening the hatch. "We're... Jeb started. Hey man, don't do that!" Tomson shot him a look. "We have to go! We have to be there!" "Sure, sure, we'll go have a look but..." Tomson stepped out. Bill soon followed. "Sweet Kerbol help me," Jeb sighed as he jumped after him. "Tomson! he shouted in his microphone. Stop and think for a second, what's so urgent!" "The world, the world is urgent, Tomson rambled. A hundred twenty one eight thirty one point thirty nine thousand forty... Find it, find it here. We have to be here, we have to be here because... You're the only one who can stop it." "Stop what?" Tomson didn't reply. He fired up his EVA and shot to the Arch. Jeb screamed, but it was too late. "Bill... Bill, you saw that?" Bill couldn't speak. He was fixing the point, under the arch, where Tomson had simply disappeared. "He... He poofed," Bill stuttered, after what seemed like an eternity of silence, a silence more deafening than any sound he knew. He thought the verb ridiculous, half expecting Jeb to burst out laughing, but his companion was mute. Jeb took a step and started to approach the arch, when the beeping of the radio stopped him in his tracks. he turned it on. "Bob?" "Guys, you want to stay AWAY from that thing." Jeb and Bill shot a look at each other. It was a little late for that, Bill thought. Bob continued: "I know what happened to Project Odysseus."
  8. All this talk of impossible annoyed me so I went ahead and landed a pure SRB lander. ;D Completely stock, no CFG edits: Arch is in the lower left portion of this photo: It landed completely intact but on its side(this took many quick-loads to accomplish). Now I need to decide if I'll try again from my save, end the mission for the stats, or try to continue onward. :/ Edit: Apparently I'm near the arch. :> Edit_2: To save and try more drastic measures for righting my craft or to try again... Edit_3: Got it!!! Without having to try for another landing! -will work on getting it back to kerbin tomorrow (will 4 SRBs be enough? O.o) Here's the file if anyone wants it: [ATTACH]32760[/ATTACH] (it's just a really old design of mine with an SRB lander slapped on top) Edit_4: Here's the strategy I used: 1) Rounded off Munar orbit at ~100k m altitude 2) When over where I wanted to land I performed a retrograde burn until I was falling straight down 3) Ejected the liquid stage when my transition to a straight fall was complete (~70-80k m altitude) 4) As you can tell by one of my pics, I originally intended to use the 4 outside SRBs to decelerate. This didn't work out (too powerful) so I ended up switching them around mid-fall 5) I brute forced the exact altitude to engage the landing SRB (turned out to be roughly 7,150m altitude)
  9. I'm new here so please excuse me if this is in the wrong place. Is there a mod or mods that allow a "pilot's eye view" with an actual H.U.D. similar to the kind of thing used in Orbiter? I've also been looking for informational mods that would act like MultiFunction Displays that can present information and be used in navigation. Again referring to Orbiter, things like Orbit mfd, Align plane mfd, transfer mfd, & so on. I know that MechJeb can provide most of the information that orbit mfd does (though just for the ship and not for a target object) but what about nav aids that are not intended to simply do the flying for me? Another question is just how does one navigate without resorting to the map view other than just looking for something to appear on the horizon and then burning for it? I've seen talk of calculating courses, angles, burn times and such but the discussions always pretty much assume that the reader already knows what they're talking about. I'm familiar with some of this but in the Kerbol system I have yet to find any kind of frame of reference to start calculations from. Finally, what about time? So far the only thing I see about that is Mission Elapsed Time, which of course is different for every flight. Is there a date / time system for Kerbin? It seems to me it's especially necessary for figuring out flight plans for the interplanetary flights that I understand will be possible in 0.17
  10. I did not set an order. I am willing to help with completing orders. I talked to the CEO and he has not replied whether I can help or not. He asked me what i specialize in and I said cargo rockets, Mun landers and simple orbiters. We did that over PM and he still has not replied with a Yes or no. Can you maybe talk to him.
  11. I need to talk to Cardboard about reusing one (or three) of the Kosmos panels in the future. The LK array is perfect for smallsats, but the Kosmos short/long are great for larger deployments. I've recalculated the power output with some guesswork, but it's strictly in terms of the Kerbal universe. Relative size of the panel to the average craft it would appear on, with the assumption that an ion engine capable of outputting 48kn uses 2.4 energy/second (this is close to thobewill's engines, I think). It's pretty much BS in terms of science, but that's the fun part. LK arrays should provide no more than .42/second Short panel should provide no more than 1.2/second Long panel 1.6/second. The Xlong panel, if we go by this scheme should provide something around 3/second. So far in my experience, the Dynavolt panels and Dani's panels are both the most attractive and most balanced sets. The MMI panel is perfect in terms of weight/size vs output. I sort of landed on just making a few types of lateral panels for my set. The reconfigured probekit panels have been acting as a stand-in for the time being.
  12. You're referring to what's in the part.cfg right? All the panels I use have the // in front of those lines of text which tell me that the code doesn't access them. I've been wondering the same thing for quite some time now, thanks for summing it all up nhnifong (you seem to post a lot of stuff relevant to my issues/interests ) *I personally use powertech because it came with Mechanical Mouse Industries, but I don't think its the best of things to use. *I'll probably give the others a shot sometime down the road when class isn't so hectic (that'll never happen). I had actually posted a similar thread to this asking if anyone knew how to edit the part.cfg of a panel to work with powertech, I think the answer will appear somewhere in here after some time. I think that we should elect an ambassador (my vote goes to nhnifong) to talk to the creators of the several well known*power mods to collaborate and make a single power mod. There'd probably be a lot of butting of heads amongst them, but for the users I think that a grand 0.17 release would be so greatly appreciated.
  13. Well we're in the final phases of bugtesting the plugin. We've got most of the bugs worked out. I'll talk to Kreuzung to see if he's willing to release tonight. Here are some screenshots of the aircraft carrier I'm working on to hold you over until then. Enjoy! =D [ATTACH=CONFIG]32567[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]32568[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]32569[/ATTACH] Elevators to hangar [ATTACH=CONFIG]32570[/ATTACH] The hangar is quite spacious. Those planes are ~20m long, 15m wide, and 12m tall. [ATTACH=CONFIG]32571[/ATTACH] Boat Bay with elevator leading to hangar
  14. Just a place to talk about KSP
  15. Hey everyone! I'm carlmora18, also known as Carl! I've been lurking on the forums for a while now, even replied to threads here and there, so I thought it was time to formally introduce myself to the rest of you fine folks! I've been into KSP since .14, and played the demo until the monthly living bills let off and I could spend a little money and get it. Then these guys put out the EVA update and I was floored. I've been into NASA and space exploration for a years - ever since I visited the Kennedy Space Center when I was 16 (now 24). It's fun to actually plan out a series of missions as I would imagine NASA would do and to then design the rockets to carry them out! I started watching YouTube tutorials and really got into Scott Manly and Kurtjmacs videos! Scott is pretty much my idol as far as understanding how rocket design and astrophysics work, plus you really can't beat that awesome accent and occasional nerdy humor. They have actually inspired me to make my own videos of KSP with commentary. I only have two videos so far, but it's the first time I've put myself out there on youtube and the first time I've heard my voice on there. Kinda helped me break out of my introvert shell so I want to thank Kerbal Space Program, its developers and it's awesome community for helping me with that. Anyway! Done ranting, I hope to get to know many of you and talk some rocketry over this games life time (which will be INFINITE).
  16. The purpose of the arches and munoliths is to provide endless speculation, entertainment and talk, over the most trivial of content. This thread being a case in point. Other game devs must be weeping over this. The WOW devs come to mind.
  17. 0.17 is almost here I have gathered up plenty of information and said by Nova a few days ago i can now tell u that these planets im about to show u are official! Here is a picture of the new planets. What they look like.. And were there positions are in the Kerbal System. I did not draw/make this picture... this was taken by Nova so this is 100% real 0.17 screenshot form him Except the pictures of the planets i out in. [ATTACH=CONFIG]32410[/ATTACH] Feel free to talk about these new planets. How u will get to them and etc.... Click on the Picture to see it better
  18. They are the sort of Easter Egg developers put into games, especially early on when a lot of real content has yet to appear. Same as the monoliths, they are there simply to give people something to stumble across, talk about, and go out and search for. They take much less work than proper game content, so they can be added early and cheaply:- they are very cost-effective content for the benefit of early purchasers!
  19. This is the third 0.17 discussion thread. Thread Rules: 1. Talk about 0.17 only! 2. No talking about other updates or stuff that will never be implemented! 3. No arguments! Keep this thread newbie-friendly, so if we get lots of pages and a newbie comes with a new question, don't shout at them, answer politely. Last one was getting really big so its time for a new one. Link to the old post http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/16723-UNOFFICIAL-FANMADE-0-17-Discussion-Thread-2
  20. Switch subjects for a bit. lets talk about engines. Since rockets aren't necessarily based around the 1m standard anymore, we need a better diveristy of engines. The thing is, we already have a lot of models in the pack, with some overlap. So i think there will be some shuffling of engine sizes in the next version, to cover things better. It may break some old designs.. but things have changed pretty radically since .16, so I think thats okay.' Here's what I have planned Lander-class engines The Odin service module (4 nozzles/built structure) The descent and ascent stages of the Thor lander 1 meter engines (from weakest to heaviest) RMA (the small lander-style engine, useful for orbiting and heavy landers) K2-X - Upper stage engine, highly efficient in vacuum GG-M4 - the quad-engine, slightly enlarged and used as a 1m heavy lifter NERVA and Aerospike remain as specialty engines 1.75M engines SPS-10 (now 20) - the other small "1m" engine - now much larger, for use on an Apollo-style CSM (roughly a 2m analogue) Twin Bertha Lite M-50 (used to be 1m, slightly enlarged and aimed ay being used with a 5x plate adapter on 5m stages, or as an upper stage on 1.75/2m rockets. Medium Bertha - The heavy lifting "single" nozzle engine in this range. 2m engines Bearcat Tr-engine - lightweight lifting engine Large bertha - upscaled to 2m, now the biggest and most powerful single-nozzle engine in the pack Energia-style Quad engine - Heavy lifter/1st stage engine for 2m 3m engines 5x beatcat "SLS" engine pack - more efficient than 4x800 4x-800 - Same as always, big, loud and powerful. 5m engines The Matriarch/Omni-Bertha - how she was always meant to be experienced. Truly frightening New Adapter plate, 5x 2m engines (think Saturn V) Was pondering a place for the single bearcat engine, but I am not sure there is room for another engine. Thoughts?
  21. I would use Bandicam, when it gets close to 10 minutes I pause the video for a few seconds don't talk and record more, so it acts like there was no delay.
  22. So I've been using the map to check up on my trajectories etc. and after getting the hang of it, it all seems pretty easy. Is there a way I can do this without looking at the map? Are there information i can use that will allow me to try and do it without the map, for a little more challenge or is that crazy talk? If there is, some guidance to the right info and gadgets would be appreciated!
  23. Possibly. I need to talk with the ZO2 person (people?) about integrating support for this. (It would require a change in their code, as well as a slight change in mine) I'm still thinking about how to detect other modules that support my interface... Going to have a change in the IFuelSource interface to support this (changing FuelType from an int to a String is the current diff for that...)
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