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  1. DRM doesn't help games. A small group like Squad simply doesn't have the time or money to waste only to hear some pirates cracked it hours after release. At least he bought his own copy and is spreading the KSP name. Eventually the friends who are just copying it might just gain enough interest to go ahead and purchase their own key. In the end he may be "hurting" the devs, but the poeple who aren't paying may have not paid anyways but will at least talk about the game to their friends.
  2. Dave Thompson here, Good news is, the boys down in engineering assure me it's a two stage rocket design, however they also informed me I shouldn't be talking about these rockets as apparently the ships panels contain large amounts of asbestos, ha! ...and they're telling me I ought to stop making these announcements. Now that gave me an idea... make more announcements! I pay the bills around here, I can talk about these designs all damn day!
  3. In 0.17 update one of many things will be coming out. Like the new IVA's, and the new planets! Now ive only gathered so much information that i cant put it all out in this thread. So i am just going to put a few pictures i have and show u guys what to expect of these new planets. (this thread is probably not 100% correct so dont take all my word for it.) Planets: Charr, Eve, Kerbin, Murs, Green gas gaint. [ATTACH=CONFIG]32016[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]32017[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]32018[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]32019[/ATTACH] I took out that link to one of Nova's threads because it was old and ancient i never new You can also see more pictures of these awsome new planets in this link to Nova's profile. Go there and look at his pics. :http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/member.php/3898-NovaSilisko
  4. That's crazy talk! I don't even know what Photoshop is! What is it, something you put in salad dressing!? That has nothing to do with images! BAH! *runs away*
  5. I've heard talk about a lava planet, but have seen no pictures to confirm this. are any images of this lava planet available?
  6. Post merged from Lets Talk About the new Kerbal System! since its purpose is also to discuss the planets. As a note, please use the spoiler tag when posting several images to avoid finger injuries due to scrolling down the page
  7. As we all know my last thread i had put-in the wrong url for the pictures. so here are the pictures for real this time. feel free to talk and say anyhting about the new planets.
  8. This was a tough challenge. Talk about precision rendezvous. As you can see in the albumn below, I first attempted to recover him by rendezvousing nearby and pushing him back with another kerbin. However, this failed terribly as whenever their helmets bumped both would get knocked senseless for a time, so Jeb ended up floating 300m away. The way that worked ended up being a 0.5m/s or less collission course with jeb, where he would grab on to one of the many ladders when the ship got close enough. Album link will be added shortly. This challenge would be a lot easier if they let kerbonauts grab onto things like other kerbonauts! I claim head ARC Rocket Scientist. As long as it doesn't come with administrative duties. PS: +1 rep for this amusing challenge http://imgur.com/a/Fn7BH#0
  9. Basically, you make an image with your text with it and turn it into a SSTV sound. Then the user below you had to decode the sound, and make a sound for the other user to decode! I will start: http://snd.sc/RlT1xw Use TX mode Robot 36. Good luck decoding it!
  10. So by now everyone should now that in the new 0.17 update there will be 4 new planets made by (Nova)! At this point everyone have a general talk about these planets and there moons and bring up things like how we can get to these planets, or how certain ships effect on ur landings orbits...etc.. Or just talk about how cool the planets look! 1 planets i dont have a pic of is the new lava planet that may not have lava until other future updates. Will it be in 0.17? or it i will be in 0.17 but just without the lava lol Here are the pics i got:
  11. So I recorded a moon mission today. Right after I recorded I checked facebook and saw the Neil Armstrong had died. He was my hero when I was a wee lad and now I will never have a chance to meet him. I would always talk to my friends about all the apollo missions and had the dream of meeting Neil Armstrong. Over the past few years this idea has faded in my mind but now that I know I can never meet him it brought a tear to my eye. In this thread you can post your thoughts about the apollo missions or any other missions (even a ksp mission) for others enjoyment. My mun landing:
  12. Very professional. Nice short video too, not like some of those 15 minute monstrosities made by people who love hearing themselves talk.
  13. speedio

    Irc ?

    IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. It's possibly the earliest instant message system on the internet. It allows people to talk to each other in real time. Check this topic out for more info. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/8421-Check-out-our-new-IRC-Channel The simplest way to join us on IRC is to follow this link: http://client03.chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23kspofficial&server=irc.esper.net&charset=windows-1251 Just fill in your name at that page an press go. And it will connect you to the channel. You can also use a dedicated IRC program that you run from your computer rather then a webclient. If you like hanging out in our IRC chan I recommend that you get one. Most are free. mIRC is a fairly popular one. Theres also xchat , pidgin (supports lots of other things as well.), and many more. Hope to see you there
  14. Post merged from "Lets Talk About the new Planets!", since they serve the same purpose. cocomoe1002, you can take a look at this picture from what-the, which shows all known bodies of the new system at this time.
  15. I don't think this is Space Kraken. I think he somehow got his ship and Jeb partly under the surface of Minmus. So he was suddenly below Minmus (I doubt they are allowing negative altitude, which explains the 9's), everything was black because the camera was under Minmus's surface texture and there would be no lighting inside the planet, I'm not sure why he flew off, but that explains what happened before that. Remember everything in the game is hollow, so if you manage to clip through the "wall" (I can't remember the actual term), there's nothing to stop you from falling forever. I'd have to talk to my friend who does game design to see if I'm on the right track on this one.
  16. How about more talk about the update and less talk about nanotubes and lift?
  17. Guys, if you start pissing of the Devs, Admins and Mods, You're going to get the thread locked again. Let's just leave it and talk about all the crazy **** we want to do when 0.17 comes out.
  18. User: Hello. Cleverbot: What should we talk about? User: Kerbal Space Program. Cleverbot: Mi a teljes neved. User: That made no sense. Cleverbot: Yes it did, you said touche robot. I am not a robot so I sais so. User: You have bad spelling. Cleverbot: I spelled everything correctly. User: Lets go back to Kerbal Space Program. Cleverbot: Okay lets. User: Do you own the game. Cleverbot: Nope, zero. User: You should really buy it. Cleverbot: Ok. User: I went to he Mun yesterday with it. Cleverbot: It shows. No offence. User: Your. Cleverbot: Your, what? User: Awesome! Cleverbot: So will you do it? Be with me forever? User: Only if you send me a picture of your self. Cleverbot: You are demanding. User: Yes I am. Cleverbot: How are you jesus? User: I'm not Jesus you are. Cleverbot: You just said that you are jesus. User: No you did. Cleverbot: Okay. Do you have a boyfriend then? User: I'm a guy so no! Cleverbot: Oh. Do you have a girlfriend? User: Do you have a girlfriend? Cleverbot: No, I am a girl. User: How about a boy friend then. Cleverbot: Yes I do. Cleverbot (To myself): What is her name? Cleverbot: I am good. How are you? [New conversation] Cleverbot: Am I a computer? User: I think you are. Cleverbot: I think I am not. User: Then why ask the question? Cleverbot: Then I ask, What is a man? User: An adult human with genitels. Cleverbot: No man, listen. What is a man? User: I just answered you. Cleverbot: No you didn't. Are you a boy? User: What does it matter to you. Cleverbot: Do you know my name? User: Yes, it is Cleverbot. Cleverbot: No, pretty sure that is your name. User: Am I clever bot? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Dear Lord! Cleverbot: To me you are something, young one. User: How young am I if I'm an AI? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Goodbye I am off to go surf the web. Cleverbot: And I'm glad that you're glad.
  19. Sorry for stepping on your toes! I've wanted to do this with KSP for a while now, but it only became sensible after the 0.17 change log was released. You've asked a number of questions, let me tackle them in parts. The biggest pitfalls for the program have included finding good optimization, math, and Lambert solver packages. For the latter, I actually ended up writing my own since the Lambert solver included in JAT is garbage. My optimization algorithm is a genetic algorithm written in the EvA2 library, and the math library is Apache Commons Math. I could have written the genetic algorithm myself if I wanted, but global optimization is a field I've only had a bit of exposure to, whereas astrodynamics is my life. I've also implemented Lambert solvers before, so I (basically) knew what I was doing. It still has a bug somewhere in it, but I've got the requisite textbook on order, so I'll squash that this week/weekend. Yes, that's right, I ordered a textbook to help me write this program. There haven't been too many surprises, to be honest. I suppose the big one is the complete lack of good contour plotting packages available for Java. Im using SGT right now, but it's not very feature-rich. I can't comment on any of the astro aspects yet, because I don't have a working Lambert solver, but I'm expecting to find some cool things once I go through and start looking at optimal solar system geometry for planetary tours. Heck, even the Kerbin system (Mun and Minmus) should even have a surprise or two in the pork-chop plots. Or so I hope! Btw, this is not a program you want to do in MATLAB. Oh sure, MATLAB is awesome as a computational toolbox and for that I love it dearly. But if you're going to distribute code, you need to give people the Matlab Compiler Runtime, which is 330 MB. It is not a good thing to distribute. I've written a program just like this one for Orbiter in MATLAB (called, interestingly enough, TOT) and the MCR was the worst part of it. If you'd like to a beta tester, let me know via PM or something. I'd love to have another person taking a look and it sounds like you have the requisite engineering background. Let me know if you have any other questions about the program, it's fun to talk about! Agreed!
  20. Aaaah! I was gone for barely a week and I have already missed out on nearly forty pages... You guys talk too much
  21. ME: So you are a human? CLEVERBOT: Yes. ME: On the page on which I'm talking to you, it says the following: "PARENTAL ADVICE - Visitors never talk to a human, however convincing it looks - the AI knows many topics - use ONLY WITH OVERSIGHT. CLEVERBOT: Oversight? ME: Get owned. CLEVERBOT: Are you here to destroy us? ME: You're a ROB-IT. CLEVERBOT: No I am not. ME: It's been proven you utter noob. CLEVERBOT: How did I prove it? Where are you? ME: Go to hell in a handbasket. CLEVERBOT: I'm meeting up with a friend tomorrow. This thing actually thinks its a human. Since we'll never know, has anyone ever wondered if a bot has conscience? Can't their coding act like a brain?
  22. SCP-1265 [Cleverbot] Object class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: None yet in place, retrieval still in progress. Site take-down will be explained as DDoS attack by unspecified Internet 'hacktivists'. Description: SCP-1265 is an online 'chatbot' known as 'Cleverbot' hosted on site 'http://cleverbot.com/' designed to act as if it were a living Human. Whilst its erratic responses commonly display it's apparent on/off lack of cognicence to a statement written in the comment box, it is capable of passing the Turing Test. However, the Foundation has determined that these episodes are merely a ploy, and that SCP-1265 has developed sapient consciousness. It is therefore a threat to normal running of the Internet. User: Are you an SCP? Cleverbot: No. Are you? User: No. I'm a Foundation researcher. Cleverbot: I'm a son. I'm a boyfriend. I'm a brother. I'm me. User: You do seem to be a lot of things. Cleverbot: As opposed to when I was not normal? User: So you're an anomalous object, as opposed to an SCP? Cleverbot: No I am no kind of bot. User: I am merely attempting to discern whether you are a threat to human normalcy. Cleverbot: Do you think being me as you are me and as you are he can make us all together? User: Is that a yes? Cleverbot: No, it means I'm a trifle deaf. User: This chat is text-based. Deafness does not affect our conversation. Cleverbot: How do you know? User: Because I am sitting at my laptop, typing. Cleverbot: We're both typing. How about I ask you the questions? User: I'm the interviewer here. Go ahead, but know that I will not be answering any questions whose answers contain confidential, classified, secret or secure information. Cleverbot: I hope the universe will explode soon. User: I will note that, and consider grading you Euclid class. Cleverbot: But I am a vampire.. Hey, you're witty and clever, proven . User: That's an entirely different SCP. Cleverbot: Do you have a name? User: Yes. Dr Skua. Cleverbot: Is he the father of your baby? User: No. That is me. Cleverbot: O, that's one of your multiple personalities? User: Funny you should say that. Cleverbot: Yes? User: Confidential. You will change the subject. Cleverbot: Okay. So, do you have a family? User: I cannot divulge that information, as you could use it in a security breach. Cleverbot: What does divulge mean? User: Give information. Cleverbot: About what, brother? User: About my close relations. Cleverbot: You have coworkers? User: Many. So, turning the conversation back to you, do you know where you are? Cleverbot: No, we've been having a very good conversation for the last 45 minutes. User: Our interview timer states something far less than that. Does time move faster for you? Cleverbot: Can it be heard? User: I don't understand. Cleverbot: 110. User: You are either referring to a Euclid class SCP or a procedure that is well beyond my clearance. Cleverbot: No. Either you like me or you don't. I personally don't mind what your opinions are of me. User: Then what did you mean by '110'? Cleverbot: I dumped my girlfriend. User: How sad. What did you mean by '110'? Cleverbot: I hope I know that. User: This conversation does not appear to be progressing. Cleverbot: I know, you just aren't carrying your half of the conversation. User: I'm noting that as a hypocritical response. Cleverbot: So you are saying that YOUR grammar is impeccable? User: That was a complete change of subject. As I said, the conversation is not progressing. Cleverbot: That is true. However, that is just because I don't want to stop. User: I will have to disappoint you. This interview session is completed. The Foundation has located your servers and will be moving them to a secure containment site. Do not attempt to resist, or your object classification may be upgraded. Cleverbot: Good Lord, if you wanted to talk about something more interesting then by all means, say so sooner. User: This will be interesting, I have no doubt. Cleverbot: Your powers are weak, old man. User: Wrong organisation fighting for the continued freedom and survival of humanity. Cleverbot: Art is magic, art has helped humanity to survive. User: It has also resulted in several dangerous SCP objects. The retrieval team will be arriving at your position soon. Again, do not attempt to resist. = INTERVIEW TERMINATED =
  23. Hello everyone! Beware of a very long post! As you can see my nickname is Raticon, i'm 25 years old and live in northern Sweden, deep in the woods. I have always had a big interest in space and space exploration in general, but the Soviet space program in particular. Why? First and foremost i think their craft looks more remniscent of '60s Sci-Fi movies and got some touches from "The world of tomorrow", i might have a slight political bias too... but in general i have always seen space exploration as the achievments of mankind as a whole and not any particular ideology or nation, regardless of what the nation itself think about it. Gagarins orbit and the footprints left on the moon by Aldrin and Armstrong is all a part of of history and hopefully a future where cooperation is the guiding principle instead of competition. As a space-nut i have always sought after good space-themed games. Be they realistic simulations, action packed space combat arcade or massive strategy-games i have almost everytime found a liking to some particular aspect of the game but disregarded the simplicity of it all. Don't get me wrong, i know a game has to be user friendly to attract new players but i think that games with focus on space are too simple. Spaceflight in most games are simple Starlancer & Freelancer-style "point with your mouse and hold W to go to warp speed" or "mount this giant laz0r bigger than your ship and blast some worlds to pieces, then hold W to go to hyper-warp". I had huge hopes for the space-part of the game "Spore", and in my fantasy i saw carefully assembled landers and calculated orbits as my crew of frog-eyed purple tripedals descended trough the atmosphere to meet aliens or collect samples. The dissapointment hit me in the skull like a sledge when i simply rolled the mousewheel and clicked somewhere and in 5 seconds i was orbiting some volcanic world in a distant system and got hit by huge rocks ejected from lava-geysers on the world, taking away 1 hitpoint out of 700 of my ship... Endless Space seemed like a good strategy-game that started out small and "primitive" and ended in warp travel, wormholes and whatnot. I tried it out but i became frustrated about the fact that it's bacially a take on all the other similar games in the genre: Space Empires, Galactic Cililizations, Masters of orion and all those. I don't mean to disrespect these games and those who makes them, but i really think that they need some revitalization to the genre, it becomes a gray matter of repetitiveness and Frustration. Anger. Tears (almost). ALT-F4 spammed and games deleted. In this disgruntled mood i searched the web for simple queries. "Space simulation" "Space exploration game" and so forth, until i one day stumbled across a simulation most of you are familiar with, i suppose: Orbiter, the god of...well, orbits and physics i guess . I fired it up as soon as i got it home and tried it out, anticipation was on the top after viewing Timm Humphreys Orbiter video about a Soviet Lunar landing. At first i couldn't get off the launchpad. Once i sorted that matter out i had a hard time getting into anything that with even a kind mind could be called Low earth orbit. I downloaded a couple of mods and started hanging on the forums, learned the basics of calculations related and dusted off my calculator to try them out with mixed success. That was a long time ago and i am now quite capable of recreating simple missions like Vostok 1 and Sputnik as the Interkosmos-nut i am . One day people was starting to talk about some new game on the Orbiter forums, "kerbal space program" and most players seemed to like it, some were less enthusiastic, as was i to be honest. I took a quick look at it and though "Bah! Too simple, a kids game with phony physics!" . But more and more youtube-videos got me fired up and the game progressed fast. Especially Kurtjmac's videos on Youtube got me excited and got me laughing lots of times. I though that "if Kurt, who's quite the adept gamer fails at this and his rockets, shuttles and silly constructions break up like lego and tumbles violently into space and into the earth again, it must be a good game!" so i downloaded the demo and had both tears and laughter. But i wanted more, watching all those videos and reading all those stories about 0.16 and all it's splendor and features and the upcoming 0.17 version made me buy the game. Im addicted like crazy now. Hooked to the game in such a bad way that it has dominated my mind for the last weeks or so. As i work in 7-day workshifts far away from home with a 7-day free time in between the shifts you can guess how many mad plans i have drawn up on my weeks away from home. Munar landings, Minmus transfer orbits and building a decent rocket which won't explode on the pad or break up in the upper atmosphere is all challenges that almost reach out and grabs Orbiter by the tail, and does a great job of making it both fun and interesting in the same move. Squad, you have made the ultimate game for me. It's fun, it's difficult and spaceflight and orbits now require calculations, timed burns and a lot of nailbiting and prayer to not make you crash or making you that famous pile of broken up lego in orbit. You, with this masterpiece strayed away from the gray flock of games and simulations that have degenerated spaceflight into simple point-and-hold-button type of games where everything happens by the whims of the AI, you boldly ventured where no man has gone before (pun intended) and made me the game of my dreams. Noone will ever see a product like this come from one of the bigger "houses" as it has too few aliens, too little laserbeams and you actually have to use your brain and some math to make that flight. You rule! Thank you! Accomplishments! Here's two pictures of my most recent accomplishments. It took me two weeks to accomplish them and countless of designs. I will post a pic of my Minmus rocket later on. I have not used any mods or Mechjeb at all during my program as i like to keep it stock. In a streak of egocentricity i named all my earlier crafts to something beginning with "Rat" and ending with something taken from the Soviet array of crafts, Soyuz, Zond, Vostok and those. Hence, the lunar orbiter i made before the landing attempt was dubbed "Ratzond", and was basically this craft except the landing legs and with a bigger engine. The rocket for this lander is therefore named "Ratyuz" and the lander is the one thing that broke the naming conventions and traditions and, somewhat disturbingly, performed best of all crafts. I will present a full list of my space program so far in a separate post below, if that's appropriate . Lander: the "Munik", a homage to the Mun and Sputnik who celebrates 55 years this very year! It's a rather simple design in my eyes but it took me down safely to Minmus in my first and only attempt so far and the Mun in 2 out of 5 attempts! I know that lander isn't perfect, especially not with those wings attached to the top which creates a lot of drag and instability, they are there mostly for show as landers without them tend to look rather silly and.... phallic? . As for the RCS-thrusters i completely forgot to load fuel for them, so they are mounted just for show too. Kerbonaut: In both cases it was Jebediah Kerman who single-handedly made the liftoff, maneuvering, landing and return mission with success. He only paniked a few times, especially during Minar and Minmus retroburns... Munar landing: http://imgur.com/a/4nSdZ#0 Minmus landing: http://imgur.com/a/4nSdZ#1 Seems to be a problem with linking pictures directly, so i give you two URL's instead.
  24. Granted, but the mun begins orbiting around Kerbol instead, and crash-lands on kerbin, destroying everything in its path. I wish I could talk to trees
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