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  1. Welcome to the forum! Yes, that was a good interview, I had a couple of questions for Martin Schweiger aswell, but mainly to do with Orbiter. HarvesteR was there aswell, so it was a good chance to talk to him. But yes, welcome aboard, and let\'s see your crazy rockets! ;D
  2. Easiest way is to specify distance from local star, body mass, body radius, angle and initial velocity. The best way is much more involved, for H. if he wants to make it easy for everyone else, for everyone else if H. is lazy. It\'s outside the scope and intention of the game, IMO and let\'s have no more talk of it.
  3. Put it on the Mun and then we\'ll talk.
  4. Talk about over-engineering Congrats on a successful mission, and on flying that thing through lower atmo.. I\'ve landed a lot of times but using mod parts, so I decided to try it with stock. Did it yesterday after a few attempts. First landing was successful, but when I disengaged SAS the lander toppled over (was parked on a tilted surface). Second landing came in at just a bit too high a vertical velocity, decoupling the engine from the tank. Funny thing is, I had a full tank of RCS beneath the capsule, then a decoupler, then the tank and engine that got knocked off. So I decoupled the capsule + RCS and actually managed to get back home. It was a close shave - almost didn\'t have enough. Spent almost the last of the RCS fuel setting the periapsis inside Kerbin atmo for some aerobreaking. If I had a few seconds of RCS less the capsule would have never come home. Even managed to hit water on the way back by timing my chute deployment. The landing after that went great. I landed on a flat surface, the lander was secure with SAS off. Had almost a full liquid tank left and full RCS. Therefore more than enough to get home. Then I decided to go for an 'immersive experience' and switched on time warp so they actually spend 2 days on the Mun. It used to only be possible to get 2x time warp when on the Mun surface but now I was able to get it to maximum. Everything was ok, 2 days went by, my craft stood stable. Then I switched back to 1x time warp and my ship immediately exploded. Well, everything beneath the capsule did, anyway. I only used stock parts. So, basically, I only managed to get my astronauts back safely once after landing on the Mun (using just stock parts, and only RCS to return), the other missions went wrong due to silly reasons.. But there was enough fuel to get them back on each occasion. At least I got a lot better at landings, I\'m having much less problems killing horizontal velocity now which results in a much higher number of safe landings. Anyway, I\'ll see what pics I grabbed when I get back home.
  5. Weapons:SMG, Shotgun, combat knife, two zed flares Armor: sensor helmet Inventory: C4, beacon, radio, a flare gun with 3 shots, and a heavy piece of metal. Currency: 150 credits Time:1910, Zed date 7-03-0 Place: Fort Harris Health: Normal Cpl. Staten: Fully-armed, Normal health Harris: Fully-armed, Normal health James: Fully-armed, Normal health Tagger: Fully-armed, Normal health, Plenty of Medical supplies ??????????? Y ??????????? The convoy stops, and the lead vehicles set up camp as the others park strategically, with transports in the middle and tanks on the outside. The lead truck extends a tower and serves as a lookout post. You go to set up up your team\'s tent. 0034 hours, Zed date 7-04-0 You try to sleep, but something is keeping you up. You decide to go take a walk. You reach the tower, and decide to talk with the lookout there. 'How\'s the horizon?' 'Good, but I thought I saw something about 3 miles North of our position. I don\'t think it was anything though. I just got to keep a wary eye, so nothing sneaks-' With that last word, a shadow leaped out of nowhere and attacks the lookout. You then hear screeching and moaning in the distance. The only way you can alert the base in time is to press the button on the top of the tower, but that shadowy figure is still up there, and you only have your knife with you. What should you do? A) Climb up and confront the figure. Go Paul Revere on the base. C) Screw it, you can take on that horde. D) Run like hell!
  6. ah gosh that make me laugh a bit. yeah i have a tad bit of a temper. i have no problem with harv updating the game. he is a good developer and very friendly as far as helping. But i do get frustrated and vent on the forums. I am not blaming harv for anything I am merely made that i cannot find the reasoning behind this problem. he has been nice enough to fix the struts for the failcan9 so it is no longer a waste of time. not quite sure what ever would make you want to remove me from the forums. I never attacked or trolled anyone. in any case I wouldn\'t care either way. I would still develope my mod just never post about it here and no one would ever have it. no big deal really. you talk about me being a kid? you deleted my work because I swas frustrated? how odd.
  7. We like indie games, right? This one is looking pretty cool, I do love me a good wiring puzzle. http://www.pentadact.com/2011-11-28-gunpoint-trailer-let-me-talk-you-through-some-ridiculous-solutions/ Interesting that he is finishing the game before releasing - seems like open testing/pre-orders is all the rage these days. (mostly I am putting this here so I remember to go back and check on it from time to time.. )
  8. Saaur

    Age Poll

    Religion is like a penis. It\'s fine to have one and enjoy it by yourself or with people you trust, but don\'t talk about it in public, don\'t flaunt it, and whatever you do, don\'t go sticking it down strangers\' throats!
  9. RNSP

    Age Poll

    c\'mon 13-16 and btw im 14 and i also care about astronomy and physics...i love space, infact i am writing a paper on it in which i talk about things to do with the universe... Brian Cox is a good person to watch to learn alot about the universe...
  10. Make your own ship that can go faster than 50 m/s, then we\'ll talk >
  11. Try to make an perfectly round orbit. The maximum difference between Periapsis and Apoapsis is 100m. When you do it (if you do it, I have been trying this for a long time but a never succeeded), then you but the 'monkorbit' in to a 'Mun here we come' orbit. As I seed before, I have been trying this for a long period of time, but no success. :\'( I am sure out there is somebody more successful then me. We will talk about the prizes later! (some ideas please!)
  12. If you are watching it live right now, here you can talk about the Mars Science Laboratory.
  13. Firstly I wasn\'t trying to be rude, once again I fall into the trap of talking to you like I talk to my clients. However, I still think the Munar module is overpowered. With 10% more fuel I could use it as an SSTO. This trivialises the doing a mun return. Yes you\'re not forcing me to use it, so I\'ll just stick to using the Soyuz rocket itself to launch satallites from novas packs, which it does very well.
  14. I\'m 15 and I refuse to talk like that unless its a title. Then its ok
  15. Mini


    Hello! I\'m Mini and after watching a few Let\'s Plays of this game on You Tube i thought i would give it a go and oh what fun it is! I am only using the stock game at the moment and have completed many full orbits and succesful ocean landings. I was wondering if there is much of a community as far as Teamspeak goes where people can sit and talk whilst playing the game so they can share stories, knowledge and tips on the game? See you amongst the stars! Mini
  16. Luigibro606, if you make the mesh, we should be able to talk you through texturing it.
  17. Watch the Burt Rutan Ted Talk http://www.ted.com/talks/burt_rutan_sees_the_future_of_space.html He says that governments eventually will need to get out of space flight altogether and business will take over, but business is unwilling to take the risk of an orbital reentry until a new tech is developed to make it safer
  18. I can\'t talk , type or anything. So I can\'t be it.
  19. tsoramaki


    Why don\'t Dinosaurs talk? ... ... ... Because they are all dead.
  20. EDIT: Forgot to mention, this was for Inglonias + others having trouble getting a working Silisko design. Try my Munar III, attached. 1. Launch the boosters. 2. Jettison the bottom boosters. 3. Activate the next stage of boosters. 4. Jettison the ones on the side which have a longer burn time. 5. Jettison the remaining boosters. 6. Use the heavier engines to get you up and begin to create an orbit. 7. Use the next lighter stage to create a highly elliptical rendezvous orbit and meet up with the Mun, slow yourself right down horizontally so you\'re falling straight to the Mun, use any spare fuel to brake, then jettison and use the lander\'s little engine to come to a stop on the surface. (Sounds difficult, after 1 or 2 tries you\'ll be able to do it with a 99% success rate, believe me.) 8. Roll around or sutin. Talk to the Muntians. Whatever. Use some RCS, but not ALL of it... 9. Get yourself back in a circular orbit, then do the same as in 7, create a bit of an elliptical orbit out from the Mun. Chances are when Kerbin picks you up you\'ll be in a massive circular orbit again. (Remember, you are moving at the speed the Mun is!) Use remaining fuel and RCS to drop the speed. When I was out there I was only at a few hundred m/s, in a slightly wonky and elliptical orbit. It takes little to no fuel to drop your orbital speed low enough to hit Kerbin. 10. Remember to get rid of the lander stage here at some point! 11. And activate parachute! 12. Landed. Munar IV will support parachute landing of the pod back on Kerbin.
  21. Finally after uncounted attempts and dead Jeb clones, I can report a complete success. Really liking these vectored thrust engines, used them in my first stage and wow, talk about an easy trip to orbit! Also used one on the lander but mainly so the winglets would hit the ground first. The two key pieces for me were saving lander fuel by using the cruise stage for primary descent, jettisoning it at about 5km up. That along with choosing a landing spot so that straight up launched till Munar escape velocity gave me a retrograde Munar orbit that was easily turned into an atmosphere braking maneuver on the trip back. Oh and yeah all stock parts - who said I wouldn\'t need wings on the Mun!!!
  22. download link broken.. talk about unreliable rocket parts!
  23. Inventory: Sniper rifle, 25 nails, needle, axe, helmet, wood Time: Afternoon Place: A lake Health: Limp, and need some time to set up two-handed things You begin chopping down the wood with your axe, and get several pieces. After several hours, you pass out from working with no nutrition. You wake up, and see: a) A person, talk to them A zombie, showdown time! c) A fishing pole, time to fish! d) A vehicle, see if it works
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