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  1. Moved My Big Fuel Dump out to Tylo from layth orbit, 200+ Tons shifted on a single nuc engine, took a truly indecent ammount of fuel to do it, dropped 40+ Tons of fuel for such a simple low delta maneuver
  2. Yesterday I worked on a couple of crafts for my 100 kerbal to Duna mission. The interplanetary stage has to have enough thrust and delta-V for nearly 200 tons of landers. I think I finally managed it, with a 140 ton core, that has nearly 10,000 vacuum delta-V without the cargo and enough thrust to actually be able to lift off from kerbin. It's powered by 9 NERVAs. Each 25 kerbal lander weighs 45 tons, I am also including a few single kerbal landers, though I am having difficulty finding a way to put both a docking port and a parachute on it. Next, I've got to build, test, rebuild, retest, rebuild, an ascent stage to get the lander to orbit. A rather large assumption that I am making with my big landers is that the atmosphere and a few Mk-16 XL parachutes will eat a significant portion of the velocity on the way down and allow me to save fuel for a hypothetical return. Does anybody have some specific numbers for how much delta-V you need when landing on Duna? Come to think of it, this will be the first time I will have landed on a body with atmosphere...
  3. Do you know the big orange tank on the space shuttle?! This is ALL the fuel the Space Shuttle used during ascent and nothing else. And now imagine that most of the tank was for the LH2 while only in the tip was the LOX tank. The LOX tank has a volume of 553 m³ and stored 629 t while the LH2 tank had a volume of 1 497 m³ but stored only 106 t. Now the TWR has nothing to do with this mod. The LV-T45 has more than 3 times the thrust of the LV-N (in stock configuration) what your measurements also indicate: 200 kN/60 kN · 1.11 = 3.7 Another important value is also the drymass as the rocket equation uses the quotient of full and dry mass. And the LV-N already make half the mass (41%) of the craft while the LV-T45 only makes 27% of the craft's mass. Now I personally don't know what the issue here is? It's simple math(s). When you increase the density of LH2 your normal rocket engine configurations get smaller too so this won't balance your outcome. Increase the Isp of the LV-N? The Isp is already huge. Reduce the mass of the LV-N? This actually might help with your problem, but you have to keep balance. The same goes for you: What could be wrong with this mod? This mod defines the density of LH2, the specific impulse of the LV-N and the thrust of the LV-N. KSP itself then calculates the mass used to generate the given thrust with the given specific impulse and then calculates the volume with the calculated mass and the given density. Fabian
  4. Well, it's a solid mass of wings that feeds around 200 intakes into four turbojets. While the achievement is legitimate, I seriously dislike intake stacking. :\
  5. Look at the wiki article of the SIVB stage on the Saturn IB :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_IB It state that it used the 200 variant of the SIVB wich means it had enough Delta-V to get a CSM in LEO, the 500 version was only used on the Saturn V. More info here:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-IVB_(rocket_stage)
  6. Really? Nothing. You build, you start, you explode.... You try again. That is all. Trial and Error will get you into space within a day, I'd say. And you learn as you go. As for maths... all you need to know is that "200 KN" is more than "50 KN". And that's it. Really. You COULD use mods that tell you what the TWR is... but you can just patch something together and try it. Doesn't work? Use more struts and/or boosters. Or a different engine. I LOVE this game!
  7. This is because high-frequency components (which produce sharp edges) are what is filtered out because your eye can't see changes in high frequency regions. Another way of thinking about this is this: say your original image has 3 adjacent regions with intensity values 11, 12, and 200. (near black, slightly lighter black, and near white). Now imagine that the jpeg compression alters the values to the following: 9, 12, 198. The first and third regions have changed by -2 each. Your eye will immediately see the difference in the first region, but won't see any change in the 3rd even though they changed by the same amount. The sharp transition sort of saturates your eye's ability to detect intensity variations.
  8. Cost is less of an issue for reusable craft. But since most rockets are considered expendable, it would be hugely wasteful to put jet engines on them. Another major factor is that jet engines in KSP are simply overpowered. Rocket engines in KSP have scaled-down thrust:weight ratios compared to real rockets (KSP range is generally between 10:1 and 25:1, real-life range is generally between 30:1 and 150:1) to make up for the smaller planet and lower orbital speeds. Jet engines in KSP though have higher thrust:weight ratios than real jet engines (KSP jets are about 10:1 and 12:1, while real engines are between 3:1 and 8:1). So in real life, jet engines have about 1/10th the thrust:weight ratio of rocket engines. In KSP they're about 1/2 instead. Total thrust on real jet engines is also just too low compared to rockets. You would need over 30 Concorde jet engines to match the thrust of the Falcon 9 first stage, or over 200 to match the thrust of the Saturn V first stage.
  9. FAR and mechjeb work just fine together, but it takes far more fine tuning and experimentation to produce a craft that flies well. It is possible to manually fly some crafts that mechjeb can't handle, but more likely it's less frustrating to just fix the balance/performance of the craft first. If your craft is balanced, but you still fight instability mid flight, check to make sure that you are strutted sufficiently to remove ALL flex. It only takes a small amount of flex to upset an engines thrust vector and send your craft out of control. first, expirement.... remove the gravity turn all together. 1) Does your craft stay straight up at 10/km? 15km?, 20km?, 25? if so, move your gravity turn to a higher elevation and try again. 2) If your craft becomes unstable even in a straight up ascent with no turn, adjust your speed accordingly. Perhaps you're going too fast for that elevation and need to back off a touch. My original shuttle+launcher design was flawless as long as you didn't exceed 200 m/s below 10,000 feet. 3) If 1 or 2 get you close, perhaps activate RCS in the atmosphere to add that little additional bit of command authority. 4) Now add a gravity turn, but experiment with the altitude it initiates. Perhaps 10,000 is too low for your craft and you need to wait until it's higher up in the atmosphere and/or going faster. My current shuttle+launcher can not handle a gravity turn under 20km. For me this works out well because its just above this point that the solid boosters typically run dry. 5) All else fails, redesign the craft until you get something more stable to start with.
  10. 1. Postanowienia ogólne 1.1 Zakres zasad Niniejszy regulamin obejmuje wszystkie usługi świadczone przez SQUAD i służące społeczności KSP wliczając to Forum, SpacePort, oficjalny kanał IRC oraz BugTracker. 1.2 Zasady dodatkowe Usługi wymienione w paragrafie 1.1 mogą zawierać zasady uzupełniające ten regulamin na stronie usługi lub za pośrednictwem innego kanału publikowania treści. 1.3 Cele regulaminu Usługi pełnione przez Squad są przeznaczone dla wszystkich członków społeczności KSP, bez względu na pochodzenie czy wiek. Niniejsze zasady są fundamentem umożliwiającym wszytkom użytkownikom na korzystanie z usług w atmosferze wzajemnego szacunku. 2. Wiadomości 2.1 Definicja wiadomości Wiadomością jest dowolny dostępny sposób komunikacji z innym użytkownikiem. Wiadomościami są między innymi Posty na forum, wiadomości prywatne (PM), wiadomości na czacie IRC, Awatary, sygnaturki, nazwy użytkownika i informacje zamieszczone w profilu użytkownika. 2.2 Zakazana zwartość Wiadomości które zawierają lub odnoszą się do wymienionych treści są absolutnie zakazane: a. Piractwo komputerowe i dyskusja na temat piractwa. b. Dyskusja na tematy polityczne i religijne. c. Materiały dla dorosłych zawierające nagość, obrazy zawierające podtekst lub kontekst seksualny, brutalność i narkotyki. d. Nękanie/napastowanie innych użytkowników lub personelu, jak zniewaga, zastraszanie, stalking, prześladowanie ze względu na rasę lub płeć, podszywanie się oraz publikacja prywatnych wiadomości. e. Ordynarne/wulgarne zachowanie i język. f. Szerzenie teorii spiskowych. g. Odnośniki do stron o charakterze komercyjnym (np. reklamowanie czegoś) 2.3 Inne zakazane wiadomości a. Wiadomości pozbawione jakiekolwiek istotnej zawartości, np. zamieszczanie obrazków (w szczególności "rage komiksy"), tekstów w stylu "+1" lub slangu. b. Wiadomości kompletnie zmieniające temat dyskusji oraz ogólnie pojęty Trolling. 2.4 Język, pisownia i gramatyka Wszystkie wiadomości muszą być formułowane w języku angielskim chyba ,że zasady mówią inaczej inaczej (np. sekcje językowe są jednym z wyjątków). Użytkownik powinien włożyć wszelkie starania aby stosować poprawną gramatykę i słownictwo, to znaczy że słownictwo SMS, 1337 (leet) i używanie slangu jest zabronione. 3. Relacje Użytkownik-Personel 3.1 Definicja personelu i członka personelu Członkiem personelu jest osoba wyznaczona/działająca w imieniu Squad do zarządzania jednej lub wielu usług wymienionych w paragrafie 1.1. Na Personel składają się wszyscy członkowie kadry. 3.2 Backseat moderation (samodzielna moderacja) Za Backseat moderation uważa się samosąd, samowolne pisanie wiadomości zarezerwowanych dla moderatorów i reszty kadry. Jeśli uważasz że pewna wiadomość wymaga uwagi personelu, proszę użyć przycisku "report post" (na dole każdego postu) lub powiadom członka personelu 3.3 Podszywanie się pod członków personelu Podszywanie się pod członków personelu, np. rejestracja pod nickiem łudząco przypominającym nick członku personelu jest zabronione. 3.4 Otwarta dyskusja o decyzjach kadry i brak szacunku. Nie zezwalamy na otwartą dyskusję decyzji podjętych przez personel. Jeśli się nie zgadzasz z członkiem personelu, skontaktuj się z nim/nią i podejmij kulturalną dyskusję. Jeśli odpowiedź Cię nie satysfakcjonuje możesz się odwołać do starszego członka personelu. 4. Postanowienia różne 4.1 Ograniczenia sygnaturek Wszystkie sygnaturki na forum muszą spełniać następujące kryteria: nie mogą być wyższe niż 80 pikseli, (włączając w to tekst i obrazy) nie szersze niż 750 pikseli i nie zajmować więcej niż 200 KB. 4.2 Licencjonowanie dodatków Wszystkie dodatki, wtyczki oraz inne dzieła (jak kod,tekstury i modele) zamieszczone w usługach opisywanych w paragrafie 1.1 muszą mieć załączony kod źródłowy (jeśli dostępny) i licencję w poście jak i załączonym pliku. Wszelkie zasoby wykorzystywane przez rozszerzenia, wtyczki, oraz inne prace muszą być dziełem autorskim i autor musi posiadać prawa do wykorzystywania dzieła. 4.3 Unikanie kary Członkowie, którzy z rozmysłem próbują ominąć nałożoną karę, jak zakaz dostępu (BAN) lub zakaz pisania postów zostaną permanentnie pozbawieni dostępu do wszystkich usług jakie SQUAD świadczy społeczności Kerbal Space Program. Zalecane do przeczytania tematy. Po za regulaminem warto się zapoznać z poradnikiem dobrego postępowania, oficjalną czarną listą sugestii, listą znanych problemów, listą planowanych funkcji oraz zawartością przyklejonych tematów (tematy na górze listy z symbolem żółtej karteczki) zanim napiszesz na danym forum. Złamanie jakiejkolwiek z powyższych reguł lub sugestii może się wiązać z konsekwencjami przeciwko Tobie, skutkiem mogą być ostrzeżenia (infraction) lub banicja (BAN) z konkretnych usług jak opisano w pargrafie 1.1, kara jest uwarunkowana po-ważnością wykroczenia i twoją historią wykroczeń. Squad i Personel serwisu zastrzega sobie prawo do zmiany powyższych zasad i dodawania nowych w dowolnym momencie, bez konieczności wcześniejszego informowania. Squad i Personel także zastrzega sobie prawo do działania i wymierzania kar w każdej sytuacji uznanej za niepożądaną - nawet jeśli nie złamią żadnej z powyższych zasad. Jest to Tłumaczenie regulaminu z dnia 21 czerwca 2013 roku, wszelkie możliwe rozbieżności od oryginału (zmiana oryginalnego regulaminu, rozbieżność tłumaczenia) będą rozpatrywane na korzyść oryginalnego tekstu.
  11. Actually there is, but I think as adults we can handle this or leave the "room" in disgust if we so choose. If the "spring constant" (is that the correct term by the way?) is bound to the joining-force (just made that word up) in the Unity engine, then the wobble could only be suppressed if the crafts get magically more stable. But I dont know about these things, I am just guessing and letting my mind wander here. To give the proposal a fair amount of thought: What happens if a second ship enters physics range? is it fully calculated or ever only the active ship? Is the lag that bad if the parts of the second ship start getting computed? Will have to make a rendesvouz today to see for myself. But: Making Fairings into subspace fields suspending all but the sum of the mass of the parts contained therein - no. No for the reasons already called out here. Structural integrity would be 200% always and no approximated inertia would produce results that could be compared to the damage a craft/payload would take right now. If a powerful engine had only to deal with the combined mass of the payload-parts the mass would still be really high and the connection between lifter and fairinged payload would most likely break - stopping this from happening would kill the prospect of having to design a sound rocket in this game and we could just expand the MS Space Flight Simulator instead. What I could imagine, would be a difficulty setting suspending physics altogether - why not go all the way if big contraptions is the only goal for a player? I for one do want to feel the pain and the relief if something weird is finally in orbit.
  12. Yes, the are designed as hunter gatherers, with a few hot fixes like better disease protection and some features like the ability to drink milk as adults added the last 10.000 years. It causes some issues like overweight, however trying to change humans emotions would be extremely dangerous compared to other ideas as ground launched orion pulse detonation rockets and aerobraking asteroids. Within 50-200 years we will probably be able to modify human dna pretty safe. However would the ones who create the modifications do changes you would like? Less violent yes, combine with more docile who don't restrict authority and you have an combination many countries would like.
  13. Wow, my laptop feels old now. 2.0 dual core, around 200 parts it starts to have issues, and really chokes around 3-4 hundred parts. I also notice a huge slowdown when I use kas, droman, and kethane together, which are my 3 fav mods... Its all good. Just ran the first half of my half-hour transfer to duna to test out the new heat shields and rover rig. I'll get a new laptop at some point!
  14. I was not speaking about the number of cores as I know KSP won't use them, but an i7, even ULV, is still a decent CPU, and there is someone reporting 40 FPS in this thread with ULV-i7 and HD4000 chipset, which I have. Another poster has reported being able to play with an i3, with KSP starting to choke only with ships of more than 200 parts. Yet, I get lower performance than the person with an i3, and 20 times lower FPS with the same CPU as in the first report (or even a better one, as the i7 in the Helix is a recent version), and I doubt RAM and SSD are the caveat so there must be a setting I might change somewhere. I'm running 1368x720 with lowest settings.
  15. Yeah, the 'problem' I guess is the NK-33 was the culmination, the pinnacle, the 'end-game' if you will, engine of the Russian space program at the time, so it just looks great when compared to the level of stuff in KSP right now Who knows what research might allow you to do eventually though, so you might need to wind it back with the proviso that this is what it could be at the end of the research tree, but right now maybe it's just a bit much? It was designed as an early stage, high power, thick atmosphere booster, and boy is it good at that. Not sure if you'd want 330 ISP once you were in space though, bit of a fuel hog. [Edit] To put that in perspective, the Merlin-1d (the only 'modern' engine on the TWR table) has a TWR of 160, and would convert (with the KSP conversion ratios 0.64size/4.666thrust/1.4weight) to something like 0.3 weight with 130 thrust at 275/305 ISP. [Edit2] The Constellation-C5 out of the AIES pack already has a 200 thrust for 0.5 weight engine so I'm not seeing too much of the stretch to 320kN for 0.9t considering the ISP. It would let you 5x cluster for 4.5t to 1600kN, which is definitely better but isn't too far off what a Mainsail is.
  16. The Munshine V: Apollo-style Mun/Minmus mission craft with two-man lander and rover, under 200 parts. "Lite" edition loses the rover and some other bits, bringing the craft to under 160 parts. Full brochure including flight manual here. Munshine V Munshine V "Lite" Both craft in a Zip
  17. Your 2nd stage has too much delta V likely it is a 200 stage weight with a 500 stage fuel amount. edit: it has almost 6000 units of fuel to much
  18. This is my favorite part. Reminds me of my first Dres mission. The two who weren't Jeb were really screaming when they worked out I'd take 200 days or so to get there. They were in a 1_2 capsule.
  19. When Kerbal Space Program was launching a sattelite, someone fell asleep and they did not get the solar panels deployed in time. If the sattelite is not fully functional or returned (all solar panels and science equipment activated/deployed) within 30 minutes, the sattelite will go critical. So, KSP need you to rendevous to the sattelite and choose one of two things to do to save the sattelite: 1. Go on EVA and deploy the solar panels and activate the science equimpent 2. Capture the sattelite and land it within 200 km of KSC (place a flag by the launch pad to mark KSC) RULES: 1. You must complete it within 30 minutes. 2. You can use mods that just add balanced parts (ie. AIES, KW, NovaPunch, etc.) 3. If you do the 1st option, you have to use EVA to deploy the panels 4. Screenies or it didn't happen (I suggest taking one of launch, docking, repair/rentry, and deployment*) *You don't have to do this screenshot in option 2 5. It must be manned Point Scoring: 1. Time -The shorter the time it takes, the more points you get. For every 1 minute saved (you may round) you gain 10 points 2. Option 2 -Option 2 will give you a bonus of 50 points for compeleting 3. Direct ascent Rendevous -If you rendevous before completing one orbit, you get 25 points. 4. Less then 10 minutes to complete mission -This will earn you 20 points 5. Purist -Use of only stock points awards you 15 points 6. I didn't die! -Earned for not killing any kerbal, you get 5 points 7. Accurate landing -Landing on the runway (not the dirt one) or at KSC will earn you 30 points 8. SSTO -Use an SSTO to accomplish your mission. +10 PERSISTENCE FILE: http://www.filedropper.com/persistent_1 Leaderboard: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Oh, and to the mods, I'm pretty sure this is possible.
  20. I know it's horribly unscientific, but a good rule of thumb I use for terminal velocities is 110 m/s, plus 10 m/s for every 1000 m of altitude. This works well enough for me at least during the early ascent. By the time you begin your gravity turn, you should be at about 200 m/s.
  21. Awww, thanks! Don't be fooled though, it really wasn't easy. The rover by itself is almost 200 parts.
  22. Using it without problems at the moment. It will work out of the pack but i strongly recommend you to install my config files for better mod support (link in my sig) until 1.4 gets released. I can't say anything about the nuclears since im not realy using them (didn't use them in stock too). Ions should work fine, they didn't get touched. Compatibility with mods like MissionController or Extraplanetary Launchpads (skykooler isn't responding to me, so i don't know if he will add compatibility or not) is out of our hands. You should aks in the corresponding threads about that. Edit: SABRES should work even better like they did without MFS. 3600 maxTemp and 450 heatProduction for jet and 550 for rocket vs. 1800 maxTemp and 200 heatProduction for jet and 225 for rocket. The precoolers don't have a function yet. With 1.4 when the heatexchanger get implemented i will add that functionality to them.
  23. Having always been a fan of the U-2, I decided to fool around and come up with something similar. The end result flew so well, that I figured I'd share it with the community. The K-2D "Kraken lady" is a two-seat, single engine, long-range reconnaissance aircraft. In test flights, it was capable of taking off, climbing to a cruise altitude of 25,000 meters, (82,000 feet MSL) circumnavigating the globe and landing back on the KSC runway, using less than half of its fuel capacity. Test flights brought it to altitudes in excess of 30,000 meters, and surface speeds in excess of 1300 meters per second. Stats are as follows: Loaded Weight: 15.1 Tons Maximum Tested Altitude: 32,000 Meters Recommended Cruise Altitude: 25,000 Meters Cruise Speed: 1,200 Meters per Second (surface) Time to Cruise Alt: Approx. 8 minutes Range: Global Takeoff Speed (Loaded): 20 Meters per Second Stall Speed (Loaded): 10 Meters per Second TWR: 1.52 Mods Needed: Procedural Wings, Mechjeb, B9 Aerospace Due to the high lift of its wing, the K-2D requires very little power during takeoff and no power at all on final approach. Takeoff is level, with the aircraft lifting off of the runway at 20m/s. Low power is recommended during takeoff, as high power settings can cause a severe nose-up tendency unless corrected with trim. A long, slow and shallow final approach is recommended when landing. Due to the high lift of the wing, the plane tends to "bounce" following a steep approach. It also has a tendency to float down the runway, though its low landing speed means that once on the ground, the brakes will quickly bring it to a stop. Speed going into the flare should be about 13 m/s. Level the plane off and hold the wheels just a few inches above the pavement. The plane will eventually settle as the speed bleeds off. Due to the wide wingspan, the wings should be kept as level as possible on final to prevent a wing strike. Any corrections should be made with the rudder. At high altitudes, trim or Mechjeb Spaceplane Guidance should be used to keep the plane under control. At low altitudes however, the aircraft is responsive and nimble, whilst remaining stable and easy to fly. NOTE: This plane can experience prolonged shock heating under certain conditions: particularly during descent from cruise altitude and during high speed cruise in the 18-20KM range. Users of mods that simulate re-entry heat may need to take this into account. This aircraft has not been tested with FAR. If anyone decides to try it out with Ferram, I would appreciate any feedback or results you can provide. DOWNLOAD: K-2D "Kraken Lady"
  24. ClOSE ENOUGH!! Made it to da moon again...Sorta I forgot how to aerobrake (da ship for anyone who wants it) Eagles Wing 1.4.3 Step One. Do NOT ENABLE THROTTLE Press Space to enable Solid Boosters Step Two. Once Smaller Boosters are 2/3 Burnt Enable Throttle 100% (you should be at about 125-175 m/s) Step Three. Drop Solid Boosters as they Run out. (you should be at about 175-250 m/s) Step Four. Now you should only have Fluid Fuel Rocket. This first one should get you to 12-20k(TURN SLOWLY OR YOU WILL BREAK IN HALF Working on a fix.) Step Five. Drop Fluid Burner as soon as it runs out and Hit space a second time to enable second fluid Burner. This should get you to roughly 80-100K if you angle correctly. Step Six. once Step 5 Fluid burner runs out drop it and enable 3rd Fluid boosters. If you do everything correctly you should still have about 10-25% tank left in these by the time you are able to maneuver your trajectory o da moon, and you still have one final set of rockets you can use to land.( this part about Fuel is a Maybe) so i made it to da Mun....sorta [img=http://imageshack.us/a/img855/5062/dme1.png] Hey there(newby here) I've been spending a good part of the past 3 days building ships, Have managed to crash into some planet when i forgot about my ship but other than that no luck landing on anything. I've been working on this ship for the past few hours and can't seem to get enough speed out of it and i can't figure out what i can remove or add for more boost(i get about 2.5k m/S before i run outa full and fall back to Kerbal) Right now i can't seem to get this ship up any suggestions are greatly appreciated here is the craft [url=http://www./download/e17vwdww2pteoma/Eagles_Wing_V1_0.craft] Eagles Wing 1.0 [/url] and here are some Screenshots. [img=http://imageshack.us/a/img19/5875/d2.png] [img=http://imageshack.us/a/img20/9710/h8a9.png] [img=http://imageshack.us/a/img15/1765/hggp.png] [img=http://imageshack.us/a/img593/4475/hp0c.png] Launch procedure Set thrust to 45-60% (any more and it will rip off the solid fuel boosters) After first rockets run out hit Space once to drop Bottom Rockets and set throttle to 70-90%(you should be 200-300 M/s by now i believe) After larger rockets run out of full Hit space to drop them. (you should be 400-500 m/s i believe) (these speeds are estimates b/c i cant remember exact #'s) let the rockets drop for about 3 seconds so that they can't cause damage to the Ship. Hit space Twice after the Solid fuel boosters fall to enable Liquid Fuel booster and the 6x Solid fuel boosters. Hit space after solid fuel boosters run out of fuel to drop them. After this things are still experimental.
  25. Alright, now that Chozo is compiling a list, I'll reformat my submission here. My previous post (in character) can be found here. Company- Hellas Corps Company bio- For some time, several minor nations unable to afford their own space force have grown concerned about both Spiritwolf's near monopoly and Hanland's increasing belligerence. After the incident known as the battle of Vulture's drift, it became apparent that the conflict could only escalate. Thus, the Hellas Corps was founded by these nations to provide an independent source of affordable warships to protect the interests of minor nations across Kerbin. After the battle of Laythe and Hanland's use of kamikaze tactics, the founding members of the Hellas Corps have decided that Spiritwolf is the only organization capable of keeping Hanland in check. Hellas Corps has ordered the newly launched HCS Hyperion and HCS Ajax to rendezvous with the Spiritwolf fleet at Laythe. In order to meet Spiritwolf specifications, the flight computer on the Hyperion and Ajax were ripped out and replaced by .Allegiance- Spiritwolf ---------------------------------------- Ship- Titan class dreadnought, HCS Hyperion BBC-03 Introducing the Titan class dreadnought. The backbone of the Hellas Corps fleet, the Titan was designed to fill many roles. With it's advanced radar, jamming systems, advanced flight computer, and command facilities it makes an excellent flagship. It's 8 Hades class missiles allow it to deliver a devastating broadside to enemy capital ships while its 96 tonne fuel and 6 tonne RCS capacity allow it to refuel a modest sized fleet anywhere in the system. Part count- v0.20 - 379 (about 70 are struts); 0.21 - 313 armed, 270 unarmed Craft file- v0.20, v0.21 Operation manual- 1 Toggle solar panels/antennae 3-0 Fire missile (see albums for keybindings of each missile, v0.20, v0.21, the top ladder is extended to distinguish up and down.) Proof of travel- The Hyperion was launched and piloted to Laythe without the use of mods except for Kerbal Alarm Clock. In the interest of expediency, MechJeb was used on support ships to launch and rendezvous with Hyperion. Docking was done manually using MechJeb acting as ASAS. See my previous post for v0.20 proof of travel. v0.21 - Now in Laythe orbit. ---------------------------------------- Ship- Hoplite class cruiser, HCS Ajax CA-07 Hellas Corps' first production warship, the Hoplite class, was based on ground based telescope observations of Spiritwolf's Vanguard. Armed with 4 Hades class missiles and 2 remote drones, the Hoplite is capable of launching quickly and at a fraction of the cost of the Vanguard. Part count- 269 Craft file- v0.21 Operation manual- 1 Toggle solar panels 2 Toggle nuclear engines 3 Toggle conventional engines 4 Deploy antennae 9 Fire second salvo 0 Fire first salvo Remote drone located behind second salvo. Pictures of keybinding can be found here and here. Proof of travel- The Ajax was launched and piloted without modes except Kerbal Alarm Clock. MechJeb was used on the refueling ship for launch and rendezvous to save time. Docking was done manually with MechJeb acting as ASAS. In low Laythe orbit. ---------------------------------------- Ship- Othrys class carrier, HCS Atlas CVX-01 The first of the Othrys class fleet carriers, HCS Atlas CVX-01 was rushed into service after the events of the Laythe incident. The Atlas sports 2 Hades class and 8 Kaos class missiles. In addition, Spiritwolf's Grey squadron, consisting of 4 Mosquito MkIV and 2 Isprit MkVII(N), has been assigned to the Atlas. The Othrys class is also capable of pulling up to 200 tonnes into Laythe orbit with it's rear facing docking ports. Part count- 311 w/o fighter squadron, 583 with fighters Craft file- v0.21 Operation manual- 1 Toggle antennae 2 Drop tanks + engines from rear docking ports (launch only) 6 Fire Hades class missiles 7-0 Fire pairs of Kaos class missiles Hellas Corps recommends disabling crossfeeds from the drop tanks while launching. Proof of travel- The Atlas and Grey squadron were launched and piloted without mods except Kerbal Alarm Clock. MechJeb was used on the refueling ships for launch and rendezvous. Docking was done manually. In high Laythe orbit. ---------------------------------------- Ship- Othrys Beta class fleet carrier, HCS Theia CVX-03 Learning from their experience with the Atlas, the Hellas Corps engineers have redesigned the Othrys class. The Theia boasts 4 more fighter bays and a greater towing capacity than the Atlas. She was designed to support 4 Isprit and 6 Mosquito fighters as well as 2 Hetairoi class frigates and 2 Telesphorus class rescue ships. Part count- 249 Craft file- v0.21 Operations manual- 1 Toggle antennae 2 Drop final stage engines (launch only) Hellas Corps recommends disabling crossfeeds from the drop tanks while launching. Ship- Hetairoi class frigate, HCS Aeropus FF-07 and HCS Alcetas FF-08 Designed to act as an escort for the Othrys class and it's variants, the Hetairoi class frigate carries 8 Hades class missiles but has a limited range (delta v of 1200m/s). Thus the Hetairoi is dependent on a carrier or tanker for operations beyond LKO. Part count- 123 Craft file- v0.21 Ship- Telesphorus class rescue vehicle With losses increasing on all sides, the need for a search and rescue ship is all too obvious. Thus the Telesphorus was designed to retrieve pilots from disabled ships and either transport them to a nearby ship or wait until a tug can return them to Kerbin. Part count-19 Craft file- v0.21 Operations manual- 1 Toggle solar panels 2 Drop final engine stage Total part count- Theia + 4 x Isprit MkVII (N)T (56 parts) + 6 x Mosquito MkIV (40 parts) + 2 x Telesphorus + 2 x Hetairoi = 997 Proof of travel- Theia, Ghost squadron, the frigates and rescue ships were all launched and piloted without mods except Kerbal Alarm Clock and TAC Fuel Balancer for refueling. MechJeb was used on the refueling ships for launch and rendezvous to save time. Docking was done manually. In a 300km orbit around Laythe. ---------------------------------------- Save file- v0.20 Hyperion in Laythe orbit. v0.21 Hyperion and Ajax in low Kerbin orbit. v0.21 #1 Hyperion and Ajax rendezvous in Laythe orbit. v0.21 #2 Ajax and Hyperion in low Laythe orbit, Atlas in high orbit. v0.21 #3 Hyperion, Ajax, and Theia in low Laythe orbit with Atlas in high orbit. All fighters docked. v0.21 #4 Same as #3 with Theia's fighters and escorts deployed.
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