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  1. The Challenge: 1: Launch a spacecraft 2: Do science when passing through Jool's atmosphere like you are aerobraking. 3: Get the science back to KSC You can do that any way. Points: Total science gathered in Jool atmosphere Multipliers: x1 transmitted science x2 transmitted science from space station x3 got science back to Kerbin x3 over 10 kerbals onboard These are just because why not? So, go and kill kerbals Have fun! ( and kill kerbals, just not for this challenge.)
  2. Since I have already done a Minmus circumnavigation (shameless plug http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/123486-minmus-circumnavigation/ ) and I was bored after I finished my space station I decided to do a Kerbin Water circumnavigation. The boat is 321 parts and has drills for refueling. The boat has a top speed of 34 M/s and can go at 4x speed warp without slowing down or breaking. The boat basically drives itself! The boat is called the Edmund Fitzgerald, I anticipate something horrible hence the name. A map will be at the bottom of the post. Craft File! craft file here TESTING AND PROTOTYPES The boat had three prototypes. The first prototype had a mining rover. It worked well getting out but while getting in the solar panels broke. second prototype had mining stuff inside farings and big engines. When it got in water it tipped over. Last prototype put the engines lower and added pontoons. After that I did a complete redesign of the boat using 7! wheelsy engines. Added 4 sets of pontoons for extra stability. I also added this really cool "flag" on the back. Now for pics! LEG ONE Well since this boat basically drives itself and I mostly had nothing to do except move fuel.. You see when the Edmund Fitzgerald is fully loaded with fuel the engines are halfway in the water. That landing engine effect thing happens and the lags me a lot so I move fuel to the front. I will partially refuel tomorrow. Pics as usual.. LEG TWO I made land today. I tested the land driving and mining and it worked. Its kind of hard to turn on land but its ok. I didn't have that much time today but ill do more soon. Pics now.! LEG THREE Kept on moving Northeast and cam to a little island to mine. The island had like 3 little lakes and drove though those. After that I left and kept on moving. LEG FOUR This leg was a long one. I also crossed the only land part Its kind of hard to drive on land. If I stopped on a hill and tried to go forward I wet backwards. Top speed is about 50 M/S on land and on hills about 30 M/s. I kept the fuel low because I thought it would help. But besides that the land bridge was pretty uneventful. When I left the land bridge I refueled. After that I move down towards the equator. Turns out the Edmund Fitzgerald does bad on low fuel. If I time ward on low fuel it bob up in down in the water and turns plus it sows down to like 2 M/s. I had to fiddle with the fuel to get it to work. So when that started to happen I made a beeline towards the nearest land. So I made it to a island and refueled. When I passed by a island I refueled again. Than I saw another island and refueled again. I kept on going down past the equator and then stopped. I'm also more that halfway done!!!. I also have tons of pics LEG FIVE Getting close now. This leg was pretty normal. I ran over a flag but I reloaded and fixed it. I refueled twice because the boat handles bad when I get low. I probably have two more stops before im done. I also probably be done by leg six or seven. So that's good LEG SIX I'm done with this challenge now! Once again this leg was pretty normal. After Jeb left Bill planted a flag at KSC and left a plaque. Jeb then posed with it and read plaque. Then I did a plane fly-by and a fireworks launch! pics! MAP OF ROUTE Red is stopping points and purple is mining spots.
  3. Greetings! The good folks at the KSC decided that the program needed to complete several contracts on the surface of Duna, including a base, a mining operation, and collecting scientific data. So, to make it more interesting, it will be a mobile base (dubbed "Kratos"), and a fairly large one at that. And, since I find the Elanco challenge to not only be an interesting but even fun challenge, we might as well travel the entire equator while we're at it! Considering that my first interplanetary base has yet to see a return of its crew (five years and counting on Eve!), the number of volunteers for this mission were slim. However, five kerbals stepped up for the challenge: Jeb, Bill, Bob, Zeldine (pilot), and Eribella (scientist). I will be committing around an hour or two each day towards this circumnavigation, and will make a post in this thread for each day as a journey log. Since I've already completed two days of travel before making this, the next post will start on day three. The truck is equipped with a large fuel cell and four RTGs, so I don't need to worry about my energy situation while driving, allowing me to drive day and night. ------------------------------------ DAY 1: Of course, the first day starts by landing the Kratos truck on the surface of Duna. I wasn't confident in my parachute arrangement being able to land the crew safely in the Midlands nor the Highlands, so I aim for one of the canyons near to the equator. The exact landing site, and the eventual end to the circumnavigation, is located at 4o14'31"N 200o55'15"E and marked with the first of many flags. Bob and Eribella get to work collecting science from the Lowlands, and later on Jeb drives the Kratos up to the edge of the canyon in order for the crew to gather scientific data of the Dunar Highlands. Turns out that this detour wasn't needed since the end of the canyon in the west marks the beginning of a large area of Highlands, but this information was unknown at the time. ------------- DAY 2: Day 2 of the journey starts at dusk and continues until nighttime finally falls on Duna. Before leaving the canyon, I found an ore concentration of ~6%, so Bill decides to fill the ore tanks not only to complete a KSC contract but also to ensure that Kratos will have plenty of fuel between now and the next time the crew run across ore-rich grounds. Finally, Kratos leaves the canyon and properly starts following the equator within a degree north or south of it. It is decided that the crew want to visit the Ares probe, a lander which was the very first interplanetary mission carried out by the KSC in this career save. This is located at 0o37'0"S 41o49'56"E. One thing learned so far is that this beast doesn't like sudden changes of slope. Best case scenario is that Kratos flies through the air like some sort of monster truck, and worse case is death and destruction. The terrain in the Highlands forces Jeb to an average velocity of 10m/s instead of the 20m/s on the first day, and sometimes 15m/s on flat pieces of land. Later in day 2's journey, the crew run into what appear to be mountain ranges, forcing the Kratos to traverse the terrain even slower and forcing me to liberally use the quicksave (and reload) feature. The first problem area was the peak where the whole crew get out to stretch their legs; Zeldine isn't confident in Jeb's piloting ability, though she also hasn't been on a mission with him before and thus doesn't know how much of a BadS he is. So far it seems that only Jeb and Bill have an unfailing sense of joy and happiness, whereas the rest of the crew are uneasy during the rougher parts of the day's journey. The second difficult spot was right after Zeldine decided to catch a glimpse of the Duna sunset. The Kratos truck doesn't have enough SAS to correct its angle while in the air, I learn. The day ends at the edge of yet another steep slope. However, the crew get a chance to gaze at the stars above the Duna mountains while they set up camp for the night and catch some sleep. Given the number of times I've had to reload from quicksaves, driving in the Highlands at night might not be such a smart idea, as I feel I could have made more progress if I was better able to see upcoming slope changes. Alas, the mission started at ~200oE and so far ended at ~143oE, so progress is being made!
  4. When you all go to create manned exploration you take a command pod attach docking port,rcs,decoupler and so on...But when you make a service module you use a poodle engine.But in real Gemini missions They did not use rocket engines they instead used RCS thrusters for maneuvering in orbit to rendezvous also in A Cake odyssey video only RCS thusters where used.Like that in one spacecraft try using no engines. I recommend Making the RCS design like the cake odyssey video but under that putting the shortest 2.5 meter LFO tank and putting as much vernor engines. Pictures:https://imgur.com/a/efum0
  5. Hi everyone, I have a challenge for you! The challenge is to build a space plane with at least 500 tons. The plane has to be only stock parts. You may have mods installed but they cannot affect the plane in any way, shape, or form. One exception is mods such as Ferram Aerospace Research that modify the way the plane flies. The plane has to reach at least 80000m and has to land successfully. You do not need to prove that this was completed, but you must upload at least one screenshot of it in the air. If possible upload the .craft file! Thanks, Gelix
  6. Hi everyone, This is my first challenge and being the math teacher I thought I'd do something I'm comfortable with - use math to do something fun. I used cabin only mode to land on the Mun and return back to Kerbin - so I'd like to challenge you to do the same or better. Full video is here with explanations and such. Rules: no map or nodes no cheats no mods other than visual enhancements F2 has to be enabled for the entire trip Can only use panels inside the craft Try to stay in cabin mode the whole time other than EVA Extra challenge: try to do it in a landing can (no instruments at all) There are no points, it's really a completion task more than anything. I know it's hard to be honest about this challenge, so we're going on an honor system - try to follow the rules as this is a lot more challenging than you think. Provide pics or video if you can. Person making it to a different planet and returning safe gets the biggest bragging right.
  7. I'm not sure where to put this (no, not there, shaddup) as it's neither a piece of fanfiction (well, sorta) nor an original challenge. Anyway, it's pretty self-explanatory and is basically a visual journal of a really bad idea. I hadn't landed a kerbonaut on Moho and thought well, let's land on EVERYTHING with no atmosphere. Because reasons. Watch Episode 1: Jeb's Vac Vacation: Moho via Gilly Short form: Jeb takes something that's not his and sets off to visit every airless planet in the Kerbol system. If you want to try your own version, the limits are as follows: One ship, one launch, no refuelling (so ISRU required, unless you're a dV genius) - Jeb has to go, and shanghai one other Kerbal to keep him from getting lonely. Mods: KJR, Engineer, MechJeb, KW Rocketry and aesthetic-only mods allowed. No F12 or hyperedit cheatiness. Land on every airless planetoid and return to Kerbin orbit, hitch a ride to the ground. MechJeb spent all of episode one trying to kill me, so I suspect that's gone for 2. If people decide it's not too much a Junior Grand Tour (and I think it probably is) it can always move to challenges. And no, I'm doomed to failure because of Tylo. But I'll get all the rest. If this became a challenge I'd have to do two badges. Regular and "Oh my God you managed Tylo"
  8. Operation Starmade Challenge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backstory:After many years or research the people in the R&D have finally completed the tech tree. they decided to visit all the bodies, planets and moons, in the solar system. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rules:No cheating, no altF12, only 1.0 and 1.05, no mods Hardmode Guidelines: Land the ship on Kerbin, do not total your lander and send a new one,(reserved spot for time limit)
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