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  1. I discovered today that I have two kerbals listed as K.I.A. and I have no idea what happened to them. Is there some kind of record in the save file? Were they victims of that overly complex rotating ring station that I made? Or did I fall asleep after their de-orbit burn late one night and forget to stage the 'chutes? Or did I get them home safe and then send them on a collision course with Jool, but forgot to set a KAC alarm for the mid-course correction burn? I need to know !!!!
  2. Hey Peeps, Today I'm wondering if there's a mod for the exhaust force (you know, when you go behind a running engine, it blows you away). I remember KSP before 1.0 having it, and people messed with them and launched kerbals with it, but I'm not 100% sure if it was a mod or it was stock, and I'm not sure why there's no longer any exhaust blast force in the current KSP version, so is there any mods for this? I can't seem to find one because I don't know the right keywords
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