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  1. To the community, I was looking on youtube to see if there were any star wars spinoffs, and I couldn't find any. So, I made my own! I present to you, Kerbal Wars. Enjoy! P.S. I'm working on EP.2
  2. Hi all! I'm back, with one last 1.0.5 craft. It's a landspeeder, from the latest Star Wars franchise movie. As the movie is not on DVD yet, there is a lack of info about it. However, there were some pictures, and those, combined with my memory of it from the film, allow me to build this. I used Kerbal Foundries for the video and beauty pics. The stock version uses 2 more jets to lift itself off the ground. Now, here's some beauty shots of the modded version: And here's a couple pics of the stock version: AG1 is lift jets, AG2 is forward jets, and AG3 is monoprop rockets for assist. Full throttle will keep you hovering. DOWNLOAD
  3. XJ-6 AirSpeeder for chasing shape-shifting snipers! Watch for falling Jedi! https://kerbalx.com/PointySideUp/BZT-XJ-6-AirSpeeder
  4. Help! Not really much to ask, but I am making a star wars bd addon(ask me for link if u want), and I made all the models, textures, etc, but I don't get the node attachments, node top, bottom. Could someone please help with these?
  5. Flies pretty well (without hacking gravity mind you), but it has a short range. I have not tried to put bombs or rockets on it but feel free to share a screenshot of it with weapons if you want. Because of the landing gear placement, you have to come in at a very shallow angle, but it's not the biggest challenge. [Download]
  6. So. Mini Star Destroyer, perfect gift for Christmas/ hunting down Rebel Scum without risking the lives of precious stormtroopers! 100 parts. Fuel cell has to be manually activated- it's embedded in the bridge bit. Download
  7. At the moment this collection only has the X-wing, Y-wing and a Jedi Starfighter, but the list will increase as time passes. Please note that all of these currently rely upon infinite fuel and hack gravity to fly. Here are the crafts along with a few WIPs. X-wing Starfighter with working S-foils The S-Foils rely on an ant engine hinge with landing gear. Comes with a complimentary R2D2. 148 parts Y-wing Bomber Not much to say on this one. Not particularly functional. 214 parts. TIE Fighter Skrrt. Not much to say either. 77 parts. Flies like a brick. TIE Interceptor Flies slightly better than the TIE fighter. 97 parts. Jedi Starfighter with hypering Flies rather meh. Hyperdrive has some dV in it. 144 parts Eta-2 Jedi Interceptor Comes with S-foils. 58 parts AT-AT Walker (static) This one can't move, but it looks cool. 355 parts. Download https://www.dropbox.com/s/pb0m23m58gb10oh/SWcrafts.zip?dl=0 WIP: Trade Federation Battleship TIE Advanced
  8. So, I was wondering, is there a 'scientific' way to explain what 'the Force' in Star Wars is? Now I know they talk about midi-chlorians and that stuff, but in terms of real physics, I figured there is an explanation for most force powers (although no explanation on how these are controlled). I figured that it essentially boils down to the control of 2 of the fundamental forces: Gravity and electromagnetism. Control of gravity would explain how Force users can move objects around with their mind (by creating gravitational fields), and other powers such as force lightning are easily explained by control of electromagnetism (inducing a very strong electric current in a particular direction). Now the Jedi mind tricks is somewhat harder to explain, but I figured that it can also be explained by electromagnetism: The Force user simply induces tiny electric currents in the neurons of the victim's brain, causing them to do what they are told to. Well, this is just an attempt to explain using real physics something that can't really be explained (and isn't really ment to), (also makes no attempt to explain how the Force user controls this), but what do you think?
  9. Now, assuming we have an unlimited amount of funds and resources, and ways to get them to space, is building a Death Star type station actually physically possible? Will a structure that big collapse under its own gravity? And if it doesn't, unless we have artificial gravity generators, it can't be arranged the way it is in the movies, as gravity would be pulling you towards the walls. What if it spins fast enough to counteract the gravity caused by the mass, would it stay together?
  10. So here's my take on scaled Corellian Corvette. I named her the Tantalus III, and while the backend isn't quite right compared to what we have in the movies, this backend does mean it can actually go somewhere because this is where I gave in to function over form. It's got around 3,400m/s ∆V, a starting TWR of 0.37 and weighs in around 181t. And for all that you get 357 parts (once hyperedited to orbit) and space for a paltry two Kerbals, two usable docking ports, but no RCS. I'd like to have gone further with the greebles, but my poor laptop is already straining with this part count, so if anyone with a supercomputer wants to have at it and add more greebles - please be my guest! So what can you do with it? Meh, you could stick something into the service bay (not that there's that much room) but probably space for a teeny weeny compact box of solar panels... If Fuel flow.. Every tank does drain (eventually), but thrust is fairly well balanced, just remember to use SAS or Mechjeb, torque really is negligible. You shouldn't notice anything horrible unless you highlight the resources and cry as your OCD kicks in. And if you're an OCD kinda person... Don't even think about peeking inside the fairing or into the back end of the engine section. You'll cry. I did. When loading, you'll need to select the probe core in the service bay as your control from here point. Sidenote - does anyone know how you can make a certain cockpit/probe core the default controlled from? Just open the doors and you'll see it. Download from KerbalX.com
  11. In honour of the new Star Wars, I threw together a pod racer. It uses two mods. Kerbal Foundries (for the anti-grav pads) and TweakScale (to make everything Kerbal sized). I got it up to 350 M/hr (565 km/hr) over uneven terrain.
  12. Hello everyone! I am planning on starting a series of collaborative mods to replicate vehicles (space, ground, and air) from both Halo and Star Wars. What this means is: I need to know who's interested. So, if you're a modder (modeler, coder, texturer, etc.), and you're in, please tell me in the thread below: 1) What you do (Modeling, coding, texturing) 2) What you've done (Rookie or experienced, with a list of mods you've worked on. Don't let this discourage you if you're a rookie, though. Rookies are welcome.) 3) How much you can do (Devotion to project) This is intended as a way for rookie modders like myself to work with and learn from experienced ones, while simultaneously making an awesome end result. Thanks everyone, and may the mass times acceleration be with you!
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