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Found 2 results

  1. As you see, KSP is published on the magazine Aerospace Knowledge December 2023 issue(Build your own spaceship , Page 68). And I think there will be more Kerbans join us. Make Kerbal Great Again!
  2. Before I start talking about this, a formal introduction from me, as I'm not on the KSP2 section of the forums. Hey, I'm Great Liao, a modder for KSP1 who works on planet packs to enhance the kerbolar system. My PC is broken and so I am writing this on my phone, and so I haven't been able to play the game since Sept. So, recently, (I really don't follow KSP2), I noticed long content "videos" about how KSP1 is dying and how we need to get rid of KSP2. While it is true that KSP1 may be dying, I don't believe that KSP2 needs to be removed outright. Plus, the youtubers seem to be constantly repetitive about the same point over and over. I can understand their frustration (I share it as well, that's why I didn't buy the game), but the persistent negativity is annoying. I understand that you dislike KSP2 and the devs, but don't vent all over the place.
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