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Found 4 results

  1. Hi Everyone, Who can remember Starfox on the Nintendo 64? Built the Arwing. Lightweight craft and very good handling. Thrust To weight: 0.365 Total Mass 23.74t Parts:64 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeMZKc5e3LE&t=35s Link for Arwing build: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wTSJG4gW1qPBxsX2UqznnNBfs5tk4OYs/view?usp=share_link
  2. This has actually been an ongoing debate within the fanbase of the StarFox games. The system in the game, Lylat, provides some very interesting planets with their orbits largely a mystery. The biggest mystery, however, is this: What the heck is Solar? The generally accepted explanation is that Solar is a red dwarf acting as Lylat's binary companion, but many fans argue that it is, in fact, a superheated planet due to the rocks and other solid materials on it. I have my own theory that Solar is a cool white dwarf, and sectors X, Y, and Z are its planetary nebula. The sectors' names come from the same nebula appearing as different letters from different angles. Maybe it's called "Solar" because its our own sun that died, leaving humans extinct and the various animals to rule the system... somehow... Yeah, it never really explains that, does it? I've actually been working on my own new theories of the Lylat System now that StarFox Zero has been released, introducing some new canon. Since Solar doesn't appear in SF Zero, I've taken a bit of creative freedom with it. I've renamed it "Solran" in my Universe Sandbox recreation of the Lylat System that I'm working on to make it sound more like an actual name as opposed to an adjective, and it's a good-sized red dwarf. I'm going as far as making Lylat a triple star system with planets like Sauria and Cerinia orbiting the third star, a yellow main-sequence star called "Mysteria." To keep my white dwarf theory, I even came up with a separate system altogether: the "Solaris" System. It consists of Solaris, the white dwarf, Venomia, the original planet Venom before it was reimagined as a large space station, Ryolen, a lot like Eladard from the unreleased StarFox 2 (I've reimagined Eladard as a habitable planet orbiting Solran), and the Hypermass, a planetary-mass black hole. ---------- I sort of went wild with this. StarFox is my childhood nostalgia. I'm even going as far as reimagining the entire StarFox universe to make it more "feasible" in an odd fan-fiction type thing. It involves changing the characters into more believable species instead of corny anthropomorphic animals. I'm just that nerdy...
  3. Great Fox Download Now! Click for a GIF and more images Fight against the forces of Andross with your own Great Fox battleship! Great Fox is a flyable rocket-plane. She does not have forward landing gear so instead you will have to use the jet system to hover the front end as you taxi down the runway. She flys under her own power without VTOL engine jet assist once you clear 100m/s. She cannot make orbit on her own, a booster assist system is required (which is currently still in development). She will seat 36 kerbals with 2 additional exterior seats, her large guns also act as personal rocket vehicles. There are countless docking ports of all sizes located all around the ship and inside the 3 cargo bays. Please don't let Andross take over Corneria, you are our only hope!
  4. So, I'm having a massive childhood nostalgia explosion right about now. Is it just me? The game's only been out for a day and I'm already thinking of what a sequel or DLC would be like. What do you guys think? What would you like to see in a future DLC and/or sequel for StarFox Zero?
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