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  1. Hi. I would very much like my kids to be able to learn this from the tutorials and such (instead of youtube). I would like to volunteer to translate the text of (at least) the tutorial text boxes into Dutch. Most kids read well enough from about the age of 7, 8 to make sense of subtitles. So I'll do those. For free! Because I love what this is! Cheers, schurem.
  2. Hello, I would like to share the Polish localization of Kerbal Space, which is in beta. Most of the text except KSPedia has been translated. Download link:https://spacedock.info/mod/3251/Polish translation by ReMakee Source code:https://github.com/MarcinZboralski/PolishTranslation License: MIT License Known Issues: - The syntax of some sentences may not make sense Installation 1. Unzip GameData to the main folder 2. Launch the game Photos:https://imgur.com/a/YrDn4L3 , https://imgur.com/a/e4TTRC9 , https://imgur.com/a/08oCDZY , https://imgur.com/a/aYBLwQV
  3. Addon Localization Home This topic will serve as a database of mods that support localization, a place where people who can provide translation help can connect with mods that need said help, and as place to discuss how to implement localization in your mod and how to work with stock localization. To facilitate translation help, anyone who needs translations for their mods should do the following: Respond in this thread with a link to the primary resources in need of localization (preferably a GitHub link to the text files or folder with files) If possible provide an estimate of the number of lines and words in need of translation Post a note in any of the relevant translation discussion threads linked below, including the same resources as above Before anyone begins translating it's worth checking to see if someone else is working on a translation for that mod. Check the forum threads for that mod, the international sub-forum threads, and check for any recent forks on GitHub (on the top-right of the GitHub page, click the number icon next to the fork button to see who has copied the GitHub repo). If someone else is already working on a translation you can always provide help with editing and corrections, or split up the work for larger mods. Translation Discussion Groups: Japanese Spanish Russian Chinese Portuguese French German Stock Translations: [Portuguese] [Polish] - Work in progress Community Localization Project - [French] [Dutch] [German] - Work in progress Localization supported; translations available: Action Group Manager Continued - [Spanish] [German] Airlock Plus - [Russian] [Spanish] [Chinese] [Japanese] [Portuguese] [German] [Italian] [French] Astrogator - [Russian] [Spanish] [Chinese] [French] Auto Actions - [Russian] [Spanish] [Chinese] [Japanese] Antenna Helper - [Spanish] [Chinese] [Japanese] Cryo Engines - [Russian] [Spanish] [German] Cryo Tanks - [Russian] [Spanish] [German] CommNet Visualization - [Russian] [Spanish] [German] Community Resource Pack - [German] Community Tech Tree - [Spanish] [German] CommNet Antenna Extension - [Russian] CommNet Antenna Info - [Russian] Critical Temperature Gauge - [Russian] [Spanish] Dr Jet's Chop Shop - [Russian] [Spanish] [German] Easy Vessel Switch - [Russian] Feline Utility Rovers - [Russian] [Spanish] [Chinese] [Portuguese] [German] [Italian] Heat Control - [German] JSI Advanced Transparent Pods - [Russian] Kerbalism - [Russian] [German] Kerbal Atomics - [Spanish] [German] Kerbal Inventory System - [Russian] Kerbal Planetary Base System - [Russian] [Spanish] [Chinese] [German] KSP Interstellar Extended - [Spanish] [Chinese] Naval Artillery System - [Russian] [Spanish] [Chinese] [Japanese] Near Future Construction - [Spanish] [German] Near Future Electrical - [Spanish] [German] Near Future Launch Vehicles - [Spanish] [German] Near Future Propulsion - [Spanish] [German] Near Future Spacecraft - [Partial Russian] [Spanish] [German] Near Future Solar - [Spanish] [German] Nehemia Engineering Orbital Science Mods - [Spanish] [German] Patch Manager - [Russian] [Portuguese] [German] PicoPort - [Spanish] Rover Science Continued - [Spanish] [German] SCANsat - [Russian] [Spanish] [Chinese] [German] [Portuguese] Science Relay - [Russian] [Spanish] [Chinese] Speed Unit Annex - [Russian] [German] [Spanish] Stage Color Plugin - [Russian] [Spanish] [Chinese] Stockalike Station Parts Expansion - [Spanish] Surface Mounted Stock-Alike Lights For Self-Illumination - [Russian] Suit Refill - [Russian] [Spanish] [Chinese] Tantares Spacecraft - [Russian] Tantares Launch Vehicles - [Russian] Toolbar - [Spanish] [Chinese] [German] Vostok Continued - [Russian] Localization supported; translations needed - Links point to the primary assets in need of translating: Action Group Manager Continued - Needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, Portuguese Astrogator - Needs Japanese, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Auto Actions - 17 Lines; ~26 Words - Needs German, Italian, French, Portuguese Antenna Helper - Needs Russian, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Asclepius Planet Pack - 164 Lines - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, Italian, French, Portuguese CommNet Antennas Extension - 10 lines - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, French, Portuguese CommNet Antennas Info - 6 lines - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, French, Portuguese CommNet Visualization - 5 words, 2 lines; Needs Chinese, Japanese, Italian, French, Portuguese Community Resource Pack - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, Portuguese Community Tech Tree - approx 1300 words, 153 lines; Needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, Portuguese Connected Living Space - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Contracts Window + (Plus two associated mods One; Two) - 66 Lines; 190 Words - Needs Partial Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Critical Temperature Gauge - 20 Lines; ~54 Words - Needs Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Cryo Engines - approx 250 words, 25 lines; Needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, Portuguese Cryo Tanks - approx 800 words, 90 lines; Needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, Portuguese Deep Freeze - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, Portuguese Dr. Jet's Chop Shop - Needs Chinese, Japanese, Italian, French, Portuguese Easy Vessel Switch - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Explodium Breathing Engines - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Feline Utility Rovers - 1968 Words - Needs Japanese, French Filter Extensions - 24 lines - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Galileo's Planet Pack - 613 Lines - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Heat Control - approx 700 words, 59 lines; Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, Portuguese JSI Advanced Transparent Pods - Needs Japanese, Italian, French, Portuguese Kerbal Atomics - approx 900 words, 40 lines; Needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, Portuguese Kerbal Inventory System - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 5916 Words - Needs Japanese, French, Portuguese Kerbal Sports - 16 Lines + 3 paragraphs - Needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Kerbalism - Needs Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese KSP Interstellar Extended - Needs Russian, Japanese, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Kronkus Planet Pack - 182 Lines - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Near Future Construction - approx 2200 words, 160 lines; Needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, Portuguese Near Future Electrical - approx 2800 words, 170 lines; Needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, Portuguese Near Future Launch Vehicles - Needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, Portuguese Near Future Propulsion - approx 2500 words, 238 lines; Needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, Portuguese Near Future Solar - approx 1400 words, 120 lines; Needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, Portuguese Near Future Spacecraft - approx 1200 words, 144 lines; Needs Chinese, Japanese, Italian, French, Portuguese Nehemia Engineering Orbital Science Mods - Needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, Portuguese Patch Manager - 131 words, 25 lines; Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, French PicoPort - Needs Russian, Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Precise Maneuver Editor - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Real Agencies Collection - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Rover Science Continued - Needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, Portuguese SCANsat - 221 Lines; 3630 Words - Needs Japanese, Italian, French Science Relay - 13 Lines; 71 Words - Needs Japanese, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Ship Manifest - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Speed Unit Annex - 25 Lines - Needs Chinese, Japanese, Italian, French, Portuguese Stage Color Plugin - Needs Japanese, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Stockalike Station Parts Expansion - approx 1000 words, 84 lines; Needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Suit Refill - 12 lines; Needs Japanese, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Surface Experiment Pack - 1398 Lines; 17549 Words; Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Surface Mounted Stock-Alike Lights For Self-Illumination - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Tarsier Space Tech - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Tantares Launch Vehicles - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Tantares Spacecraft - Needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Toolbar - Needs Russian, Japanese, Italian, French, Portuguese Vostok Continued - Needs Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, French, Portuguese Useful links: Lingoona Grammar - describes the available tags used by the grammar system Squad KSP Translations - Stock translation database; may be useful for reference and to match to the stock translation and style KSP 1.3 Modders Notes - Localization support for KSP Localization support for static files - Information on supporting localization for KSPedia, textures, and other non-text files Static File Localizer - Mod for localizing KSPedia and other static files Visual Studio Localization Helper - A VS Extension to help with replacing strings in your code and setting up the localization config file Localizer Helper - A simple mod to allow for forcing KSP to use a non-stock supported language KSPDev Localization Tool - A tool for helping with generating localization files, adding localization support to your mods, and for reloading the localization files in-game to ease the translation process
  4. Hi, I'm a Vietnamese KSP player/fan/rocket exploder who is translating the game to Vietnamese since the game is relatively unknown in my country. I've been browsing some threads in the forum about localization but almost (if not, all) of them are from KSP version 1.3. It is now 1.11.1 so I am wondering if anything has changed at all in the process. Are the fonts and the way to change them still the same? Do I have to watch out for anything? Are there any new tools I should use? I've translated roughly 20% of the game and I really want to test it for issues. Every help is appreciated! Thank you!
  5. 因为插件很多,但是支持本地化的,汉化的优秀插件都很少,所以打算对一些优秀的插件进行本地化处理+翻译. 很多插件作者其实不太注意本地化工作,与其等待作者本地化之后进行翻译,不如主动进行本地化,并翻译.也算为大家造福啦. 如果大家有喜欢的插件尚未支持本地化可以留言,我会注意并回复,工作频率为每2周 1~2 款插件的本地化+汉化翻译,视插件大小,词条数量,还有平时工作的繁忙程度变动. 因为跟 @linuxgurugamer (下文简称 LGG) 大神比较投缘 , 加上 ToolBar 本身吸引了大量插件使用 , 所以第一款插件联系了当时的作者 LGG 询问翻译的事情, 大神告诉我还没有本地化,所以无法翻译. 与其等待作者们本地化后去翻译,不如主动对优秀插件进行本地化后再翻译. 所以我就这样,开始了本地化+翻译的路. 这周跟 LGG 闲聊,希望他推荐一款插件进行本地化, 就这样走上了不归路啊. 以后肯定不止一款插件啦. 所以决定还是开个贴写进度.当然还有个原因决定主动开贴,就是咱们中文社区实在有些太冷淡了. 很多人,本身英语是很好的,也有开发的功底,所以能看到一些优秀的插件也有咱中国玩家的身影,但是主动本地化的,我暂时没发现. 不能因为本地化限制了广大玩家的翻译热情,不瞎BB了.进入正题,本地化+翻译进度如下: 1.4.3 版本适用 1.4.2 版本适用 1.4.1 版本适用
  6. TO ANYONE THAT IS WILLING TO TRANSLATE TO HIS/HER NATIVE LANGUAGE: Go to this spreadsheet (yes, a spreadsheet) and begin translating into your language. Download: Plugin: Download | GitHub Languages: At the moment I haven't released any supported languages as I'm just translating on my own. But the plugin is available for download. Planned languages: Français Deutsch Nederlands Italiano Polski Credits: Plugin: @Olympic1 French translation: @Olympic1 @yrou @valens @bart @rem0230 @maabaa @vinikk @iceolator88 @legendofkaya German translation: none Dutch translation: @Olympic1 @swjr-swis Italian translation: none Polish translation: none License: Plugin: SwitchLanguage is licensed under the MIT license. See https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT for full details. Language files: The language files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ for full details.
  7. Salut à tous, Je me présente, iceolator88, nouveau French Patch Manager, désigné par simon56modder. Ce patch non officiel permet de traduire une grosse partie du jeu en français. Il est lié au projet international LanguagePatches et est la continuation du projet de traduction de @simon56modder Pour le moment, il permet de traduire: Les descriptions de toutes les parts des versions 1.2.2 Le menu Principal, l'écran de chargement du jeu et le menu "Start Game" Les résultats d'analyses scientifiques Les descriptions des stratégies Les descriptions des scénarios/entraînements L'arbre des technologies La description des astres dans le Centre d'Observation À venir: Traduction du contenu des tutoriels Remerciements aux personnes ayant participé de près ou de loin au projet: - Créé sur base du Patch DE de Allan Sche Sar et Thomas P. ( traduction: Allan Sche Sar , cino, Grindberg, Jebediah Kerman, KCST, Taurec) - Patch Fr originel de Galbar puis de Simon56modder - Projet repris par iceolator88 avec la participation de yrou - Remerciement à iceolator88, simon56modder, Gaarst, killianMoonshine, Vandest et yrou - Merci à Thomas P. et simon56modder pour le FRAMEWORK LanguagePatches Attention: Ceci est une BETA, si vous constatez des erreurs (d'orthographe), veuillez, si vous le désirez, me faire parvenir un screenshot (F1 dans le jeu) en décrivant brièvement l'erreur ou en envoyant simplement un fichier .txt avec la phrase contenant l'erreur à l'adresse : ksptranslationfr@gmail.com et nous ferrons le nécessaire pour modifier cela dans le prochaine version du patch. Attention 2: Les fichiers de traduction ne peuvent pas être réutilisés, ni modifiés, ni redistribués sans notre accord préalable! Merci Pour le télécharger: C'est ici sur SpaceDock => http://spacedock.info/mod/1177/KSP%20PA ... cophone%20 Ou ici sur Curse => https://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/ ... rancophone Bon vol !
  8. Hello all! Me and bunch of folks are preparing Polish localization of Kerbal Space Program, as it is quite easy with the recent 1.3.0 update and I'm sure that many Polish folks will appreciate this kind of endeavour. Translation is currently in early alpha stage, however most of the game is localized in Polish. There are still few things missing, but I think that it is a good time to present our work and maybe ask for small feedback. There are still "few" things untranslated, but we are hard working to finish the translation: Parts names and descriptions Many training missions Few different options Some contracts and descriptions Installation: Install KSP 1.4.5 Download and unzip the compressed file Copy folder "KSP Localization PL" to Gamedata folder Enjoy almost fully in Polish version of KSP 1.4.5! Know problems: Translation will work properly only on new save files Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/1390/KSP 1.3.0 - Polish translation by CEBULA Translations Changelog: Alpha 1.46: - added missing strings from KSP 1.3.1, so you can play in that version - a lot of strings were translated - some cosmetic upgrades - Training section is still not fully translated to Polish Licence: GPLV2
  9. Dedicated to the devs : @KasperVld@Ted Hello, I'm Simon, the guy who first created the LanguagePatches project for KSP and the French translation mod. First of all, let me tell you the story : Three years ago I first asked the devs about their plans about translating the game, I asked them if they were interested in making a collaboration with me for the translation, but their answer was "we are not focused in localisation efforts as the game is not yet officially published, but we'll contact you in the future once we are ready to start translating the game". So I waited. A lot : 2 years. In 2015 I asked Ted again, I wanted to get information about the plans for translations in the future, and he's answer was positive : So I waited again, and I had no more info. So what are the plans now ? Three years later, now that the game is officially published ? I confirm I'm still wanting to translate the game, so I'd like to have news, you see... I mean.... 3 yrs folks...
  10. There are a few questions i asked myself about the translation which should probably be figured out/determined before the localization update is released. Maybe @UomoCapra or @Badie can clarify this? When the update for the localization is released, there will probably be a wave of mod updates with translations. For obvious reasons one modder can't do the translation into all supported languages on their own so they need help from other members of the community (or outside) who are fluent in the missing language. The problem is, it will be very hard for the modder to verify that the translated texts are sane and do not break the rules of the forum. So: Questions: Who is responsible when a translation made by a third party breaks the forum rules? The modder who is not able to check the texts? The person who did the translation? Will a modder be made responsible for the texts? E,g by getting warning/infriction points or even a ban. Is a modder obliged to check any translation? If yes how (he/she does not know the language)? What should a modder do when it comes out that a translated text breaks the rules? (Aside from updating the mod to remove the text)
  11. When using docking mode, you can set RCS thrusters on rotation or translation modes. This doesn't make the spacecraft rotate in full translation or rotation. Rotating on rotation mode will induce a small translation. The only way to fix this is to place all thrusters at exactly the same distance from the center of mass. For example, if I am using two thrusters pointing perpendicularly to the turning axis and one of them is at the centre of mass, that thruster wont fire. What I want is for both to fire with the same thrust. That will get rid of the induced translation. It would be nice if the the thrusters were balanced to act in full rotation or full translation. Otherwise, being able to edit which thruster pair you want to fire when rotating on each axis would solve this.
  12. Hello! I´ve been playing KSP for a couple of mopnths already...I´ve managed to land on quite a few planets and moons, but now almost all my contracts are focused on the Jool system. So, I´ve built a quite heavy rocket, which gives me some near 12.000Dv to reach Jool and its moons and be able to land and return form there. The problem is that while in LKO, the rocket translates way too slowly, and it gets frustrating. Which is the best way to make it more maneuverable? Should I place some RCS thrusters, and in this case, do they need some propellant tanks? Which would be the best place for those thrusters? I post an image of the rocket in order to get an idea of what I have... Thanks a lot for the help! http://
  13. Using RCS on rotation mode sometimes induces translation, which makes docking really hard. It seems the thrust of each RCS thruster depends only on their position with respect to the center of gravity. The problem with this is you have to place thrusters exactly the at same distance from the centre of gravity for them not to give you unwanted translations. I think it would be nice if the thrust of each thruster was balanced to give you full translation or rotation instead. This way you could just place your rcs thrusters as far apart from each other as possible for maximum moment.
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