I find myself somewhat frustrated that I can't use ASCII characters, such as the basic accented letters (À/à, Á/á, Â/â, Ã/ã, Ä/ä, Å/å, Æ/æ, Ç/ç, È/è, É/é, Ê/ê, Ë/ë, Ì/ì, Í/í, Î/î, Ï/ï, Ñ/ñ, Ò/ò, Ó/ó, Ô/ô, Õ/õ, Ö/ö, Ø/ø, Œ/œ, Ù/ù, Ú/ú, Û/û, Ü/ü, ß are the ones most reliably compatible across all 3 major OS platforms, I think)
It'd be nice to be able to actually name a spacecraft "Mün Lander" or have a kerbonaut named "Jürgen Kerman" or "Zoë Kerman", for example.
Would Unity 5 allow for this in KSP v1.1 or one of the later revisions of 1.1, at all?
This issue is not a new one, it was reported as far back as v0.19, as these three bug reports show.
It'd be nice if Unicode could also be implemented, as Unity 5 does support it, and I know that full UTF-16 is unlikely anytime soon, but simple UTF-8 would make a huge difference by letting us use accented letters and such in naming our spacecraft and our Kerbonauts.