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Found 2 results

  1. This idea has been in my mind the past few days, and as someone who is not the best at math, I decided to see if my fellow forum members could help me out. I know that you can see the ISS if the time is right, although I realize what you are really seeing is more of the reflection of the sun. So my question is: let's say some company wanted to put a giant billboard into a safe stable orbit (that orbit hopefully you guys can help me figure out) how big would this billboard need to be so that someone standing on earth could see it and feasibly read what is being advertised? The second part of this question. How would one go about making this? What kind of materials would most likely be used? Would it be more reasonable to snap it together over the course of years? Or would you launch up a giant banner and unravel it? How would you maintain that the advert is facing towards the earth? And how would you eventually get rid of the giant billboard? So far from what I can figure out. I would think some sort of lightweight canvas would be the best way to go. Perhaps multiple launches of somehow stitching these giant pieces together. However, in terms of size, cost, safety, and so on. I have no clue. Would love to hear some feedback. Interested to see what you guys can come up with. - AtomicSnails
  2. Hello, fellow kerbonauts, I've just finished writing the first chapter of a story, and would like a feedback on it. It's about the struggle of the humanity to survive on an alien planet, after the earth and all other colonies were wiped out. I hope my writing (and english, for that matter) are not too lousy, because I am not a professional author and I am not native english speaker, but I still hope that I'll entertain you for ten minutes, at the very least. Here's the link: http://www.inkitt.com/stories/48684 I'm looking forward to your feedback, whether positive or negative
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