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Found 3 results

  1. A heli I built a while back but never posted. Hovers around 700 parts depending on the version and it isnt fully 1:1 (has some issues with the dimensions that I cant fix) but i tried my best and Im very satisfied with the end result. Features working doors! KerbalX link: https://kerbalx.com/trollkowski/Bell-AH-1Z-Viper Part count: 766
  2. Bell AH-1Z Helicopter Made with stock and breaking ground dlc parts Parts: 235 Length: 14.3m (with rotors) Weight: 17.99t Top Speed: ~45m/s AH-1Z on KerbalX ________________________________________________________________________
  3. Been inactive for a while, and need to take a break from counter-strike due to a major slump, so i decided to fire up ksp for some craft building. Making it mostly with pwing, as i have done with my other crafts. Will update with more pics as i build. For now, the further down you scroll, the more progress will be seen. I'm going to update the OP with recent pics a bit later Can't get kerbpaint to work properly, some pwing elements can be colored, some can't, and some only get updated with new colours when coloring another part (mostly when i add paint to a stock piece), if anyone can help me with this it would be greatly appreciated. Some additional angles and further progress: ------------------------------------------------------ OLD ------------------------------------------------------------ Decided the ejector seats (which actually work, just not right now because they get blocked by the dash, will fix though) didn't really look the part, so i modified them and replaced the existing ones. I do realise the upper seat part is slightly too long, but im going to focus on finishing the craft and deal with it later on, should be a pretty simple fix. Not really pleased with the way the turret section turned out, will smoothen and fix later on. It looks alot more 'blocky' than it actually is, the panels blend into each other in the screenshot. Some vent detail
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