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AirlockPlus v.0.0.11 @ 2019-06-02 Localizations available 中文 ・ 日本語 ・ español ・ русский ・ français ・ Deutsch ・ italiano ・ português (Brasil) Functionality AirlockPlus allows the use of any airlock on a vessel in conjunction with any crew part on the vessel: A kerbal on EVA can use any airlock to board any part of the vessel, not just the part that the airlock is attached to. A kerbal in any part of the vessel can go EVA using any airlock on the vessel, not just the airlock(s) on the part that they currently occupy. All of this happens seamlessly -- no need to manually transfer kerbals between parts. Works even if the airlock part is already full of other kerbals. With this mod, it becomes possible to use crew cabins that don't have airlocks, and airlock parts that don't have any crew capacity of their own. Boarding When an EVA kerbal is at an airlock, in addition to the usual command of "[В] Board", you are also presented with these options: Auto boarding: [Shift+B] Board into any available part -- even if the airlock part is full, the kerbal will be able get on board as long as there are seats available elsewhere on board the vessel. No guarantees on which seat s/he will end up in, though. Manual boarding: [Ctrl+B] Select part to board into -- this emulates the stock crew transfer behavior: you get to click on the part you want the kerbal to go into, even if it is not the same as the airlock part. Use this if you want more control over specifically where the kerbal ends up. Alighting Clicking on an airlock ("Crew Hatch") in stock KSP opens a dialog box that lists only the kerbals in the airlock part. With AirlockPlus, you can hold down the modifier key while clicking on an airlock (i.e. Alt+Click on Windows; Opt+Click on Mac). This will instead list all kerbals in the vessel, allowing you to take them on EVA from the selected airlock. If you have Community Trait Icons installed, AirlockPlus will display an icon next to each kerbal's name to indicate their crew type (i.e. pilot, engineer, scientist or tourist). The stock crew hatch dialog box is also augmented with these icons. Notes Boarding Respects keyindings in your game settings if you've bound the "Board" command to a different key other than "B". "Shift" and "Control" keys are bound by default to EVA RCS controls, so you should grab the airlock and turn off RCS first. [Shift+B] / [Ctrl+B] may sometimes be possible even when [В] isn't. This means AirlockPlus trigger detection is more lenient than stock. I'm not complaining... =Þ Just like stock crew transfer behavior, the manual boarding option will lock all other controls besides the camera, until you have selected a valid destination, or cancelled boarding by pressing [Escape]. Manual boarding mode will automatically terminate and return control to player if the kerbal drifts away from the airlock while waiting for the player to select a destination part. Boarding works for the Inflatable Airlock from Making History DLC even when not deployed. This is not intended and may be fixed in a future version. Alighting There may be a split second delay before AirlockPlus replaces the stock airlock interface. This is normal, nothing to worry about. Mod Compatibility This is not an exhaustive list. It only covers mods that have been selected for testing due to concerns about potential interactions. Interoperable mods Tested and known to play well together with these mods without conflict. Community Trait Icons Optional dependency used by AirlockPlus to display crew type icons next to kerbal names. Connected Living Space Supported. If CLS is installed, instead of being able to board/alight to/from any part of the craft, you will be limited to those parts that are connected to the airlock according to CLS rules. EasyBoard Excellent synergy: EasyBoard can be used to assist in grabbing on to airlocks/ladders before using AirlockPlus to board the vessel. Kerbal Crew Manifest No conflicts. Kerbal Inventory System Crew inventories are correctly preserved when boarding/alighting using AirlockPlus features. Ship Manifest No conflicts. Download v0.0.11 for KSP 1.7.x - 1.3.x Requires Harmony (v1.2.0.1 included in download) Requires Module Manager (please obtain separately) Community Trait Icons is strongly recommended Localizations available: 中文 ・ 日本語 ・ español ・ русский ・ français ・ Deutsch ・ italiano ・ português (Brasil) Installing Delete older version, if any. Keep your existing Settings.cfg to have your existing settings migrated to the new version. Download and place contents of GameData into your installation's GameData folder. (Optional) Download and place localization file(s) for additional languages(s) in AirlockPlus folder, if desired. (Recommended) Obtain and install updated copy of Community Trait Icons if you want crew type icons next to kerbal names Ensure you have appropriate version of Module Manager installed for your KSP version. Support All support requests must be accompanied by full logs. CKAN users are requested to reproduce reported issues using a manual install. License AirlockPlus source code, compiled binaries, and configuration files are © cake>pie Localizations are released under a Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 International license. You may make and distribute media (e.g. screenshots, gameplay videos, etc.) that portray AirlockPlus in use. You may monetize such media; if you do, a mention and link here would be much appreciated. This software is provided "as-is", without warranty of any kind. The author/maintainer is under no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements, or modifications. For mod updating in the absence of the author/maintainer: see here for details. All other rights are reserved. Acknowledgements The following people contributed to localizations: 中文: Summerfirefly 日本語: EBOSHI русский: KerbOrbiter, Teilnehmer español: GonDragon français: Rezza Goan Deutsch: Nils277 italiano: Simog português (Brasil): Spricigo Changelog v 0.0.11 2019-06-02 add Harmony dependency replace many horrible ugly brittle hacks with safer patch-based approaches spawning EVA now uses patches on FlightEVA to feed correct data to hatch obstruction tests instead of tampering with passed arguments fix spurious results from FlightEVA.hatchInsideFairing being fed wrong information due to stock limitations fix strange positioning/orientation behavior of spawned kerbal probably caused by tampered data in passed arguments patch KerbalEVA to disable stock command hints during manual boarding instead of brute force removal at every frame patch KerbalEVA to safely disable stock boarding when auto boarding encounters full vessel instead of outright disabling of KerbalEVA patch CrewHatchDialog postfix to provide notifications when the dialog is ready/terminated discard hacks for checking if CrewHatchDialog populated and ready for hijack/augment rework timeout logic for matching airlock mod+click input handling to stock CrewHatchDialog spawning better cleanup when hijacked CrewHatchDialog is closed instead of only when EVA button pressed add crew type icons to stock crew hatch dialog when spawned via crew transfer PAW action rather than clicking airlock v 2019-05-10 pre-release of v 0.0.11 v 0.0.10 2019-04-24 fix a bug related to input locking fix issue caused by ExperienceTrait.TypeName being localized fix kerbals in external seats being included in CrewHatchDialog fix inactive/unconscious kerbals being listed in CrewHatchDialog fix Connected Living Space AllowUnrestrictedTransfers setting not being respected new approach for closing CrewHatchDialog on EVA button pressed settings file: generated new if absent, migrate from old version if present new setting: allow boarding screen messages to be turned off new setting: allow Connected Living Space integration to be turned off minor localization tweaks for: Russian, Spanish, Chinese new languages: French, German, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese optimization, code gardening and updating for API changes v 0.0.9 2017-06-25 new approach for checking if crew hatch dialog is ready for hijack add support for Community Trait Icons (CTI required) show crew type icons next to names when alighting (CTI required) add crew type icons to stock crew hatch dialog perfectionistic layout tweaking v 0.0.8 2017-06-06 fix spurious results from FlightEVA.HatchIsObstructed handle more corner cases when things go kaboom optimization / code gardening localization updates for: Japanese, Russian v 0.0.7 2017-06-02 add support for Connected Living Space handle corner cases when things go kaboom while waiting for player input manual boarding copes with unexpected changes to vessel while awaiting part selection alighting not possible if the vessel breaks apart while dialog box is open, causing the airlock part and the part containing the crew member to be separated alighting not possible with kerbal who died or passed out localization updates for: Chinese, Spanish v 0.0.6 2017-05-26 localization support added recompiled for KSP 1.3 v 0.0.5 2017-05-22 now checks for EVA prohibitions due to Astronaut Complex level / Tourist type fix alighting features not being available when the active vessel lacks control stock "command hint" messages (e.g. "[В] Board") no longer show when in manual boarding mode pre-emptive changes to keyboard input handling for 1.3 compatibility fix my shameful missing break statement v 0.0.4 2017-05-17 new feature: kerbals from any part can exit to EVA using any airlock green highlighting of parts on mouseover should now be properly disabled when manual boarding is used, and restored properly afterwards v 0.0.3 2017-05-12 much better solution for keeping our command hints displayed switch from Input.GetKey to Input.GetKeyUp to prevent spam-calling boarding functions when key is held down prevent stock boarding from being registered alongside auto boarding, which causes "spurious" stock "Cannot board a full module" message appearing alongside our auto boarding "Cannot board a full vessel" v 0.0.2 2017-05-07 respect EVA boarding keybinding from game settings functionality will now be disabled when in map view turn off stock CrewHatchController UI properly when in manual boarding mode fix my stupid NRE caused by Mouse.HoveredPart being null upon mouseout in manual boarding mode v 0.0.1 2017-05-06 initial dev release compiled for KSP 1.2.2
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