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KSP Alternate Resource Panel - Icon Overhaul I saw that KSP Alternate Resource Panel hasn't updated their icons in a long time, while other mods add new resources to the game. So I thought to completely overhaul the icons for those mods that add new resources. If a mod has their own icons, I'll maybe change them, if not, I'll make some new ones. Then I'll write MM configs to add the icon to its respective RESOURCE_DEFENITION. If the modders want to add the icons to their mods, I encourage them to do so. Also I would greatly appreciate it if I then get recognized for that. Supported mods: Alcubierre Warp Drive Community Resource Pack Deadly Reentry Extraplanetary Launchpads Firespitter Ioncross Crew Support KSP Interstellar Extended 'Project Orion' Nuclear Pulse Engine Snacks USI Life Support Mods that integrated my icons: BioMass DeepFreeze Continued L-Tech Scientific Industries Dependencies: KSP Alternate Resource Panel ModuleManager Downloads: Dropbox GitHub SpaceDock Credits: TriggerAu - For the KSP Alternate Resource Panel and icons. Olympic1 - For the icon packs. License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. See for full details. Changelog: 0.10.3 - 2016.11.06 * Fixed issue not showing some icons 0.10.2 - 2016.11.05 * Added Construction * Added LqdFluorine * Added LqdNitrogen15 * Added LqdOxygen18 * Added Soil * New ModuleManager * Updated KSPI config * Removed DangIt and MissionController2 configs 0.10.1 - 2016.10.13 * Added Borate * Added ColonySupplies * Added Deuterium * Added HeavyWater * Added Helium4 * Added Hexaborane * Added LqdArgon * Added LqdWater * Added ParticleAcceleratorData * Added RefinedExotics * Added SaltWater * Added Silicates * Added Silicon * Added SolarWind * New ModuleManager 0.10.0 - 2016.07.24 * Added Carbon * Added Helium3 * Added Light * Added Lithium6 * Added Monazite * New ModuleManager 0.9.0 - 2016.05.18 * Added FSCoolant * New ModuleManager 0.8.0 - 2016.02.11 * Added Gypsum * Added IntakeLqd * Added Lead * Added ReplacementParts * Added UF4 * Fixed icons not showing when only CRP is installed * New ModuleManager 0.7.2 - 2015.1.19 * Fixed version file * Support for USI Nuclear Rockets * New ModuleManager 0.7.1 - 2015.10.25 * Made Fluorine a bit darker * Gave the NPU icons the correct size (32x16) 0.7.0 - 2015.10.25 * Added AblativeOil * Added Dirt * Added MaterialKits * Added NPU-250 * Added NPU-500 * Added NPU-1000 * Added NPU-2500 0.6.0 - 2015.08.20 * Merged all the icon packs into one big pack * Moved the icons into 1 folder * Merged the version files into 1 file * Merged the changelog files into 1 file * Moved the MM configs in their own folder * Added a :NEEDS check for the icons * Added a :FOR check * Updated ATM config * New ModuleManager * Renamed license files * Added mod to CKAN * Added a new flag * Added a README.txt * Moved the license into the readme 0.5.3 - 2015.07.04 * Added Fertilizer * Added SpecializedParts * New ModuleManager * Removed 'MAX' from .version file 0.5.2 - 2015.05.21 * Added LqdCO 0.5.1 - 2015.05.05 * Updated .version file * New ModuleManager * Changed LeadBallast 0.5.0 - 2015.05.02 * Updated to KSP 1.0 * New ModuleManager * Renamed Ammonia to LqdAmmonia * Renamed LiquidHydrogen to LqdHydrogen * Renamed Metal to Metals * Added Boron * Added DepletedFuel * Added Fluorine * Added KryptonGas * Added LqdCO2 * Added LqdDeuterium * Added LqdHe3 * Added LqdNitrogen * Added LqdTritium * Added MetallicOre * Added Mulch * Added NeonGas * Added Organics * Added Supplies * Added ThF4 * Added UraniumNitride * Removed BioMass * Removed Compost * Removed Deuterium * Removed ElectronicParts * Removed H2Peroxide * Removed Helium-3 * Removed LqdMethane * Removed MechanicalParts * Removed Polytetrafluoroethylene * Removed PunchCards * Removed Science * Removed StructuralParts * Removed Tritium 0.4.4 - 2015.04.29 * Changed Ore to MetalOre * Removed repairParts 0.4.3 - 2015.01.07 * Changed BioMass icon - I made and integrated new icons for the BioMass mod. * Updated license 0.4.2 - 2015.01.02 * Added ATM support * Updated version file 0.4.1 - 2014.12.22 * Added 36 icons from KSP Alternate Resource panel into the pack. * Removed LEGACY folder because MKS/OKS doesn't support it anymore. 0.4.0 - 2014.12.17 * Added Hydrates * Added Hydrogen * Added Machinery * Added SpareParts * Added StructuralParts * Added Uraninite * The three Machinery types are being collapsed into one type - Machinery. * The three repair resources are being collapsed into one resource - SpareParts. * The six manufactured goods are being collapsed into three goods - StructuralParts (new), ElectronicParts, MechanicalParts. * CommonRock, EnrichedRock, FrozenRock, MoltenRock, and RockDust are moved to the LEGACY folder. * The six MEP resources are moved to the LEGACY folder. 0.3.0 - 2014.09.17 * Added Karborundum * EnrichedSoil and ScoopedAir are moved to a LEGACY folder. This will prevent saves from breaking and new users can easily delete the LEGACY folder. 0.2.0 - 2014.08.06 * Added CommonRock * Added EnrichedRock * Added FrozenRock * Added MoltenRock * Added Rock * Added RockDust 0.1.2 - 2014.08.03 * Added ScoopedAir * Changed BioMass * Changed Compost * Changed EnrichedSoil * Changed Substrate 0.1.1 - 2014.08.02 * Added License * Changed Computers * Changed Karbonite * Changed MechanicalParts * Changed PlasticParts * Changed Polymers 0.1.0 - 2014.08.01 * Initial Release