If you've not seen the Inland Space Center yet, be warned that this thread contain images and video of this location.
To celebrate the 47th anniversary of those strange pink skinned creatures landing on their moon for the first time, the KSC decided to go for a bit of friendly one-upmanship, by launching a Mun return vehicle from the Inland Space Center.
Nothing too strange about that. Well they wanted to do it the hard way, so decided to first launch it on a rocket from the KSC, then airdrop it at the the inland site, drive it to the pad there, before sending it up into space a 2nd time, this time on its way to Mun.
Video of the liftoff from the Inland Space Center.
BTW... am I the only one who feels that the Imgur site GUI update has simply broken the site (the album above took about 10 times longer to setup due to the changes on the site).