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Found 2 results

  1. yesterday i was trying to find a massive asteroid to build a base on but couldn't find any good ones. i tried finding ways to create one but couldn't so now I'm wondering if it would be possible to create a add on that lets you spawn them in and choose shapes/sizes and texture. after thinking about that i also thought it would be nice to be able to spawn in planets and suns and possibly even solar systems. If i could do all of those things could it be possible to add textures/models to spawn in so i could have a cow shaped asteroid. and if all of this is possible how hard would it be to create a mod? i wrote this in 2 minutes please don't yell at me for the grammar.
  2. so i have a mission to an asteroid, currently very VERY fast, and i want to ask, can KSP simulate you orbiting an asteroid, or is the game simply not detailed enough to simulate that, because that would be a cool mission, you could do stuff like Rosseta and Osiris REx!
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