Inspired by the Blohm & Voss BV-141, I decided to give creating an asymetric monstrosity a shot and see how it flies. My own yet-to-be-named kontraption uses a MK-1 sidecar design with a MK-2 main body and three rapier engines.It is, unsurprisingly, hard to control at low airspeeds or at high altitudes, but with the throttle up, engine gimbal and good pressure over the control surfaces give it a decent flight profile. The first test flight ended with an overheat at ~1400 M/S and the second made an orbit and came back down beautifully. Unfortunately, asymetric braking lead to an accident on the ground upon landing and caused me to lose the first model. A second prototype is still under construction. I'll be testing it with FAR by week's end. Enjoy!