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Found 2 results

  1. Hello! I am using the Thrustmaster T.Flight Stick X and I want to battle with it! I can fly but I want to fire guns/missiles (BDArmory) But I do not know how to set a button on the joysick to do that! Well I do but not how to set it to LMB(fire)! Thanks in advance! (KSP 1.9.0)
  2. BattleTech/Mechwarrior DropShip Parts Packs [WIP] Authors: @wenth Download Link (Current Version: A.01 "HYPER ALPHA RELEASE") Helpers: (people that helped my dumb kerbal butt figure this all out) -Damon (for helping me get the dam parts to show up at all) -Krakatoa (for helping me with smoke and flame FXs) -JadeOfMar (for generally always sticking his nose in and letting me know when im not even asking the right question) Mod Developers/Makers/Maintainers: (pepole whos assets we have used or used to make the game work) -Boots (Developer/Maintainer of the ESLD Jump Beacons Revived mod originally made by TMarkos) for allowing us to use his mod for a dependency in our Jumpships pack and answering any questions we had about dependency/part creation involved there in. Mod Integration/Dependency/Optional Dependency: -ESLD Jump Beacons Revived (approved) -TweakScale (pending permission) Work/Progress/Status Tree Phase One: Basic Thrusters, Manatee Parts and Art Standardization Phase Two: Bigger Bolder Rounder! Phase Three: UTILITY! Phase Four: To Boldly Go!/Jumpships add-on pack Phase Five: Polish a turd Bonus Phase: Plus Ultra! Planed Packs Core/Core Supplements Addons Opening: I have always loved the BattleTech universe and the Mechwarrior series that goes along with it combine that with my love of KSP and my predisposition to building massive drop ships for package delivery and habit of making giant payloads that can only really be dropped via skycrane It feels natural for me to try and bring the massive scale of battletech drop ships to KSP with a parts pack! With that in mind how ever this is my first parts pack and true attempt at modding AND my first time using these (3ds max student) modeling programs with only a background in 3D printing and CADD its slow going and any help is welcome! And no we will be focusing on more then just clan wolf they just happen to be my favoret/first clan. LOW POLY! This mod takes its style and inspiration from the entire world of mechwarrior/battletech but its model are more in the style of mechwarrior 2 (my first mechwarrior game and indoctrination into clan wolf) Parts Inspirations/goals: Our first Parts goal is to make a Spheroid drop ship (BUT WAIT SPHERES ARE HARD!) True but we are going to cheat here and make the Manatee first! Spheroid in classification only its more like a fancy fuel tank in design! At this point in time we have no goals to make actual mechs (sorry) our fallowing goals should we succeed in creating the Manatee is to move on to the Leopard Areodyne drop ship Parts/Ship Logic: Our first ship will be split into 3 or 4 sections for simplicity sake -Base (holding the thrusters and flat or snap points for legs to be designed at a later date) -The Hanger (taking up the bulk of the center section) -Fuel tanks (taking up the remainder of the center and forming most of the top -The Bridge (capping off the ship and holding the pilots/crew) Parts NOT included I have no intention to add guns or lasers or any thing like that sadly. HOW EVER! I do plan on leaving snap points for them so you may use any of the existing weapons mods or make your own should you feel up to the task! Help is welcome as this is our first attempt at a mod any one wanting to help cfg or model or test is welcome to do so! Impossible Fantasy (ya......not going to happen I dont even know what its called yet, but let me dream)
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