Sector 7 Space Laboratories
Beech Model 18-B
The Beech Model 18-B is another favorite craft of mine and the beauty of this craft is amazing. I had to reduce the fuel and added reaction wheels for stability. I've also tried a few I ideas for the twin tail and some were looking to messy to get that rounded look as on the actual craft. The photo below shows what the tail looks like now, different from the video. I have to say if I had a collection of real craft in a Hangar this would definitely be one of them.
See Album Here
Parts: 35
Mass: 6.379t
Height: 3.1m
Width: 10.1m
Length: 9.5m
The SAS is all that is needed for flying, keep speeds up above 60 m/s. Careful with banking, I have been using small taps. If you like a challenge, land the craft from the cockpit view, it's actually not too hard and very fun.
Note: I am working on other projects and tend to burn out on them after a while then return to them at a later date, so between these projects I often like to build smaller craft.
Craft File