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Found 2 results

  1. Im looking for help fixing a bug regarding duplicated Items in the RnD building (Community tech tree) I am experiencing a bug on a moderately modded save that causes certian modded parts to duplicate in the unlock/research tree in the RnD building. The technode contains two images of a given part, and purchasing one does not purchase the duplicate. This means that even if the part is purchased once, the duplicate is still "Available" and I cannot launch it on a vessel because I still need to "Pay the unlock cost". The bug seems to affect the entire branch of electric propulsion in the community Tech tree, starting with Ion propulsion, and extended through that whole branch to encompass all of the advanced electric xenon/argon/electrostatic thrusters. I have encountered this bug before, with the nuclear engine tech tree branch, and I was able to fix it by editing the persistent.sfs file, finding the respective tech nodes in the text file and then deleting the doubled part listings, in accordance with previous advice offered in This forum post from 2021. However this time I am unable to find the offending tech nodes within the file (Advanced Ion propulsion, plasma propulsion and beyond) and word searching for these, or any of the other very expensive nodes, yields nothing, and I can only find the regular Ion propulsion node. I deleted the doubled files there but they were still present in game, as well as in all the other nodes, so now I am a little stumped and could use some help. I previously installed all of my mods manually and recently switched my save file to a CKAN loader (afterwhich I noticed this bug) since my manually installed extraplanetary launchpads mod didn't work correctly. thus resulting in a mix of manual and CKAN installed mods. I know I should have used a fresh install, but I have a fleet of ~2 dozen reusable ships with a headcannon/history that I would like to preserve and continue playing with. My save game is linked below. The specific save file is called Kosheveck Industries, and it is the most recent save, without any other notes or dates (along with several backups from previous dates. Please advise where I can edit my saves/mods/CKAN in order to get rid of the duplicate electric engines and xenon tanks. Thank you! Here is a google drive link to my modded save file(s) and game state.
  2. Ever want to use bi- or tri-couplers but want to recombine the stacks before the next stage? Ever wish you could make circular stations in the VAB without having to spam struts to keep the open end closed? Here's the answer you've been looking for! ReCoupler works around the Vessel tree by identifying attach nodes that would have been connected but can't without a part having multiple parents or creating a circular structure. Once those nodes are identified, it hides them in the editor so that you don't accidentally connect anything else to that node. Then, in flight, it creates a structural link identical to the ones that normally hold parts together. But wait! There's more! When decoupling (or explosions) happens, it detects if one of the virtual connections would continue holding the vessel together and magically makes that the real connection point as if no funny business had been happening! Check out the rest of the album! And some new building styles you can use with ReCoupler: Interested? Get it from SpaceDock or GitHub now! Known bugs: Not a bug, necessarily, but it only works for stack attach nodes. Future plans: Make a decoupler that connects to 2-, 3-, or 4-engine clusters and makes their fairings work with it. Thanks Making History! Considered complete at this point. Please feel free to raise any suggestions!
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