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Found 3 results

  1. I like to deorbit my debris using a craft that has an AGU attached. A few versions back, I had no issues with this. But now targeting debris targets the root part of the debris, not the COM, and once the klaw is attached, I can't target the COM, like I can when attached to an asteroid. Am I missing something? Or is there a workaround? I'd gladly install (or even write, if I knew where to start) a plugin that adds the "target COM" ability to the right click menu, or changes the game's targeting behaviour to target vessels' COM by default, or treats debris as a singular part that forces COM to be targeted. Does anyone have suggestions for this issue?
  2. This image explains everything: I noticed this months ago, that every build I made looks just weid because I have to place the wings too much in the front to make it flyable and after some investigation, it turned out that I was right... The centre of mass is not calculated correctly. It should be somewhere around where I marked it. I use only stock parts and clearly the back should be heavier. Parts: Turbojet, precooler /w 40 fuel, structural fuselage, mk1 inline cockpit
  3. Howdy folks. I'm terrible at programming... so I'm going to throw the idea out into the open and hope someone is intrigued enough to do it for me (please). Playing with a bunch of mods installed, particularly KSP Interstellar and various life support mods, requires that crewed interplanetary trips have a lot of parts, and on-orbit assembly becomes necessary. Here and also here are screenshots of a crewed Duna transfer vehicle and lander that I made in KSP v1.0 early this year. As you can see, it was painstakingly put together so that the two main engines for the transfer to Duna were aligned (more or less) with the centre of mass. This was all done by eye and guesswork (and a lot of docking ports). It took me about four weeks to plan, build, launch, and assemble. So: I need some way of seeing where the active vessel's centre of mass is, on-the-fly, during flight. This should make it easier to ensure my centre of mass and centre of thrust are aligned. Better yet, if the proposed mod could also show the centre of thrust based on currently-active engines (i.e. engines that are switched off should be ignored), that'd be grand too. Pretty much exactly what you see in the VAB, but in-flight. Please and thanks in advance for anyone who can make this a thing.
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