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Found 3 results

  1. My eve vessel is so big, it needs 2 million to make due. can anyone get anything cheaper than this to eve? This is also judging on how early in the game you can get it. you can use re-usability to help your low cost mission *cough* mark thrimm *Cough* This has to be a manned return mission and at least 16 kerbal capacity Visual mods and life support mods are always enabled. IRSU is not allowed, nor would you want to anyways. you can assemble it in orbit. It needs to be less than 2 million funds. CairoJack, tell me if this thread is already taken To the grading scale! This mission would consider to be 2,000 points. each extra kerbal is +25 points. assembled in orbit +50. command seats are allowed, and if used, I can allow at least 25 for every kerbal put in command seat. every irsu unit used, -100 points. for every op mod, -300 points. that is the grading scale.
  2. (I'll format this later) A challenge for those particularly good at ksp: Get to orbit in a capsule without any engines(that includes jet engines) Rules: No form of alt12 trickery Modifying parts via file. No engines You must reach orbit Bonus: land and return from any body. W.I.P
  3. Mars 2020 is a rover that will be the first part of NASA's Mar's Sample Return program. Challenge: Build a rover, sent it to Duna, and collect data from three different biomes. Your rover must have three detachable science storage units. These represent the caches the rover leaves behind. Then, send another mission, a comsat, to Duna, that has a detachable drive. Then, sent a Mars ascent vehicle, that will pick up the containers, and take them to Duna orbit. Then, the comsat's drive unit will take them back to Kerbin. Note: You do not have to physically bring the containers back to Kerbin. You can transfer the science into another container. You can transfer science through a claw or docking. Score: 100 points minus total tonnage sent to LKO. Bonus: 2X For having the MAV bring a small rover/hopper to collect the containers. +10 for using ISRU for the MAV 2X For lowering first rover with skycrane 2X for docking drive to Mun station with lab
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