I'm in the early stages of my "new version means new tech tree playthrough" career game and I'm finding that the order in which contracts become available is a bit strange.
Previously there was a fairly logical progression to these, but now the order seems random at times.
For example, I've just been offered (and accepted) a contract to build an outpost on Duna supporting 8 kerbals with 6000 units of fuel. Nothing strange in that, except that this was the first contract offered beyond Mun and Minmus and I'd not even seen an outpost contract for those two bodies yet. Oh yeah, not sent anything, even unmanned beyond Kerbin system SOI in this game either.
Another, less extreme example was the contract to dock two craft around Mun, that appeared before docking or even rendezvous contracts around Kerbin were available.
Is this a known behaviour of 1.4 ?