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  1. THE JOOL DIVER CHALLNGE Let Us Explore the Depths of Jool NOTICE: MAKE SURE TO READ EVERYTHING! RULES ESPECIALLY AND RULE UPDATES BEOFRRE YOU BEGIN THIS CHALLENGE. Introduction: Hello. My name is @Dr. Kerbal. And this is the Jool Diver Challenge. In this challenge you have to go and explore the depths of Jool. Collect all the science and reports you can, and return home. You can go all the way down below 0m of Jool Sea Level or just scratch the atmosphere. This challenge has modes for everyone! From the hardcore pros to complete beginners! But before we start with the modes we are goin to go over some rules to prevent cheating. Because this challenge can be easily done with cheats. Rules: No mods that can affect the fuel in the craft. No HyperEdit. No part mods. Please stay stock. Kraken drives are allowed but only for altitudes under 10,000m. You cannot use Kraken drives for anything. All submissions submitted before 6/7/2021 12:00 PM will still be counted as not braking any rules. Part clipping is allowed You may do this challenge with other challenges Dont use the cheat menu You may bugs or glitches to you advantage to reach certain heights in Jool You can send a Kerbal (s) or a probe SSTOs are allowed Rockets are allowed No mods (expect for visual mods and for mode: Modifications of Kerbal ) The PROBE OR KERBAL(S) MUST RETURN! Docking is allowed Orbital assembly allowed in orbits lower than 100km at Kerbin and you may only launch 3 ships to build your craft. ISRU is allowed You may not launch your craft from the Mun Launch Pad (for consoles players). Please use launch pads that are on Kerbin. Please dont try to break the game. No dragg-lles crafts. All submissions before 7/6/2021 at 12:00 AM will still be accepted. Please do not use the KAL Controller Thrust Limit Extender bug. Rule Update Log: Note: All time is in military time. Go here for more info: http://militarytimechart.com/ RU1: You cannot use Kraken drives for anything. All submissions submitted before 6/7/2021 24:00 GMT will still be counted as not breaking any rules. This was changed because a suggestion and consideration has proven that using Kraken drives has defeated the point of the mission. RU2: Rule 14 was changed. Before it said this: Orbital assembly allowed in orbits lower than 200km at Kerbin. However it has now been decreased to 100km and you can only launch 3 ships for this orbital assembly. All submission submitted 6/10/2021 24:00 GMT will still be accepted. RU3: Added rule 16. You may not launch your craft from the Mun Launch Pad (for consoles players). Please use launch pads that are on Kerbin. All submissions that were launched for the Mun Launch Pad will be accepted if there were submitted earlier than 6/10/2021 24:00 GMT. RU4: Added rule 18. Please dont use the KAL Controller to increase the thrust of a craft. All submissions with this bug in use will be unaccepted. Modes: A Bit of Air: Go under 200,000m but above 199,000m and return A Green Gas: Go lower than 199,999m but above 150,000m and return I'm Falling! Help! : Go lower than 149,999m but above 100,000m and return Wish It was Eve: Go lower than 99,999m but above 40,000m and return Are You Crazy?!: Go lower than 39,999m but above 10,000m and return Joolian Madness: GO lower than 9,999m but above 0m and return Defy Physics: Go lower than 0m and return Fry My Brain!!!: Go lower than -250m and return Impossible!!!: Go lower than -1000m and return Modifications of Kerbal: Do this challenge with mods Submission: Well. You could do the mission but if you want credit please follow this guide on submission. To submit your submission please reply to this thread. Ping me. The give your mission a name and a description. Backstories are not required. Post some images or videos of your mission. Provide a craft file so I can make sure you did not cheat. Then state your mode in the corresponding colors listed in the mode list. That's it. If you need an example here: Badge No badge is available. But one will come soon. The first one who submits first will get a photo from their image or photos used. FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Can I have kerbal(s) sit on a chair during my travel? Yes. What is the maximum/minimum amount of kerbals I can bring? Infinite, as many as you want. What kinds of mods can I use? Only visual mods are allowed. Is there a part limit? No. There is no part limit. How much science do I have to get? Just run all the experiments (expect the seismometer). Can I use planet mods? No. But I will allow the Outer Planets Mod. Please contact me for any other though. How do I contact you? Message me through the KSP forums (Tip: Ping me through the forums message feature.) Is there an age limit? No. Anyone can participate in this challenge. What versions can I play this in? You can play this version from 0.8v to (CURRENT VERSION) Can I play this challenge in the DEMO version of KSP? No, the demo version doesn't have Jool added yet. Is there a maximum amount of submissions I can make? No. You can do this mission as many time you want. Can I make a video of this challenge and monetize it? Yes you can. I'm not sure why you would think I would say no. Can we use MechJeb? Um. This is a hard one. I would say no. I think MechJeb is automated so I will say no. Can we use MechJeb2? Um. This is a hard one. I would say no. I think MechJeb2 is automated so I will say no. Can we use Better TimeWarp? Yes. You can. Can I edit the save file to make it easier? No. You may not edit the planets orbits or position to make this challenge easier. Can I use visual mods? Yes you can. Mods like EVE, PARALAX, and Stock Planet Enhancements are allowed. How can I contact you about the rules and modes? Please message me through the forums and we can work something out. Is this possible? Some of it yes and some of them have never been attempted before (as of May 2021). So you might as well be the first. Where does Jool's atmosphere begins? It begins at 200,000 meters (or 200km) above sea level and 200,000 meters (or 200km) above terrain. What is "km"? The acronym "km" means kilometer. Conclusion I hope you enjoy this challenge. I wait to see the ideas you come up with. And the reason why I submitted this challenge is because. Kerbal Space Program the the community always break something once in a while. Making the impossible, possible. And lets revisit this old friends, and finally shows the Kraken who is boss! Like how we (humankind) went to the Moon. Not because it was easy. Because it was hard. "We choose to go to the Moon! We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." - John F. Kennedy Top Submissions: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Other Cool Submissions @Austin_Kerman was the first to complete this challenge. The mode was A Green Gas: Go lower than 199,999m but above 150,000m and return and this submitter was the first to do it. It has shown not to break any rules and its clear. What an awesome submission. Very impressive and this shows that this is doable! @Admiral Fluffy Submitted this submission. The submitter dipped into Jool's atmosphere. Impressive still. And shows that anything's are possible. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A = Not Applicable An image of Jool shining in its all mighty glory. Image made by @AnimatedK using Blender.
  2. THIS THREAD WAS DUPLICATED! GO HERE TO SUBMIT OR SEE UP TO DATE RULES: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/202338-the-jool-diver-challenge-let-us-explore-the-depths-of-jool/ Introduction: Hello. My name is @Dr. Kerbal. And this is the Jool Diver Challenge. In this challenge you have to go and explore the depths of Jool. Collect all the science and reports you can, and return home. You can go all the way down below 0m of Jool Sea Level or just scratch the atmosphere. This challenge has modes for everyone! From the hardcore pros to complete beginners! But before we start with the modes we are goin to go over some rules to prevent cheating. Because this challenge can be easily done with cheats. Rules: No mods that can affect the fuel in the craft. No HyperEdit. No part mods. Please stay stock. Kraken drives are allowed but only for altitudes under 39,999m. You cannot use Kraken drives for interplanetary transfers. Part clipping is allowed You may do this challenge with other challenges Dont use the cheat menu Dont use bugs or glitches to you advantage You can send a Kerbal (s) or a probe SSTOs are allowed Rockets are allowed No mods (expect for visual mods) Modes: A Bit of Air: Go under 200,000m but above 199,000m and return A Green Gas: Go lower than 199,999m but above 150,000m and return I'm Falling! Help! : Go lower than 149,999m but above 100,000m and return Wish It was Eve: Go lower than 99,999m but above 40,000m and return Are You Crazy?!: Go lower than 39,999m but above 10,000m and return Joolian Madness: GO lower than 9,999m but above 0m and return Defy Physics: Go lower than 0m and return Fry My Brain!!!: Go lower than -250m and return Impossible!!!: Go lower than -1000m and return Submission: Well. You could do the mission but if you want credit please follow this guide on submission. To submit your submission please reply to this thread. Ping me. The give your mission a name and a description. Backstories are not required. Post some images or videos of your mission. Provide a craft file so I can make sure you did not cheat. Then state your mode in the corresponding colors listed in the mode list. That's it. If you need an example here: Conclusion I hope you enjoy this challenge. I wait to see the ideas you come up with. Top Submissions: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Other Cool Submissions N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A = Not Applicable No Rights Reserved
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