OK, here's a challenge for you:
Launch straight up, until OUTSIDE the atmosphere
Decouple any kind of propellant at apoapsis,
Sit back and let orbital mechanics land you back as close to the launchpad as possible.
Don't forget to pack chutes. You'll need them.
You are only allowed to burn straight up until you reached your desired apoapsis, after that it's all up to gravity. All mods allowed (apart from Hyperedit or any other mod that relies on magic).
My first attempt got me 94.44km from the launchpad. There is plenty room for improvement. With a little luck skill you can end up on the pad again
Mechjeb shows distance to target.
There is plenty of opportunity to cheat on this one. But I know you wont, because you're all awesome!
@SchweinAero: 1,3km
@1of6Billion: 6,57km
@MacGamer04: 25,81km (from runway)