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Here, I bumped into a building and a part attached, most probably its collider gets Motor.SetTorque at the collision (which is a very wrong way to do physics of detached objects in Unity) - so the detached object gets infinite motion (of bumping into surface collider and then rolling in the direction of Torque vector) indefinitely (no fading of motion on friction at all, as Unity physics engine would do to to a Torqueless object eventually): keeps on going: and it even goes around obstacles like buildings maintaining its Torque vector: Rollin, rollin, rollin (c)
note: collider problems mentioned in this post may be the problems of wheel colliders and\or at the same time problems of objects' coliders around KSC 1. those are supposed to climb over obstacles on distant planets but they cannot overjump a tiny rail? (the response force of hitting a rail even slowly is very high - are you using Motor.SetTorque on collision??!) 2. for Kerbals wheel colliders do not exist you can run, jump and do hoops through this wheel and also you fall through it
To premise this topic, I'm not sure if this is a bug, or a limitation of the stock fairing behavior when used as an "interstage". I'm trying to use an open fairing as a lower fuselage of a cargo lander. After launching the craft to orbit and jettisoning the bottom cargo bay "plug", I am unable to insert cargo or other craft into the open bay. IMPORTANT NOTE: Anything jettisoned from the lander can be maneuvered inside the cargo bay just fine, but anything launched separately cannot. To anyone wanting to reproduce this behavior, you will need to perform two launches. Anyone that has any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to comment. @Rune, you might find this of interest since this is the DC-X-style cargo lander I teased you with.
The AE-FF2 airstream pro and likely other fairings are causing CTD on launch when there is any clipping at all and can corrupt a save as well, 0ing out funds in career and if the save manages to revert and saves to the persistent back up deleting the craft from the pad in the tracking center will result in a high pitch audible scream til the game ctds again. Rigorously tested while live streaming on twitch. The episde link is provided below and provides about 2 hours of test data showing different configs it was tested in. Oddly, the configuration worked once, normally in a engineering sandbox mode, and then crashed again when almost the same exact vehicle was reloaded and the same modifications were made in career mode. All parts were rigorously tested to confirm it was not a part issue of any sort whether stock or mod as they would all load to the pad independently just fine it was just when they were brought together in a fairing in a particular combination that this very serious crash style occurred. I suspect it has something to with fairing / engine interactions with colliders but even inverted the error still occurred. Submitting error reports generated by the game as well as a twitch tv link to the video where I attempted to diagnose the cause myself. I also suspect it may have something to do with the game thinking the craft is somewhere else for some bizarre reason other than the launch pad because it always switches scenes to space wtih 0 coms though still showing the stages on the left as if it never left the pad. The interaction is with KSP Intersetellar Extended Candle engines, but could conceivably happen with others though I ran out of time to test that theory. Here is the logs, the save files associated with the repeated testing CTDs: Here is the video on Twitch TV that contains the troubleshooting effort. It starts around 2:15 to 2:30 and runs until the end about 4:30, a full 2 hours of rigorously attempting to identify and troubleshoot the problem. Inverting the payload in the fairing hangar also did not solve the problem. Craft file causing the CTD: Probe 2.craft?dl=0 update: An even more bizarre complication has arisen, this craft can be launched in sandbox, it only crashes in career. Repeatedly tested in career, with and without the decoupler, with and without the fairing, with and without it being at the bottom of the inter-staging rack. Unbelievably odd. It has to do something with the name and perhaps the initial game crash? Going to destroy the craft in this particular save, rebuild it from scratch, rename it and see what happens. Rebuilt it exact to spec under a new name, still crashes in career only, new name Mun Micro Probe 2. The original craft that it was based on is also crashing. We're making progress in narrowing down cause. Updating title. Suspect previous deletion of a probe in space did not complete properly in the tracking center corrupting the save and possibly making it so that all probe cores of the same type launched now register at a random point in space rather than at launchpad. Left the name unchanged, stripped down to probe core, launched. Stable with just Hecs core, went back reloaded primary craft file so that once again all parts were present, launched, ctd. Something is broken on the payload, still working out what. This craft launched before with no problem, something has changed. Removed all parts from corrupted craft that were mod-based and only utilized its stock part elements, the craft deployed without crash. Adding back the navigatin light and launching, then adding back the candle engines and launching, will update again momentarily. Navlights confirmed good. No crash. Re-add candle engines.. no crash? Craft is mysteriously stable again as a whole after re-add of parts. Possible issue with saved crafts from between KSP IE updates. Removed and re-added candle engines to the full payload/delivery booster assembly and still crashing, so re-adding the engines does not always fix whatever is underlying this. Debugger menu will not open when the view is changed to space prior to ctd and funds are wiped. The crash dumps are indicating some form of bizarre memory access error. Putting ksp into admin mode. But why only affecting this particular craft file and why only career? Craft loaded without crash after 3 way coupler removed, landing gear, candle engines, and the nav lights were removed. Adding back only sm-3 mount and putting on the fairing rack and reloading. Still stable. Adding landing LT-1 gear back to the sm-3 mount, retracted as before. Normal launch. Adding back candle engines. Normal Launch? Adding back nav light. Normal launch! ...... Conclusion: KSP not running in admin mode was causing a random failure to access some part of the craft file for reasons that are unexplained as all the parts in this build have been utilized before. This began after the recent ksp ie mod update, so uncertain if interaction has been caused by updates. Solution: Run KSP in admin mode, this was not a part or apparent staging/physics error. Why it has chosen to randomly manifest a memory access error now remains undetermined, but launch is able to progress without error.
I've been working on an Aircraft Carrier mod. I just got my first model finished and installed into KSP, but the Debug keeps popping up a bunch of errors. I had a whole series of complex convex colliders set up. I ended up removing the because of the errors and tested just with mesh colliders and the same issue occurs. The other problem is when I activate the animation, KSP dims and spawns a new error. Can anyone shed any light on this issue? Errors are as follows. // After I launch my craft. [Error]: Ignore collision failed. Both colliders need to be activated when calling IgnoreCollision // After the animation is triggered, KSP dims and spawns this. [Error]: ConvexHullBuilder::CreateTrianglesFromPolygons: convex hull has a polygon with less than 3 vertices! [Error]: Gu::ConvexMesh::loadConvexHull: convex hull init failed! Try to use the PxConvexFlag::eINFLATE_CONVEX flag. (see PxToolkit::createConvexMeshSafe) Pictures of the model in the SPH (hanger extender mod in use)