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Found 3 results

  1. I'm currently deciding which mods to use for a modded career game. I'd like to use both Outer Planets Mod and Kerbal Planetary Base Systems. But Kerbal Planetary Base Systems uses two non-stock resources, Enriched Uranium and Depleted Uranium. Those resources are added by one of its dependencies, Community Resource Pack, and it appears that combining Outer Planets Mod with Community Resource Pack leaves me with some blanks to fill in. Community Resource Pack adds many resources and planet specific configurations for some of them. For example, the resource Alumina isn't found on gas giants, so the Alumina.cfg file has a section setting all of its values to 0 for Jool: PLANETARY_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Alumina ResourceType = 0 PlanetName = Jool Distribution { PresenceChance = 0 MinAbundance = 0 MaxAbundance = 0 Variance = 0 Dispersal = 0 } } It has no such sections for Sarnus, Urlum, and Neidon, so those are some of the things that need to be in the configuration file that I'm missing: PLANETARY_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Alumina ResourceType = 0 PlanetName = Sarnus Distribution { PresenceChance = 0 MinAbundance = 0 MaxAbundance = 0 Variance = 0 Dispersal = 0 } } Note that Outer Planets Mod itself already has these sections for the outer gas giants and the stock resource Ore. And in the exact same file where Outer Planets Mod has those sections (OPM_Resources.cfg), there is also a section to disable ISRU contracts to extract Ore from the new planets that don't have it: @Contracts { @ISRU { @RESOURCE_REQUEST[Ore] { Forbidden = Sarnus Forbidden = Urlum Forbidden = Neidon } } } Community Resource Pack's configuration files don't appear to have any sections to disable ISRU contracts to extract new resources from Jool. Is this because the stock configuation for ISRU contracts can only generate an ISRU contract for the stock resource Ore, so there's no need to disable them for new resources? Regardless, is disabling ISRU contracts for new resources from the new gas giants something that should be done in case another mod enables them? I imagine that this would require a configuration section like this: @Contracts { @ISRU { @RESOURCE_REQUEST[Alumina] { Forbidden = Jool Forbidden = Sarnus Forbidden = Urlum Forbidden = Neidon } @RESOURCE_REQUEST[Dirt] { Forbidden = Jool Forbidden = Sarnus Forbidden = Urlum Forbidden = Neidon } } } Is multiple @RESOURCE_REQUEST sections in a single @ISRU section in a single @Contracts section the correct syntax? And will it combine badly with the stock configuration for ISRU contracts that doesn't generate contracts to extract non-stock resources? And where would the new configuration file need to be installed? Add it to the GameData/[ModName] subdirectory for Outer Planets Mod or Community Resource Pack? Or in a new GameData/[ModName] subdirectory? Would it need to be loade d after both of the mods that it affects? And if so, how do I ensure that? Am I re-inventing any wheels here? Has someone already created this missing configuration file?
  2. I just landed a supply ship at my colony, and I went over to my colony (built with MKS-Lite, and USI-LS) and the resource were gone (not the stock ones, and ore is still in the storage modules). My food, mulch and fertilizer are gone, there are no resource bars in any modules that would carry non-stock resources. Can someone please tell me how to fix this if there is a way.
  3. I just landed a supply ship at my colony, and I went over to my colony (built with MKS-Lite, and USI-LS) and the resource were gone (not the stock ones, and ore is still in the storage modules). My food, mulch and fertilizer are gone, there are no resource bars in any modules that would carry non-stock resources.
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