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  1. Last week, during the Steam sale, I picked up two more games. Since the early 1980s, with my TRS-80 (Tandy Radio Shack 80), and each edition of PC Magazine, I would spend days and hours programming the latest game so I could make the square move and launch other squares... and from that point, I was hooked. Since we ask and answer all kinds of questions on the forum, I decided to do a quick search to see if anyone had asked this before - and couldn't find a thread like it (I might be mistaken, but gave up after thirty minutes). Anyhow, here's the question, and I will even share my answers with you: When you have the opportunity to do so, what are other games you play besides KSP? Here's the list of games I often play when I am not playing KSP (and this is in no sort of order): Banished Sid Meier's Civilization V Sid Meier's Beyond Earth Sid Meier's Spaceships Cities: Skylines Industry Tycoon II Tropico Roller Coaster Tycoon II
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