I'm trying to get some mods to work again after having dropped the game some time ago, and now after updating the mods the game isn't pliable.
The game quits when trying to launch a vehicle
2017-10-02_233616 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B089rbaNwAKLVjJScHRtZm42b28
The game quits when trying to load a saved game
2017-10-02_233454 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B089rbaNwAKLbWN4bFA1eE1xOGM
Can someone please help getting the game running with mods
(it works without them)
My rig is as follows
win 7 ultimate
CPU, i7-4790k
ram, 16Gb
graphic, 2x GTX 780