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  1. In general I have been supportive of the game after launch, I have not criticized things that will surely be fixed by the devs.. it's all part of the EA process. This feedback looks past the technical issues and the lego building aspects of the game. Assuming the first EA release had no bugs and performed well.. what is there to explore in the game? Well, not a lot. The celestial bodies look good when seen from far away / high orbit, which really makes them unique and interesting. But when you get closer the terrain is not great. It will probably be improved with higher resolution textures and more polygons when the performance budget will be available. Anyway, I have done complete visual orbital surveys of all the planets and moons searching for anomalies or special terrain features that stand out. I have found very few. It seems that, at least for now, there is not much creative content in the game. I don't see reasons to hop a lander or drive a rover or fly a plane around looking for interesting stuff. It's just not there. You basically have 1.. or maybe 2 interesting and unique things to see on each planet or moon. Other than that, yes there are some biomes like craters, hills, valleys, mountains. But there is nothing special there, no interesting scatter, no fascinating natural objects. The planets and moons feel as barren and empty as KSP1... for now. And this is a surprise because the devs always said in the feature videos (paraphrasing): "the planets are great, everyone's gonna love the planets".. "exploration is a much bigger motivation now" .. "some of the things the creative team is cooking up.. it will blow you away" etc. It just feels like a great waste of space, with no real reason to go exploring over the next hill. There should be more "wow" moments than just arriving at a nice looking planet with beautiful music and landing once. Hopefully more content will be added (the Duna and Tylo anomalies are very high quality and the Vall place is very interesting). Also: please limit the camera zoom-out when in low orbit. We can basically zoom out and move the camera close to the ground anywhere. It kind of spoils the fun of landing and roving. The zoom is limited when landed, I think this should also apply in low orbit.
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