So I've been looking at utilizing the CustomParameterNode to get the configurations incorporated directly into KSP. However, I cannot figure out how to sort the elements in the settings menu. I thought that the sorting of the elements in the class would be inherited to the menu... Seems I was wrong. But I haven't been able to localize a sorting parameter for the elements.
I have the following elements
String heading for event settings
Bool for activation of events
integer for how often the check for the event
integer for how fast to repeat the check just after it has been last found true
String heading for debugging section
Bool for activation of debugging messages in the log
custom enum for level of debugging messages.
Now when I run the game to sorting is different, like
String heading for event settings
Bool for activation of debugging messages in the log
Bool for activation of events
integer for how often the check for the event
integer for how fast to repeat the check just after it has been last found true
String heading for debugging section
custom enum for level of debugging messages.
And this does not make any sense to me, so I want them sorted.
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to proceed??