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  1. A while ago, I was watching a DCS tutorial (mind you I don't have it, but I like it). Then it came to me "why not turn KSP into a DCS type simulator" After all, KSP has the BDA addon, tutorials, scenarios/missions, and, best of all, you can build your own custom airplane. So here is my proposal : A pack that you place in a clean KSP install with select addons (RBDA, FAR, APP, etc.), tutorials, manuals, scenarios, and built-in crafts made by me, and anyone else who would want to help, for those who dont want to bother with building their own airplanes. The manuals would be either in KSPedia or .pdf format. Another thing to do would be to add the BDA displays to IVA cockpit screens. I would also modify parts into new parts (e.g, AIM-9 without warhead for tutorials). Now, it is ready for the first beta release. If you have any suggestions/questions, ask here. Mods used: @Next_Star_Industries Mk8x bombs, under CC BY-SA 4.0 @jrodriguez's RBDA, destruction FX, and Physics Range Extender (PRE), under CC BY-SA 2.0 @Shadowmage's Kerbal Foundries Continued, under CC BY-SA 3.0 @Icecovery's AARS (automated aerial refueling system), under CC BY-SA 4.0 @Papa_Joe's BDMk22, BDArmory, Vessel Mover, and BurnTogether, under CC BY-SA 2.0 @blackheart612's AirplanePlus, under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 @Crzyrndm's Dynamic Deflection, in public domain and B9 Pwings, code under MIT, art under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 @ferram4's FAR, under GNU GPLv3 @AlphaAsh/@Ger_space's Kerbal Konstructs plugin, under MIT @DoctorDavinci's DCK Camo, under GNU GPLv3 @pellinors tweakscale, under WTFLP @alexustas's ASET, under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 @MOARdV's JSI PRM, under GNU GPLv3 @tetryds/ @ferram4/ @BahamutoD's Mouse Aim Flight, All rights reserved, specific permission needed. Tetryds permission: @fast_de_la_speed's Mk1 ASET cockpit, under WTFPL. @linuxgurugamer's SXT continued, under CC BY-SA 4.0 *needs to be downloaded separately Here* @Starwaster's Procedural parts, under CC BY-SA 3.0 @blowfish/@NathanKell's Module Manager, under CC BY-SA(2.0?) AJE, an SolverEngines, under GNU GPLv2 @sirkut's Infernal Robotics, under GNU GPLv3 @AirShark, for his excellent crafts. (And, mod contributors, sorry for the second ping) TEAM MEMBERS! @dundun92 @Matuchkin @JollyGreenGI @dundun93 @Lo Var Lachland The modpack: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lJdlckApQ7OvbG7X4MagmsuFKaArUtoC/view?usp=drivesdk Airbases: Paste the NewInstances FOLDER into GameData\KerbalKonstructs. https://drive.google.com/openid=1UDW6VPmXBTzsQewLGVxMuI4F1OwbkjD6 The sample .craft files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19QYw5lr_LuR8ejiT9Ghlzj-S5VDSDUQM/view?usp=drivesdk The sample scenarios(use like a Alt-F5/F9 gamesave): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WgKj36cVNayhfZM-uag91wcQtt8OfaXv/view?usp=drivesdk Here are some demo/tutorial videos/screenshots: Suggestions poll: https://www.strawpoll.me/15227310 Original development thread: Have fun blowing up stuff!
  2. Simply a place to talk about DCS World. Share your ideas, chat about DCS, and have fun! Here are the things I like about DCS World: #1. IT'S FREE! You don't have to pay for the game itself. just the extras.( it comes with some airplanes by default (SU-25T, TF-51D)). #2. DCS 1.5(not 2.5) runs very fast on junk computers(like used $300 laptops) as long as you turn the quality settings to the lowest setting(it still looks great)(I have a $310 used HP EliteBook 8460P). #3. You can download hundreds of 3rd party add-ons for DCS for free. Rules: 1. No inappropriate or vulgar comments allowed here. keep it mild and appropriate. 2. No auguring. Especially about what you think is better.(What you think is better might be worse to someone else) I'm not saying you can't say "the f-15 is worse than a f-14", but don't turn it into an argument. There's no right and wrong here. For newbies: 1: Check out the ED's(Eagle Dynamics) Website.: (https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/index.php) 2: Create a free account with Eagle Dynamics with the website listed above.(or here https://forums.eagle.ru/?langid=1) 3: Download and install DCS from the website. (Help can be found here: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/support/faq/) Have fun and I hope it works for you! Also please take a moment to fill out my poll. Here are some of my brother's( @dundun92) videos: Also it would be nice uf you give this a thumbs up(like this thread).
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