Basically what it says in the title- I had a Kerbal clinging to a hatch, [ to the vessel, recovered the vessel, and the Kerbal is now KIA. Not worth the Grassslands surface sample that's for sure. I'm scared to edit this- can you resurrect Kerbals via the cheat menu?
name = Diloly Kerman
gender = Male
type = Crew
trait = Pilot
brave = 0.6351719
dumb = 0.3089685
badS = False
tour = False
state = Dead
ToD = 0
idx = -1
flight = 4
0 = ExitVessel,Kerbin
0 = Orbit,Kerbin
0 = BoardVessel,Kerbin
0 = Suborbit,Kerbin
0 = Flight,Kerbin
0 = Land,Kerbin
0 = Recover
1 = Flight,Kerbin
1 = Suborbit,Kerbin
1 = Orbit,Kerbin
1 = Land,Kerbin
1 = Recover
2 = Flight,Kerbin
2 = Suborbit,Kerbin
2 = Orbit,Kerbin
2 = Land,Kerbin
2 = ExitVessel,Kerbin
2 = Die
3 = Die