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Found 2 results

  1. Hi guys! hope everyone's doing great! Let me cut right down to the chase and ask what's been puzzling me for the last few days. I CAN'T get a single spaceplane to re-enter from LEO. I just CAN'T. I am playing with RSS + RO + many realism mods in 1.0.4 - I have also tried in 1.0.5 and their corresponding mod versions to see if it was a bug or something, but I just cannot re-enter my spaceplanes. Stability is not an issue, as the spaceplanes maintain attitude effortlessly until they explode. Almost always, the part that explodes first is the cockpit - I've used the mk1 cockpit, mk2, and custom ones - they all explode. I have tried several designs, included wings on the bottom and starting right below the cockpit in order to provide some shielding - still doesn't work and the cockpit explodes at circa 80km (not even close to when things get interesting). I have also tried many different angles of attack: I dived straight into my prograde vector, I tried keeping a 20° pitch, even 40°, but the cockpit always blows up in flames. Please also note I'm doing it very gently, i.e. chipping my orbit down from 150x150km very slightly into the atmosphere. I have tried light aircraft (3T), heavy aircraft (40T), and they all keep blowing up I want my fancy MMH+NTO Luna Transfer Vehicle to be able to take my guys to the Moon and then return and land back like an airplane! If my above description sucks I can post images of the wretched spacecraft. Many thanks in advance!!!! love you all! PS: I'm THIS close to just sticking a big heatshield on the back of my plane and going butt-first (how am I going to turn around afterwards to land I just don't know...) please don't make me do this!!!!
  2. Hello Everybody and thanx for your help... I play a heavy modded RO version of KSP and had problems returning my beloved Spaceshuttle to Earth concerning heat. So i decided to tweak just a lttle the max temp of my cockpit and some other parts inside the mk3.cfg of deadly reentry. And so i stumbled over a few questions which occured... It seems that several *.cfg files want to set certain values for the same part... For Example: A stock Part has a given max temp. of 850 (defined iinside squad/part...folder *.cfg) RO set this temp to higher value Deadly Reentry to an even higher Value Perhaps tweakscale or other mods changes the values too... Now the questions... ;-) Is there a way to see which mod changes the value and which one gave the part its actual (in game) value? Is there a chance to set a non overrideable value? In terms of coding (memory use and so on) isn´t it bad to have several codelines loaded from different mods concerning the same part....? Again, thnx for your help and please excuse my bad english. See u in Space
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