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CollectingSP's Kerbalized Space Program- A Mix Of Realism, Fantasy, and Make-Believe Bureaucracy CollectingSP's Kerbalized Space Program is Thread of the Month for April 2024! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello all! In my program, there are many wacky alternate historical timelines and fantasy components. It's been semi-active since August of 2020. The major agencies and corporations represented in my program are many of the world's real-life agencies and corporations, such as NASA, Roscosmos, ULA and SpaceX, NGIS, and more. Most notably, I'm a fan of the United Launch Alliance (ULA) And their Delta IV program. Payloads Launched by the contractors in my program include payloads for the Air Force/Space Force, NASA, and Commercial Customers. The major (current) launch contractors- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ United Launch Alliance Info About United Launch Alliance Launches- About Delta IV- 11 Launches to date Delta IV Launches are conducted from Launch Complex 39B at Kennedy Space Center, FL, and Launch Complex 37B, at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, FL. About Launch Complex 39B- Leased to ULA, Owned by NASA. Complex 39B Previously Supported the Space shuttle and Constellation programs. In my timeline, After Constellation was canceled, ULA signed a lease to use this pad for their new Delta IV launch vehicle in 2018 as part of the Air Force's new Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle Program. "But EELV started in the late 90s!" Yes, It did. However, in my timeline, heritage vehicles like Titan IV and Delta II flew for far longer than anticipated, leading to EELV coming later on. Vehicles processed for launch from Pad 39B are processed in either high bay three or four of the vehicle assembly building, and then transported to LC-39B on a specially-built crawler. Pad 39B was closed from March 2021 to November 2023 for upgrades to the Complex's fixed umbilical tower (FUT) to allow it to support flights of NASA's upcoming Orion Spacecraft, which will be launched on top of ULA's Delta IV Heavy Rocket from Complex 39B. This gives the FUT The appearance of the IRL SLC-6 Delta IV launch tower, at Vandenberg AFB, CA, with the addition of a Crew Access Arm. Complex 39B will also be used to launch American components of the International Space Station, Which in my timeline has not been constructed yet due to the Shuttle being primarily focused on Commercial and Scientific research + satellite deployment operations throughout its career, with no time left to build the ISS at the end of the program in 2011. About Complex 37/Pad 37B- Leased to ULA, Owned by the Space Force. Dormant since the early years of Apollo, Pad 37B Was reconstructed From 2022 to 2023 as ULA realized the need for another dedicated facility on the cape for Commercial and Military Delta IV missions, as Launch Complex 39B gears up to support Orion and the upcoming International Space Station Program. One note, as they are not built by NASA, the Russian Components of the ISS will use pad 37B as their launchpad, and Delta IV as their rocket, excluding Pirs, Poisk, and Prichal. Vehicle Numbering Scheme- Each Delta IV vehicle is assigned a sequential "Delta Vehicle," or DV number, to differentiate Delta IV vehicles from Delta III and Delta II vehicles processed by United Launch Alliance. This number usually looks like "DV-###." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems Info About Northrop Grumman Launches- About Antares 240 and Complex 19- 2 Launch(es) to date Antares is manufactured by Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems, who intend on using it to launch Commercial and Government Payloads, as well as to resupply the International Space Station. Specifically, the new 250 and 240 variants will be used for launches from Florida's space coast, in which the older solid fueled stage has been replaced with a Liquid-fuel second stage powered by an RD-120 (240) or RD-0124 (250) Engine. On November 06, 2023, Pad 19 was officially reactivated for use by Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems for use by their Antares Rocket, which is expected to have a first flight soon. The facility was originally leased to NGIS in December of 2022. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimers and notes-
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- totm apr 2024
- realism
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This is a parts pack that adds a stock alike version of the SLS in 5m size as well as a few Space Shuttle specific parts that will allow you to build the Block I SLS with the complete Orion Spacecraft (CM, SM, and LAS), as well as a full Space Shuttle stack with an External Tank and SRBs that are 5m and 2.25m respectively to be in scale with the Mk3 Spaceplane parts. Note: Delete your old ShadowWorks Install before installing all Updates. Version Waterfall FX Compatibility Updated to Version 2.0!!! A whole lot has changed with this update. Since it took me so long to motivate myself to finish the Jupiter (DIRECT) and Altair Lander parts, and seeing the progress of a lot of other mods I decided that the mod as a whole could use a facelift. With the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 I was inspired to finally finish the Jupiter and Altair, and complete a near total overhaul of the mod. Nearly every part has been remodeled and retextured, and I have made use of the stock Part Variant module for mesh and texture switching, throttle-based animations to animate the extending nozzle of the RL10B, and the new mapped specular shaders to provide a mirrored Orion capsule. I have also gone through and properly given most (if not all) parts an alias taken from the ancient Egyptian pantheon. I figured, you don't see that very often, so why not. Below is the Change Log for version 2.0, which is extensive, but I may have missed a couple of things. Changes ------------- * Re-added the Connected Living Spaces compatibility patch after accidentally leaving it out of v2.0.5 Changes 2.0.5 ------------- * Added Waterfall FX compatibility patch - converts all engines and RCS thrusters except for SRBs to Waterfall FX. * Fixed texture issue with the 5m Amun-Ra (SLS) Fairing. The texture will now appear correctly in 1.12+. * Updated the SSMEMount part to use transform-based attachment nodes. Changes -------------------- * Added Connected Living Space (CLS) Compatibility (will only work if CLS is installed) Changes 2.0.4 -------------- ISS SAW Fix thanks to @Hachiro * Re-exported the ISS SAW (Solar Array Wing) part * Now uses a single attachment node (no longer surface attach) * PAW text updated for easier readability and more informative operation * Deploying the Array plays the full deployment animation once, while the panels won't actually rotate independently and collect sunlight until they are activated. * Should remain deployed regardless of a packing/unpacking operation, so no more having to redeploy after the game packs and unpacks the vessel. Changes 2.0.3 -------------- Hotfix * Re-exported the following parts to add a basic flat normal as KSP apparently no longer gracefully ignores no normal map for "Bumped..." shaders. * EUS * EUSDecoupler * ICPS * DCSS5m * DCSS5mDecoupler * DCSS4m * DCSS4mDecoupler * AresI * AresIIU * AresIDecoupler * Pyrios * PyriosNoseCone Everything should be back to looking normal. Changes 2.0.2: ------------------------ * DDS texture encoding changed to DXT5 from DXT3, so textures should show up again! * Removed duplicate TGA textures that have DDS versions in the SRBs folder. * Removed the SLS Engine Mount as a separate part, as it really isn't needed any longer. Changes 2.0.1: ------------------------ * Altair Landing Legs will now show up in the career tech tree under "advLanding" Changes 2.0: --------------------- Removed: * External Tank Nose Cone * External Tank * External Tank End Cap * These three were replaced with two tanks (see Additions) * File: "_ShadowWorks_RealChutes.cfg" Removed * File: "_ShadowWorks_FSTextureSwitching.cfg" Removed * SLS 5m - 3.25 m Adapter (Orion can be attached to the EUS using the SLS 5m Fairing Base No Payload variant. Additions: * MOARdV Avionics Systems compatibility patches adding functioning MFDs and other controls to the Orion and Altair IVAs. Also adds a camera and docking radar to the NASA Docking System (NDS) 0.9375m docking port. * ModulePartVariant: * SLS Core Stage * Bare Orange Insulation * Black and White Painted * ICPS Decoupler * Bare Orange Insulation * Black and White Painted * EUS * Bare Orange Insulation * Black and White Painted * EUS Decoupler * Bare Orange Insulation * Black and White Painted * External Tank Liquid Fuel Tank * Bare Orange Insulation * STS-1 White * Jupiter (DIRECT) Liquid Fuel Tank with Engine Mount (Mesh) * External Tank Oxidizer Tank * Bare Orange Insulation * STS-1 White * Jupiter (DIRECT) Oxidizer Tank (Mesh) * Shuttle Orbiter Radial Decoupler * Bare Orange Insulation * STS-1 White * Orion Pod * Mirrored * White * EFT-1 Black * Orion CM Cap * Mirrored * White * EFT-1 Black * ICPS * ICPS (Mesh) * DCSS 5m (Mesh) * SLS 5m Fairing Base * Orion attach nodes to accommodate the Altair Lander * Orion attach nodes for no/small payloads * Orion attach nodes for tall payloads * Jupiter (DIRECT) Upper Stage Tank * Earth Departure Stage Tank * Jupiter Upper Stage Engine Mount (6x symmetry) * Earth Departure Stage Engine Mount (1 engine & 2 engine variants, uses ModulePartVariant) * Earth Departure/Jupiter Upper Stage interstage decoupler * Altair Ascent Stage (w/integrated RCS and ascent engine) * Altair Decoupler (w/airlock for crew EVA) * Altair Descent Stage (w/integrated engines) * Altair RCS Quad (rcs quads for the descent stage) * Altair Landing Legs (must set to "Gears" Action Group to use the "g" hotkey) * SRB Aft Separation Motor (mounts on aft skirt of 4-segment, 5-segment, and Black Paladin SRBs * 4m Delta Cryogenic Second Stage * 5m Delta Cryogenic Second Stage (ICPS without the Orion adaptor) * Delta IV Medium decoupler * RL10A * Shuttle Orbiter radial decoupler * 4-segment/5-segment SRB radial decoupler * External Tank Oxidizer tank * External Tank Liquid Fuel tank * Ares I Payload Fairing Base Updates: (Nearly Complete Overhaul) * Orion Launch Abort System was separated into two (2) separate parts, the Abort Motor, and the Jettison Motor. * Orion Pod: Remodeled to add detail. * Orion CM Cap: Remodeled to add detail. * Orion Heatshield: Updated model, given mirrored finish * Orion Chutes: Made into single chute part that is attached to the Orion Pod directly. * Orion CM Decopuler: Remodeled. * Orion Service Module: Remodeled to add detail. All RCS pods have been integrated with the SM, and attach nodes added for easier attachment of solar panels. * Orion Solar Panels: Added attach node for easier attachment to SM * Orion SM Decoupler: Remodeled to add detail. * Orion SM Fairing: Remodeled to add detail and improve staging of the petals. * ICPS: Remodeled, 5m DCSS is a variant of this part, added flag decals * ICPS Decoupler: Remodeled to add detail. * SLS Core Stage: Remodeled to add detail. Integrated the SLS Engine Mount. * Exploration Upper Stage: Remodeled to add detail. * Exploration Upper Stage Decoupler: Remodeled to add detail. * 4-Segment, 5-Segment, and Dark Knight SRBs: Remodeled to add detail. * SRB Nose Cone: Remodeled to add detail. * Pyrios Nose Cone: Remodeled to add detail. * Delta IV CBC: Remodeled to add detail. * RS-68: Remodeled to add detail. * GEM-60: Remodeled to add detail, and a gimbal-able nozzle. * RS-25: Remodeled to add detail. * RL10B: Remodeled to add detail, and add an extendable nozzle. * RL10C: Remodeled to add detail. * F-1B: Remodeled to add detail. * J-2X: Remodeled to add detail. * Pyrios booster: Remodeled to add detail. * Ares I Upper Stage: Remodeled to add detail. * Ares I Adapter: Remodeled to add detail, added integrated separation motors. * 2.5m and 3.75m to Orion Adapters: Remodeled to add detail. * SLS Fairing Base: Remodeled to add detail. Added integrated decouplers, 1 for attaching payloads that is not activated by staging, and another for the Orion that is activated by staging the fairing. Added attach nodes for the Orion SM Fairing. * Delta IV Payload Fairing: Remodeled to add detail. Added a payload fairing for the 4m DCSS. NOTE: The 1.25m base of the PMA is a docking port, you do not need to attach a CBM to dock the PMA to other CBMs Download on SpaceDock: Also available through CKAN (or so I'm led to believe) A review of the mod by @jd9921 (Gemini10 Gamers on YouTube) Osiris Capsule showing off the mirrored finish Amun-Ra (SLS) Block I Amun-Ra Block IB Amun-Ra Block II Bastet IV Heavy flying EFT-1 Bastet IV Medium Amunet Space Shuttle Parts Hathor (Jupiter DIRECT)-130 Hathor-246 MOARdV Avionics Systems IVAs for Osiris and Horus Recommended Mods Bacon Labs Stockalike Ariane and More (Dead link) - I provided the Ariane and Vega launchers for this pack, and it uses a modified version of the Shuttle SRBs from this mod Tantares Stockalike Soyuz and Mir - a great mod by Beale adding Soviet/Russian spacecraft and launchers Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, & More - Awesome stockalike historic American spacecraft and launchers License: ShadowWorks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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- delta iv heavy
- orion
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Delta Pack Adds the Delta II, III and IV rockets into the game, featuring highly detailed models & textures. (No, this is NOT the official ULA mod pack! I do not have any affiliation with them, I've released my work on my own since otherwise you would never get your hands on this.) Overview of the parts included: RS-27A, RS-68A, RL10-B2, AJ-10-118K, LR-101 GEM-40, GEM-46, GEM-60,GEM-63, GEM-63XL, Star 48B SRM's 4m DCSS (2 colour shemes), 5m DCSS, Common Booster Core, Thor Tank, Delta K, Extra Extended Long Thor Tank various Payload Fairings A wide range of different payload adapters based Note: These launch vehicles are scaled down to fit the Kerbal universe, Delta II has a diameter of 1.5m, Delta III of 2.5m and Delta IV of 3m. A seperate manual is also included in the .zip file. Real Solar System / Realism Overhaul configs are made by @raidernick and are included in the upcoming RO patch. More pictures: DOWNLOAD v.1.0 FROM SPACEDOCK All rights reserved - Kartoffelkuchen Logos used are owned by United Launch Alliance Important note: I do not want to make any profit off of my work, so I always appreciate some nice comments if you like it! Enjoy! Great review by KottabosGames SpaceX Pack Due to its size and popularity, the SpaceX Pack has been split into its own thread. You can find it here. Atlas Pack Includes: Atlas V Rocket 400 & 500 series (3 Payload fairings for each version) Centaur with RL-10 Payload interfaces (C13, C15, C22, C25, C29, A937S, B1194) Requires Old School Fairings , BD Animation Module Recommended Editor Extensions KSP Version 1.1.3 Version 2.0 (Released September 9 2016) Download SpaceDock Realism Overhaul configs are included in the RO mod Real Plume config provided by @Hysterrics , downloadable here License All rights reserved
So today I built a delta iv heavy-like craft and sent a kerbal to eve's moon gilly. Where can you take it? (Download it, then show me!) Delta IV (Heavy): Here are some images of what I did with it: Nothing in the fairings yet, lets put a gilly lander! This should be succificient, its a ion engine/liquid fuel engine craft, with room for 1 kerbal On the launchpad, ready to launch After booster separation, when the central fuel tank is refilled Many days later... Approaching Eve Now I prepared to do the Eve Orbit Insertion Burn, which is shown below And lastly, here are some images of gilly after arriving at it What can you do with it, post images or tell me below!
This challenge is simple. We all start with the exact same rocket, patterned after a Delta IV Heavy (I'll explain why in a moment). We all have the same payload: three large ore holding tanks and a probe core. The challenge is to fill the ore tanks as full as you can and still make orbit with a periapsis over 85 km. Here's the rocket (you can build it yourself in a few moments): Three orange tanks with Skipper engines, large nose cones on the side tanks, Rockomax and TT-70 decouplers, a Poodle upper stage engine, an X200-16 upper stage tank, and the smallest probe core. I suggest autostrutting everything. Since we all have the same rocket, this challenge will come down to piloting and nothing else. I chose the Delta IV Heavy design because it introduces a range of variables associated with throttling down the core engine or transferring fuel in order to maximize effective dV. The amount of ore you choose to attempt will greatly affect TWR, which will change your gravity turn accordingly. I chose 85x85 (or greater) to add an additional variable as far as lofted trajectories are concerned. Obviously, no MechJeb or other piloting mods. Good luck!
Why do GPS IIFs fly with SRBs on Delta IV? I mean, Delta IV without any boosters + 4m diameter upper stage seem to be able to launch GPS sats just fine- The Atlas V 401, also used to launch GPS, only has marginally higher performance, (0.5-0.2 more T to LEO, and 0.05 more T to GTO), and the Centaur used on Atlas V GPS missions even has enough fuel to do a DEORBIT BURN. Also, both were made to launch GPS on their basic configurations. So...why are 2 SRBs used? Why waste money on SRBs when the rocket doesn't really need it to launch GPS?