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Found 3 results

  1. A new Developer Insights post is up! Learn what it’s like to be a producer working on Kerbal Space Program 2 in our latest Dev Diary: What Does A Game Producer Do? https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/dev-diaries/developer-insights-8-what-does-a-game-producer-do/
  2. See the following dev diary. https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/dev-diaries/developer-insights-2/
  3. Update 20Oct2018: the original post below was a basic complaint that the developers blogs were so rare that the comms channel was basically useless. Just a few weeks ago our friends at squad announced they were killing the weekly updates and that "other" channels will be used - including the very nearly dead defunct devblog. Why? Let us peacefully discuss... --------------------- Back in mid-February @SQUAD indicated... /Snip "We’re planning to continue which the Developer Articles to let developers talk about their work and experiences in greater detail and to give you more insight about some of the challenges we face when developing KSP. These won’t be scheduled as regular forum posts, as we’ll be having multiple authors sharing info whenever they are willing and able. Nevertheless we will let you know when these come out, so you don’t miss any and keep your eyes peeled on the DevBlogs section of the forum for when they do." /End Snip And we have had only two devblog entries ( @RoverDude before and @TriggerAu after the above statement) and that's it. Is the Devblog dead? Or is it just not a priority for anyone? They have a fair sized team. I find it hard to believe not a single person on the team has the time to highlight and share their workflow or experiences through a devblog entry. I gather from the above snipped quote that: 1) They are not scheduled (Fair enough) 2) Info will be shared when devs are willing and able (Aha!) 3) @Squad will notify us of an any entries in the Blog (Again, fair enough) SO --> As it stands, our Dev team is not willing and/or is not able to share anything for what is approaching the past 4 months??? Thoughts? Discussion? (Perhaps the office intern can write something... ) EDIT: It seems that in recent weeks/months there has been a resurgence in @SQUAD's ability to produce viable Dev-Blog posts. Well Done! Enjoy this thread to experience the journey from death to life.
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