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Heyo Everyone! I've been more than ambitious with my projects recently and I need a place where I can keep track of it and get feedback. List of Current Projects: AT Inc. Junkyards 1.2.2 Release. BrickMod Updated Updates. New Mission Report Series.
Hello! I am currently trying to make my own mod for KSP, allready done the modeling, texturing and all the stuff. I imported the blender file into Unity and succeed to have the main texture and the normal map imported. But I do not succeed to import a roughness/smoothness map and a metallic map. I read that I have to make a RGBA file with the metalic in R, normal in G and smooth in A. If it is that, how can I do so? Thanks in advance!
Hello. In this topic I will be talking about various ideas I have and things I'm working on. If I ever release one of those, they will have it's own post on the Addon's Release section. However while on development, as I will only work on one thing at a time, they all will be here. As a disclaimer, I'm pretty lazy, I almost never finish a project. So most of the things I say on this post, may never see the light of day. Focus of the development Recently, I tried to start a career mode campaign. I didn't played the game since 2018, so there were many new things to see, and so many mods to test... However, to my disliking, I wasn't able to find the perfect mods to setup and balance my career. So I decided that is time to clean the dust of some of my never-started proyects, and start modding. My plan is to make various mods to enhance the experience of the career mod. I don't want to go really over the top, my plan isn't make a complete overhaul. There are many mods that changes completely how the game plays, and they are doing it great (Bureaucracy, Build Rockets Takes Time, Etc...), what I want is to do is make little changes, to have a funnier early game experience (because, for a returning player, early game may feel like an endless grind) and to give direction and things to do on late game. And everything, without removing the Vanilla feel of the game. So, this is my plan. First, I need to make small changes to the Technology Tree. I want a experience akin to what Unmanned Before Manned and Probes Before Crew offered, but I don't fully agree with his dispositions. Using Community Tech Tree as a base, I will make an addon to rearrange the first steps of kerbals on space exploration. My second step, will be science. Most of my concerns are already fixed by Science Revisited, a mod that already was revisited many times by diferent people. So it may be revisited one more time, as I have a different opinion on how some things should be done. Especially in how labs should work, I want to take special attention to them. Maybe even make a plugin if needed. After that, the focus will be the contracts. Right now, there are a lot of old contract packs. Most of them still work well (some of them with some bugs, like the Tourist Contract Pack) and they generally do the job... But in therms of displaying the missions, they seems cluncky and unorganized, as they have different ways of internal organization. What I want to do it's a mega pack, that should be used alone and that has everything well organized. Making good contracts isn't easy, so I will be using exisisting content when licenses allowed me, fix what is broken, give all the attributions necesary, and create what is left. At this point, a engaging career campaign is more than doable. However, there is a few more things that I want to revisit. One of them, is Strategia. As a mod cemented in stone, Strategia is probably the very core of most moded career campaigns. And what this glorious little piece of art adds to the game, is a overhaul of the vanilla strategy system. With little to no changes since it's creation, it's hard to believe that it could be improved. But sometimes questioning the very basis of your beliefs, may lead you to astonishing discoveries. Finally, only left to see if there is any old and unmaintained mod that I want to use and it's worth to revive and maintain. Finished mods: Better Early Tree Currently working on: KSP Module Parser for Python Python it's a well known programming lenguage. I use it pretty often, from facilitate the deploy of some other code, to read, analyze and process big chunks of data. Rigth now I'm working on implementing a Python wheel to parsing and reading all the CFG files of the game, and from mods. The idea is to first being able to read and analyze stock modules, and latter add the capacity of Module Manager to read and process patches, so you can even test your patches without opening the game. The idea behind this came from a small script I made to facilitate the creation of my Mod, Better Early Tree. The script looks torugh the game files to find parts, and then it printed a file with a list of all the parts, and the Technology with they appear on the Reasearch Center. After that, another script read through a list I wrote, and generate all the patches that relocate the parts on the new tree. These script were quite simple and just work for my specific situation, so I thought of making a more general solution that worked on most situations. Right now I'm starting to redo most of the code, as I thought that RegEx could do most of the job, but it can barely do it if it's used alone. So it should rely a little less on RegEx. Github Repo This Python Module, after finished, could lead to some interesting things, other automation scripting to facilitate modding, or patch testing... for example, a script to easily create/update a Parts Catalog Website from a mod.
A new Developer Insights post is up! Learn what it’s like to be a producer working on Kerbal Space Program 2 in our latest Dev Diary: What Does A Game Producer Do?
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Hello there, I was wondering if it would be possible to implement cubemap support for planets into an update at some point. I really would love to see this, since the DDS format (a texture format used by most if not all unity games) has a max resolution of just 16k. This works fine if your planets are kerbin sized, but when you have bigger planets it can look somewhat stretched. With cubemaps in theory you could have textures up to 64k in resolution in addition to having no stretching at the poles. this would allow for much greater quality and clarity in the textures of larger planets. Thanks so much for your time. Here's an example of what I mean. For anyone who may not know, cubemaps allow for this kind of clarity. but currently this is done by a mod called RVE64K for RSS using a workaround, so it doesn't load properly when not in orbit or in the map view.
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This is the development thread where you can post ideas for future updates and download development builds between updates. Development Build Download: Main thread: The latest version is: 0.1.5 Plan for next version (0.2): Please suggest ideas below!
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So I've not had the chance to be on the forums all that much, with this new game called real life being quite demanding , but there is one rumor I have consistently been hearing that deeply concerns me. Paid DLC. This is never a good move by any game developer, I don't care who you are. I have recently been hearing that KSP will now have paid DLC. Are these rumors true? See if you talk to the average guy on the street who hasn't played KSP, they usually are of the opinion that the game is overpriced. Now you and I know that the 40 bucks you pay will give you thousands of hours of enjoyment, but they dont, so they see it as overpriced. Many people I convinced to play KSP balked when they heard the price. And its not like 40 bucks is all that much, but they still balked, even though I mentioned the thousands of hours most get out of it. Why. Just why. Now if I was a potential customer under the misguided impression KSP was slightly over-priced, and then I heard that paid DLC was a thing, that would be an instant turn off for me, because every single game with piad DLC added went down the same road: The devs had a good game maybe with some free DLC from the community, that did well, then it got sold to another company. They wanted to make more money, so they added some paid DLC, originally as just plain add ons, but nobody really bought them because the free DLC plus the stock game worked just fine. Or even just plain stock. Then the devs realized that to get people to buy this, they had to put something in that made the paid DLC better than the free stuff. There are two ways to do this. One more drastic way is to take from stock and put in paid DLC, and the other was to put some new element or bug fix in paid DLC that players simply could not do without. So in essence, they had to force the players to buy paid DLC because the community free stuff was better. Paid DLC does not have its own market, so it must take from somewhere to make one. There must be demand for something to sell. Basic economics. Paid DLC isn't something that is naturally desirable, so they must make players want or need it. Both roads are a very bad turn, and it always marks the beginning of the end for the game. There's a good reason for this too. If you start doing that, entirely aside from whether it is a money grab move or not (even though I cant see how it wouldn't be, but I'm giving KSP a lot of slack) the community sees it that way and resists. Once your devs are fighting the community, that is death to the game. And eventually it ends up where stock is basically so awful that the game is unplayable without paid DLC. If it's worth paying for, it's worth adding to the stock game. There can be official DLC, and I see that is the case, but it must be free of charge. If not, you are falling down a very slippery slope that will be the end of the game. So I suppose I'm looking for reassurance that my favorite game is not going down the drain by putting out paid DLC. If it is, I will be forced to grab the versions I can, and hunker down and stop getting new updates. The DLC may have great content. I'm not arguing that. What I am saying is it cannot cost a single penny because then we risk falling off this edge. That is not a risk we can take. This community is amazing but every time the dev team changes or a major change is made, then there's always the people who cry: "This is the death of KSP!" Take the devs leaving. Hooooooo boy that caused a ruckus. And that wasnt the worst one. Just a recent one. But if we go down the road of paid DLC, that will really be the beginning of the end for KSP. We may be a while in dying cause KSP has a fiercely loyal community which is amazing, but the end is inevitable if you go down that road. Because for a game to make a steady profit, new people must buy it. Paid DLC is a fast way (one of the fastest ways) to turn off any potential customers, no matter how awesome the game. And the community already there doesnt exactly want to pay for the new DLC either. So as well as asking for reassurance, I am also pleading with our devs to either never go down that road or if they have already started, then to pull out while they still can. Because once you commit to that road, it is very hard to go back, because then your reputation is ruined. Then paid DLC becomes just about the only way you can make a profit any more. Then that stops. KSP has a lot of life in it. Please please do not ruin it by putting paid DLC in the works. That is death. Game devs in general shouldn't make DLC really, they are kinda supposed to, you know, develop the game. But we can make slack for it like if some stuff wasnt quite polished enough to make the actual game then having it as DLC is cool. But paid DLC is just a bad idea all around. Please tell me my favorite game isn't going down this route. Sincerely, Mycroft, CEO of CMAU Incorporated
I'm working on a mod that goes on top of Nertea's DecayingRTGs add-on from Near Future Electrical. It adds three new types of RTGs with different decay rates and power ratings. - Polarium RTG (red) gives a staggering 190 ec/s, but decays with a half life of 0.03 years. (real-life analog: Polonium-210) - Kerbium RTG (blue) gives only 0.15 ec/s, but decays with a half life of 40 years. (real-life analog: Americium-241) - Boppium RTG (green) is cheaper than other RTGs, but has a half-life of 2.5 years and only gives 0.60 ec/s. (real-life analog: Strontium-90) - For reference, the regular Blutonium RTGs give 0.75 ec/s and have a half-life of 8 years. (real-life analog: Plutonium-238) These RTGs are just crude recolors of the stock model. Download on CurseForge Any comments questions are of course welcome!
2017 So, as many of you know, PAX 2016 was amazing, with many big YouTubers and Indie game dev on site, and of course, that leads to the question of PAX 2017! Now it may seem a bit early, but I’m sure you know that planning ahead is always good. My personal dream for a while has been to meet the KSP dev team, so I can personally thank them for their hard work, and geek out about my favorite gaming topic, KSP. I’ve met many wonderful and amazing people in my short stint on the forums so far, and have learned a ton about rocketry, orbital mechanics, interplanetary missions, and the like. KSP has helped me understand just exactly how difficult NASA’s job is, and it is my hope to meet them. This leads me to my main question: Are the KSP devs planning to attend PAX 2017? I personally think the community or the dev team should host a panel for KSP next year, and it has the potential to be huge, given the size of KSP’s amazing fan base. I have no idea if this was done before, but I think it would be an amazing way to show how far KSP has come, and sell some more people on it. The more people buy the game, the more the KSP dev team can afford to invest in the game to make it better. I personally hope that some of the SQUAD staff might attend, and maybe for a demo, somebody could get up and play a few of the old versions that were major updates like the first ever release, then maybe .90, then 1.0, then whatever the latest version is, talking about the history of KSP and show-casing the features. Are YOU planning to attend Pax 2017? Post here! I would love to know, and maybe meet you! Do you know if anyone from the dev team or HarvestR is attending? Post below!
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Devnote Tuesday!!! I'm gonna go for a walk or something to distract myself. Hit 11 miles the other day! Try for a half marathon. AAAAAAAAAAAA! Devnotes!
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Hello fellow kerbonauts. How is the kerbin city community project going? The problem is... that nobody is working on it now, and we all really want that mod. The main developer has gone missing since 2013 and since then the kc pack seems halted. Please answer me as fast as you can.
Hey guys! I've decided to try out my hand at modelling after seeing RoverDude do a livestream. I started making a jet engine in blender, and I thought that here would be the best place to get some helpful criticism on the model so far. The engine so far: Thanks in advance!