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  1. Hello! As a new kerbal engineer with less than 100 hours played, it's a great honour to me to present you the first VTOL supersonic plane I've made that I think may be worth it. Inspired in the new-gen USA VTOL multirol plane F-35, the Diana MkII features two J-404 "Panther" Afterburning Turbofan for horizontal movement, as well as two T-1 Toroidal Aerospike "Dart" Liquid Fuel Engines to achieve the vertical take-off and landing. Some Vernor Engines have been installed to improve stabillity during the vertical take off and landing phase and counteract the variety in the mass center due to the fuel consumption. Featuring a great maneuverability as well as a very good speed, flying the Diana Mk II is a very fun experience you won't regret it. But be aware, the fuel consuption of the T-1 Engines is so large that it will deplete all your fuel in a blink of an eye if you are not careful. The plane is 100% stock! The action groups are configured as follow: AG1- On/Off J-404 Engine AG2- Dry mode/Wet mode J-404 Engine AG3- On/Off T-1 Engine AG4- None AG5- Deploy/Retract airbrakes I really hope you enjoy and love this little aircraft as much as I have creating it! Be absolutelly free to comment what you think about it, and what you think would be good to add/remove. Post your modifications in this very post if you want, and we will discuss it! See you in the skies! DOWNLOAD LINK: https://kerbalx.com/Hipocampo/Diana-MkII
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