This evening I landed my first space plane (sent it up last night). Ok, that's not a big deal to regular wing merchants, but for a dyed in the wool rocket jock, like yours truly, it was quite the experience.
It took a few attempts to get a vehicle together that would actually make it into orbit (or even to the other side of the ocean), but once I had those wonderous Whiplashes strapped on, it was plane sailing.
Well, I got into a 75km orbit with about 15% of fuel remaining and just about dragged it down to a landing on the Island runway. I overshot the KSC and was a little off track for a landing there also, but handily I was pretty much lined up for the island strip. Just a shame the runway there wasn't a little longer, or remembered to pack a parachute.
It was fun to finally have a crack at sending a spaceplane up and making a reasonable accurate landing, but the time, the time... it takes soooooo long compared with my usual rocket based entertainment.
Still going to be taking a crack at this again in the near future though.