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Found 5 results

  1. I made an Excel spreadsheet that can calculate: Distance between up to five different sets of coordinates on ALL celestial bodies you can land on in the Kerbol system. Point 1 --> Point 2 --> Point 3 --> Point 4 --> Point 5 Kerbol and Jool not included, since you'll blow up if you hit the "surface." Earth (IRL) included on there as a bonus, so you can calculate the distance between points on our world. Estimated time to travel to said points given velocity in m/s. Expected range for an aircraft given velocity and fuel consumption rate. Includes how much of Kerbin's circumference you can expect to cover. Distance traveled if you flew directly north from KSC, if you want a full range test. Convert U.S. units (mph, ft altitude, miles distance) to metric (m/s, km altitude, km distance) and vice versa. Comes in handy if you want to compare your replica's performance to their real-life counterpart's. Below is the link to my calculator. Have fun: https://mega.nz/file/XeIX1aKB#FszTd3jm-ZEgG5EFn54PZiwbYJtoVOwzd2uGfVVMkyE The spoiler below contains a sneak peek on what it can do, if you're interested. This thing took me quite a long time to make. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments on it, feel free to reply to this thread. I would love to know how it worked out for its users, and I especially would love to know if there's a problem with it so I can fix it. Thank you.
  2. From Kerbin to Beyond Delta-v Hey folks, I got a little case of OCD today and decided to make a spreadsheet (link above) of all the Delta-v to get around the solar system when Kerbin is the starting point. This and the KER add-on works together beautifully to figure out proper staging and TWR for any given mission you are planning. This is by far my favorite Launch Window Planner for the nitty gritty. With a little research and elbow grease multiple landings can be had on a single celestial body. Be sure to pack an experiment storage unit if you do. And above all else, remember to pack all the other things you might forget or didn't know you needed. Notes* Downloading or copying spreadsheet may lead to happy accidents. There is a lot of delta-v wiggle room so feel free to adjust all the numbers if you also have OCD. Spreadsheet is linear from left to right. Kinda like how we read. LO = low orbit 2LO = to low orbit. Sources - https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Main_Page https://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/
  3. Hello. I would like to ask if there's a calculator or a spreadsheet that can calculate all the things Alexmoon's Calculator does but for the RealSolarSystem. I would like a spreadsheet or an online tool, please. Because the calculators for KSP (e.g. Alexmoon's, Olex, etc) only work for stock KSP. I've tried abrhmsanchez's one but he doesn't have the Moon. Also, I would like to have the real names of the objects. Also, I would like it to have custom values. E.g. radius, gravity, possibility to add new bodies, in short, that you can modify everything in it. If someone could do this for me, I would be eternally thankful to that person or people. Hope you can do this for me. Or direct me to something that does what I'm asking for. Thanks in advance, Nexus24680
  4. Hello. I would like to ask if there's a calculator or a spreadsheet that can calculate all the things Alexmoon's Calculator does but for the RealSolarSystem. I would like a spreadsheet or an online tool, please. Because the calculators for KSP (e.g. Alexmoon's, Olex, etc) only work for stock KSP. I've tried abrhmsanchez's one but he doesn't have the Moon. Also, I would like to have the real names of the objects. Also, I would like it to have custom values. E.g. radius, gravity, possibility to add new bodies, in short, that you can modify everything in it. If someone could do this for me, I would be eternally thankful to that person or people. Hope you can do this for me. Or direct me to something that does what I'm asking for. Thanks in advance, Nexus24680
  5. Fala galera do Fórum! Não sei porque, mas só fiz minha conta agora, e irei aproveitar para compartilhar com vocês a minha calculadora de parâmetros para o KSP! Ela é bem simples, tem várias funções para ajudar quem está começando na construção de foguetes, e acho que até para alguns que já estão mais avançados no jogo. É claro que não é tão precisa como o mod Kerbal Engineer, mas para quem gosta de jogar somente stock, como eu, é uma mão na roda. Irei deixar o link aqui do episódio da série no qual eu explico como utilizá-la, e também deixarei o link para a calculadora direto. Vídeo: https://gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=nOeE57MFFxM Calculadora: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6zo_6e9iSiXT3FwaGtQR1ROLTA/view O vídeo faz parte de uma série que estou fazendo a um tempo no canal, e caso vocês queiram visitar o canal, fiquem à vontade. Qualquer dúvida é só me perguntarem e eu tentarei responder! Valeu! ~Pesterenan
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