Hey everyone, this is about some ship suggestions.
It's my first window to Jool in a new save, and I don't care about realism (I'm doing this for "Taking on Tylo", an Upcoming story I am writing).
I've been to Jool multiple times before, but I feel like there is nothing left to send. I'm sending the Crewed Expedition Ship (C.E.S), the Tylo Lander, and the massive Probe Stack.
Tylo Lander (Sorry no better shot).
Probe Stack (lots of probes here).
Crewed Expedition Ship (again no better shot, sorry).
I'm thinking of packing a light Vall lander in last minute (The C.E.S and Tylo Lander have already finished their ejection burns and are heading to Jool) and maybe some other ships. A small Laythe Colony?
Does anyone have any ideas about what else to bring?