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  1. In the main menu I get ~300fps (with a 300Hz screen), and in "Space Center" view, I get ~140fps. When in a craft on Kerbin surface/flying trough Kerbin atmosphere I get ~30fps, and when in Kerbin orbit, with camera pointed away from Kerbin I get ~65fps, and when looking at Kerbin I get ~50fps When near Mun, I get 100fps when looking away/85fps when looking at the Mun, so I'm thinking it has to do something with either Scatterer or AVP's atmosphere components Near Eve it's 60fps looking away/~43fps looking at. Thing is, I'd be more than happy with these FPS' if I didn't get 100+ yesterday Specs: Ryzen 9 6900HX RTX 3070 Ti Mobile 16GB 4800Mhz RAM (Visual) Mods: AVP with 8k textures DE_IVA Extension EVE Redux (as AVP dependency) Parallax Scatterer TUFX (default profile) Waterfall Settings: Terrain detail: High; Terrain Scatters True; (Terrain) Scatterer Density: 100% Render Quality: Fantastic; Texture Quality: Full Res; Aerodynamic FX Quality: Normal; Reflection Refresh mode: Every frame; Reflection Texture resolution: 2048; Terrain Shader Quality: High Resolution: 1920x1080; Anti-Aliasing: 8x; V-sync: Every second V-blank; Frame Limit: Default (Changing it doesn't do anything); Pixel Light count: 64; Shadows Cascades: 4 Mod settings: Scatterer: High; Kopernicus: All default Again, I'd be happy with these FPS' if yesterday they weren't some 70fps higher
  2. For some reason when as I enter duna's atmosphere with a space plane (any space plane small and large) my fps starts to tank until I reach 8km from the surface then my computer just dies and my fps just drops to almost nothing and makes the game almost unplayable. I have tried this with task manager up and it doesn't seem to be a hardware problem. I don't think it is mod related (maybe) Also I have landed on duna before in this via Apollo style craft and there was no lag it seems to only be caused by vessels with wing parts. Also this doesn't happen on kerbin or Laythe or anywhere else. It is just Duna where this happens. Please help! (I have posted this in the modded pc support too because I am not sure if this is mod related or not)
  3. My xbox one fps goes down heavily when I play KSP Enhanced Edition. How is this possible and is this normal? Is there a solution? Because it is not playable.
  4. So I've been playing KSP for a while now, and maybe im looking at it with rosetinted goggles or something but has the game always stuttered (fps dropping from stead 80-120 to freeze for a split second) every 5 to 7 seconds or so, it seems pretty consistent and happens regardless of where in the game I'm loaded in? I'm currently running what I atleast consider a "light" amount of mods, my game version is 1.4.1 and I invested in the expansion to boot. Can't figure out what's happening or what's causing it but it's driving me absoloutely insane https://gyazo.com/bdaf2a0ac8318fad2bcef8bcf00cd0e1
  5. Mijn xbox one fps gaat zwaar omlaag als ik KSP Enhanced Edition speel. Hoe kan dit en is dit normaal? Is er een oplossing? Want het is niet te spelen.
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