I frequently find myself thinking how nice it would be if I could play at a You-tuber's playback speed, everything smooth, nearly 1second of game time to 1 second of Real time. If I had a vastly superior laptop, maybe I could get close. But then, I wonder what the "average" time to orbit is for the average KSP'er? So I thought I'd see if we can gather some data.
If you're so inclined, build a simple 30-part count rocket and get into LKO, without using science parts to pad the total. The number of mods people are running with actually isn't relevant to this poll, for the data I am curious about is psychological. If someone is playing and the time to orbit is unacceptable, they stop playing, so this information will reveal the "environment" that most people play at; what the 'average' user finds acceptable.
A more sophisticated experiment would use identical rockets and mods, but that is not the data I am curious about.
How long does it take you to get to orbit? That will reveal the compromises you have accepted to play KSP the way you want!