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  1. This is just one example; They're all like this. I think we all know about this, but I'd like to bring some greater attention to it. The important specifications of the contracts are fine. For instance, I can see how long it lasts, how much Science, Funds, and Rep I get, and where I need to go and what I must do. The only problem is with the briefings. Seriously, what the heck did that have to do with a temperature survey? A briefing should be able to tell me a little about what the agency wants me to do, such as this address to a very important organization by a very prestigious person: The briefings in KSP are totally useless right now. They should really be improved so that they are actually straightforward and related to the contract, if not useful. If that can't be done easily, I suggest these briefings should be removed entirely until it becomes possible to do so. Otherwise, they're dead weight...which is not a great thing to have in a rocketry sim.
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