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Found 3 results

  1. Go to The Three words story thread before playing this. The rules is: 1: Post 1 sentence each time. 2: Post 3 words each time. (The last thing you googled is equal to 1 word.) 3: Have Fun! 4: Never forget to announce a new page! I will start first. There's a ICBM Sorri for mi misspell.
  2. Its pretty darn cool. http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/robots/a20190/google-room-full-of-robot-arms/
  3. Details on the contest: http://lunar.xprize.org/ Currently there are 16 teams all over the world attempting this contest by Google, for the grand prize of $20 million (+$5 million if they managed to have scientific/technological achievement). In order to win, the team must: 1. Sucessfully place a robot on the moon 2. Travel 500m there. 3. Sending HD video and image back to earth. And another condition is that the team must prove that 90% of their mission cost are funded by private sources. The teams has until the end of 2016 to announce a verified launch contact to stay in the competition, and must finish their mission by the end of 2017. Let's hope this will make people want to fund for space trip again.
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