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  1. https://i.imgur.com/2seNYQc.mp4 DOWNLOAD KERBALX : https://kerbalx.com/InterstellarKev/MS-06-El-Diablo Description Reports of a Large Red Machine have made the rounds in the enclaves. Superstitious stories of some El Diablo the natives of Duna mentioned in classic stories of the old wars of 25th century. Some say its just old tales while some truth to them. It is said that the Pilot sold his soul in order to survive a Orbital Bombardment that set Duna back to its old dusty red days. Stories said that the reason the Bombardment took place was becasue El Diablo decimated the armies at that time with is supernatual-like weapons of destruction. Some said that Pilot soul was merged with that Demonic Machine to this day and still roams this rusted planet. Apearing out of the constant dust storms that plauge the planet and taking unsuspecting victims in his wake. These stories are just that stories and there is no way that that Demon could have survived to this day. or did it? “A faint deep Kerbal voice !ATNAVEL ES OLBAID EL¡ This is my Biggest and Best Mobile Mech that I have made so far This is a Fully Stock Craft with DLC from the main game (still stock). Requires no mods but if you would like the Devilish look make sure to download Textures Unlimited, Textures Unlimited Recolour Depot (TURD), Lazy Painter (optional). I hope you have as much fun as I have! El Diablo true to its name is a Intimidating machine. Has some kal characteristics with a few of my other mech designs to keep a cohesive and familair control with some new editions primarly being flight characteristic changes. as usual here are the operation instructions: Press SAS on When spawning in. Radial in for up right stability. Press Action Group 2 to start walking. When you want to stop press Action Group 1. When you want to exit the Mech press eith er Action Group 3 (when on a high gravity world) or Action Group 4 (to kneel), then press G to open Mech Cockpit. Flight Mode NOTE: When on a lower gravity body please use RCS for stability! Press H and N keys to Lower and Raise the Booster Pack for Flight. for upward momentum keep BP at 90 degrees. for forward flight make sure you have enough clearance form ground and hold H keep until both Booster Noozels seperate from each other forming a V. This happens fast but very smoothly to not allow the Mech to flip but be careful as this can still occur. Fire Mode Press the I and N keys to lower and raise the arms of the mech. At 50% on KAl will have arms in a 90 degree and closed. Raise arms all the way to open cannons ready to fire. Press Stage to fire cannons (note if docked with a ship make sure to delete action group for fireworks until undocked). J and L will Lift arms Horizonally and also turn the Mono eye (also behind the mono eye is a docking port that can be used will hullcam or similar to be able to FPV from mono eye ACTION GROUPS AG1: to Stand AG2: to Walk (adjust this to the planetary body you are on based on is gravity) AG3: Sit and Stand animation (Note: can sit on objects and use this to start tilting forward. Once in position, you can hit AG1 to stand up if you fall over. AG4: Kneel ( used to conserve energy. Once in a kneeling position, you can turn off SAS Use this to also let Kerbals board and onboard AG5: Toggle Thrusters on and off AG6 Shielded Gun Mode AG 0 Toggle off all robotic kal motors A stock aircraft called MS-06 El Diablo. Built with 599 of the finest parts, its root part is structuralIBeam3. Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.
  2. Description Details Type: SPH Class: rover Part Count: 1041 Downloads KERBALX: https://kerbalx.com/InterstellarKev/MS-05-Verdict STEAM: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2920431267 MS-05 Verdict With a smaller frame and built for high mobility, the MS-05 Verdict was needed to insure peace in the Kerbol Sector. improving on the MS-04 Balius system, this unit has been cut shorter and parts revamped to provide greater protection at the cost of added weight but is being built for high-speed space combat and in-atmosphere flight. With enhanced mobility and onboard and external weapons to connect to multiple docking ports on arms and shoulders for customization with different weapon systems. MS-05 Verdict is geared to handle within the Kerbol system to combat Space Pirates and destabilized nation-states. Primary built for Military application and Scouting missions. Able to recover from falls and with a smaller frame means it will be more stable than previous models. Action groups have been designated to dedicated KAL9000 Robotics. All parts are fully stock with only using DLC for required usage. KEY FACTS ALL STOCK NO MODS (BOTH DLC NEEDED) Action Groups and Pilot Instructions ABORT (backspace) (shut off all Kal-1000 useful if transporting if action groups are not moving press this first to start) Toggle SAS and set navigation to Radial Out to walk Toggle RCS (RCS flight instructions) H and N - Use to ascend and descend in and out of the atmosphere with all thrusters on. J and L - keys used to trimp strafe left and right I and K - keys adjust flight speed forward and back. AG1 - to Stand (Press again to unlock joints) AG2 - to Walk AG3 - Sit and Stand animation (Note: can sit on objects and use this to start tilting forward. Once in position, you can hit AG1 to stand up if you fall over. This is also needed to dock and undock Kerbals in the cockpit. AG4 - Kneel ( used to conserve energy. Once in a kneeling position, you can turn off SAS as well as use this for stable shots from Particle Cannon. Use this to also let Kerbals board and onboard AG5 - Turn on Main Thrusters. AG6 - Stop all KAL-1000 sequences AG7 - Toggle Ski Mode AG8 - Lower and Raise Gun Arm AG9 - Fire Energy Canon AG0 - Toggle Back Thrusters for High Mobility in Space Further Notes: When launching I recommend using unbreakable parts/crash damage. use unlimited energy. The Root part to move the unit is the back radial docking port. Attach to docking. Use this to easily dock with other craft to transport this unit to other sites by flying transport aircraft or to take off the planet. It will not fit in a standard MK3 Cargo unit and will need to have a custom cargo bay. Other than that have fun!
  3. Description Gecko KEMU Pure Stock + Breaking Grounds DLC Texture mods are Restock and Textures Unlimited Make sure to turn on SAS and enable Radial Out Press 1 to start walking (on repeat) Press 2 to jump or to crouch (on repeat) (jumping only available on low gravity planets) Press 3 stop all Reaction Wheels Press 4 Toggle Solar Panels I, K toggle Tail with Clamp J, L toggle Radar Arm A stock aircraft called Gecko KEMU. Built with 210 of the finest parts, its root part is probeStackSmall. Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.9.1. Details Type: SPH Class: rover Part Count: 210 Pure Stock KSP: 1.9.1 Highly Recommend Turn on Infinite Energy. Does have enough to travel a few hundred meters before needing a charge. Downloads: https://kerbalx.com/InterstellarKev/Gecko-KEMU https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2107158480
  4. To Use. Press Space to stage the Dual Fuel Cell Array While standing straight press Radial out Press 1 to walk Press 2 to plank (stand or lay straight arms down) Press 3 to perform stand animation Press 4 to reverse stand animation Details Type: SPH Class: rover Part Count: 359 Pure Stock Side note: If you curious about the process or if you messed something up and need to get it fixed here is the default setup! If you Fall Over: Press Sas to turn on (make sure you are not in radial out at this time.) get in this position to stand (lay forward on chest in plank position) Hold S to get footing when feet have met the ground on tip of toes and knee to the ground) When fully straight press Radial out to stabilize and press 1 to start walking The pinnacle of mech technology is here after over a year of research under the banner of Project K comes from the Kerbal Federation introduces its new Mech Suit Unit. Kerbal Mech Suit or designated KMS-02-A. The planet variant model insures get stability in walking, can now stand after a major fall so no more needing to reset the module for Kerbal Space Station pick ups stands up straight and go into a plank like posture on the ground (lay on chest to stand). By syncing to the planetary body it stands on and maximizes its gravity by radial out to hold its standing position while in a constant falling forward motion. Most Kerbals call this walking but we have a hard time doing this ourselves just getting out of the cockpit on a simple munar exertion. We are looking into creating a Space Variant soon while we are working on the stable animations to achieve this as well as balance of weight. Since this would be a space variant some walking properties may have to be discarded but maybe we can create a transforming model? Or we could go with a |wave rider solution. We will see. its up in the air. We have heard from onimus that the Duna Colony has been creating a Mech suit as well. We may have to send a scouting party to investigate but due to funding we may have to wait. We will keep in touch. This is Wernher von Kerman out. Download: Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2001466981 KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/InterstellarKev/Kerbal-Mech-Suit
  5. A faithful yet somewhat psychopathic sentient robot, Maximilian was the servant and enforcer for Dr. Hans Reinhardt on board the doomed deep space science vessel "Cygnus." Maximilian is capable of deploying fully functional spinning blades and comes with three pairs of fully articulated arms on rotating shoulder joints. Eight tons and 268 parts requires Breaking Ground DLC, and TweakScale, with Textures Unlimited and Textures Unlimited Recolor Depot for custom coloring. Availabe on KerbalX
  6. One of the first things I tried to do with the Breaking Ground is make a quadrupedal robot in a similar fashion to BostonDynamics SpotMini. It... works. Barely This version has a "Stand" and "Walk" function, with work-in-progress "Sprint" function. It's almost uncontrollable without reaction wheels, but that's likely due to poor programming on my part, of which was a pain to do. The main issue with this style of quadruped that I found is that the servos don't move quick enough to get any decent speed from it, though it does still work. Here is a video showing it walking: https://youtu.be/QLtOllMOOuU The craft file can be found here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1769266564 If anyone can make it work better, I'd love to see it!
  7. Builds, Designs, Models, Vids from the past 2 years of KSP with Infernal robotics mod "thanks to Zodius Infuser" and his team. you can view hundreds of my mechs in my youtube channel and the long road i'v taken from basics to more complicated leg systems and modeling. from time to time i have taken requests to build something that my few fans wanted to see. like King Kriptor From Supreme Commander 2 or Metal Gear Rex. i have also tutored few of my subscribers to build more advanced leg systems than 2 rotor legs. what i would like to do now is to grow my channel and build up a mech builder community in Kerbal Space Program to see what other people are building and share some thoughts and ideas or to offer my help if i can. and hopefully maeby inspire KSP Devs to add their own Robotic system into the game. space shuttles should normally have robotic arms when building a space station, but why build mechanical arms into a ship when you can make a Mech walker ;D or a walking battleship like T2 Cybran Destroyer from Supreme commander. link to my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Xanhast08 also a Download Page for my mechs can be founded in Kerbal Curse, my newest Creation can be download from this link here : https://mods.curse.com/shareables/kerbal/250861-colonial-acu very good example of the mechs im building:
  8. They said it couldn't be done.... Introducing, Stocktimus Prime, the first stock transformer for Kerbal! Can be found on kerbalx @ https://kerbalx.com/PsychoBob/Stocktimus-Prime There are still a couple of minor re-attachment bugs with the arms and some additional fashion lighting that I need to do but generally it is in full working order. Enjoy!
  9. KSP VF-1 Valkyrie It is a plane that transforms and it is very awesome They also fly in Space You are seeing it right. Yep, I Made a Valkyrie in Kerbal Space Program and this is not just some static model or statue. This craft is able to Transform just like the actual thing! Old Version New Version About the VF-1 Three Mode Variable Fighter G.E.R.W.A.L.K MODE http://imgur.com/yw7gLei It is not as stupid as it looks Press 5 to turn into Gerwalk Mode. High-Speed high maneuverability VTOL. Can walk (theoretically). Legs are formed by the plane's Engines bending down and the arms and Gunpod are folded forward to resemble a chicken walker. Tail folds up to reveal several thrusters. No really BATTROID MODE Press 6 to turn into a fully articulated mecha. All the joints work but you don't have any real way to control them. It took me 15 minutes to get that pose right http://imgur.com/8yaAgIB FIGHTER MODE Press 4 to turn into a plane. You should know what is a plane by now. Actual Testing Footage Download: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ook40vresbpj2cv/AAABh0UoCRBLIC01jzHBcNWwa?dl=0 Mods included. 1.1.3 Only Warning the modular manager cheat config changes all parts mass to 0.5 and makes all engine parts physicless. Just wanted to make that clear.
  10. Part count: 440 Mass: 0.88 tonn Mods: tweak scale, infernal robotics DOWNLOAD: link under video in YouTube
  11. Its pretty darn cool. http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/robots/a20190/google-room-full-of-robot-arms/
  12. http://kerbalx.com/Arron_Rift/Battle-Mech-100-stock Hey guys, this is the first creation I've ever posted here, I hope you like it The description in the save file gives usage instructions. It sort of "skates" with the wheels on its feet. The autopilot can generally keep it upright, especially on moons. It's not necessarily practical, but it is a LOT of fun to drive With its ion engines I was able to land on the mun when launched from 80,000m above Kerbin. I recommend using it with Hyperedit (or at least quicksaving before undocking the mech in case it falls over) but I included a launch-cage in the craft for mounting on a rocket. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas everyone
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