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  1. download: source: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0rgcOJPK_8XTE5QRVdxZWtWYjg/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-DAyd0ddkfsgDXUR3qDpDNA binary: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0rgcOJPK_8XeWdVRmNlRVhqeUk/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-lWyGnBnQ3ckkp1AN1jCppw binary beta (April 2020) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WzovyRVp_aYhe9p_UOdWcoMtDL_h2RH2/view?usp=sharing for ksp 1.9, 1.8, MJ 2.9.2 installation: just put the plugin dll near MechJeb2.dll (inside GameData/MechJeb2/Plugins folder, and 2 new window ("My Landing Guidance", "Ascent StartTime") will be in mechjeb list) Ascent StartTime (MechJebModuleAscentTime.cs) provides interface between mechjeb and plad's flyby finder, or allows you to plan your interplanetary transfer before you leave the ground. and auto start to correct intermediate orbit, helps you advance that orbit, and do ejection burn to some other celestial body around sun (or in case you fly from one moon to other - around parent celestial body) To do so you need to: 1. select destination body (other planet) (or type it's name if you clear ByTgt checkbox) 2. fill Orbit altitude (will be forwarded to Ascent autopilot) in Ascent StarTime window (it's in list of other mechjeb windowses, if addon was installed correctly) 3. generate with initial guess and tune buttons or fill (from PLAD's flyby finder, or other sources such as alexmoon's Launch Window Planner) following values: Departure Arrival (they are set in days from start of game (first day is 1, but can be changed by offset field (which is in hours)) ) which path to use short one or long one, usually preferable one with lower Boost deltaV, but in some cases to get to next gravity assist you would need to be more specific, so there is no auto here by default, but any previously mentioned tune button will auto that. 3. after that you could just Press Best button to fill most optimal parameter that defines inclination (previously mentioned auto tune will do it for you), it will find parameter that correspond to lowest possible inclination of initial orbit, which HOWEVER do allow both: launch from your launch site (your current position on planet surface) and chosen interplanetary transfer. or if you need more specific orbit you could fill Orb[ital] Par[ameter] of incl[ination] by yourself (or just select it by clicking some point on planet, after clicking on "Select"). 4. after that you could use DrawIntermedOrbit button ( Choose or tune buttons will do that also ) to show orbit in orbits screen (M), more important that Boost from Circular [orbit] field will now show calculated transfer deltaV, which should up to 0.1m/s correspond those from PLAD's flyby finder, or just (in case other sources of transfer time) be good enough for you. other fields which can be useful: BoostPrepareDays - how much time (in days) you want spend on orbit of current planet. (you could build boost with several passes, but you would need time) BoostPrepareOrbits - same(additional to days) but in orbital periods of shown orbit (it's not circular!) LaunchOffset - will start early by that number of seconds, allowing vessel get to upper layers of atmosphere, or you will miss selected orbital plane because of planetary atmosphere rotation (with planet itself), best values 90 sec for kerbin and 150 for earth, write here if you find better, spaceplanes could require more. HoursPerDay - just to choose between kerbal/earth day OffsetHours(firstday) - i probably should replace this field with something like offset day, currently should be same as HoursPerDay, and for PLAD's fly by finder both fields should be 24. (at least old for version) Launch countdown - same as in mechjeb's ascent guidance (i.e. how many last seconds will pass with warp 1x) PartialBoostGuidance - parameter for displayed orbit, which allow you to see how orbit will looks like after acceleration by this speed in proper time (beginning of interplanetary transfer), for technical reason can't be 0(i.e. displayed orbit is never circular), but value can be 0.0001 * (Boost from Circular) again Boost from Circular is accounted from exactly circular orbit with selected Orbit altitude 5. press button Launch to circlular orbit (it will update and calc orbit again anyway, so may be needed to check it, if some bugs got there) 6. (optionally) tune values in Ascent Guidance window. 7. press engage autopilot (do the same in both windows, but better do it in "Ascent StartTime", as caller is tracked in MJ) 8. after reaching orbit CreateTranferNode button will be available to create transfer maneuver node (this done mostly with slightly modified mechjeb code, when i did tests precision was 1m/s or better) but you could just do prograde burn manually - you have marked point on orbits map, where you need to do burn (in case marker orbit and your orbit matched closely) (p.s. there was bug that orbit marker is drifting over time, so DrawIntermedOrbit may have to fix that, better to press it before burn, CreateTranferNode also call same code to prevent any error appears, if you could reproduce or know why it's happens i will fix it) 9. and CreateCorrectionNode button would place correction node as soon as possible (after all nodes) this button use 100% mechjeb code (only with fixed arrival time filled from Arrival field) and it's buggy(2 authors of mechjeb why?) while you fly in source planet soi, if you want correction early (than leaving source planet soi) you need to do it manually. I did find cases when launch to inclination choose completely wrong times (on minmus orbit), so i did add same feature to that addon, with completely different code (which is used for primary purpose of addon anyway) i.e. "Launch into plane of target" just doing the same job as button in ascent guidance but without bugs :). take into consideration that current MJ version did not account for initial (start) orbital velocity (due to rotation of planet) when it goes for inclined orbits (so it will end with incorrect inclination), so you need to make correction by yourself in upper layers of atmosphere, you need keep 10 degrees on correct side for 10-20 sec, you don't need even turn of autopilot for that (MJ devs said that bug is fixed in dev build), mine last 5 attempts(while i did test that) result into orbit with relative inclination less than 0.05 degrees from calculated. with life realistic plugins for ksp i would recommend to use fake vessel and warp time (using this addon to step 7) until 1 min before launch(Launch countdown = 60), then abort and recover fake vessel and select proper one, and do proper launch (you would need to select target/planet again, other values should be saved so you could press launch in circlular and engage autopilot). "Launch to circular orbit" button uses latest allowed(by limitation) time for launch (to keep vessel in parking orbit minimum time, because life realistic plugins will spend your resources while you in orbit). "Launch into plane of target" button uses earliest allowed time. Auto tuning DepartureDay and ArrivalDay supported, i.e. you don't need external window planner anymore, unless you want several flyby. InitialGuess: makes them for almost circular orbits (all celestial bodies in original ksp looks good enough) and not much inclined. Tune makes it almost perfect (there are separate buttons for DepartureDay and ArrivalDay and also combined one near InitialGuess: toggle able Tune2 near Dst.Inb.Spd: allows previously mentioned tuning not only for minimum boost speed (transfer dv), but also for minimum entering orbit burn (stopping) at destination. most of feature still working when you in orbit of moon of starting celestial body, i.e. you could tune intermediate orbit for transfer and left moon in proper time with minimal delta-v (including transfer burn) My landing guidance - highly experimental fork of mechjeb version with a lot more tunable parameters done to allow landing with RO engines, now could only be used after deorbit burn done and in way (i think that you have limited ignitions): take into account that interface do change in new MJ version so if you want to use faster you need to download sources and rebuild by yourself (you could just compile with any .NET c# compiler (even without VS installing, just add reference for assemblies dlls { mechjeb2 UnityEngine Assembly-CSharp } from ksp forder) ). outdated: temporary merged with GravityTurn source https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0rgcOJPK_8XeWc3TWNBWmtKOTQ binary https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0rgcOJPK_8XTGZhQndoWDJsS1E (As accessible as submenu from GravityTurn main menu, but actually it controls Gravity Turn ) small fixes in GravityTurn for inclination and max thrust while too low. P.S. it's old GravityTurn recompiled for 1.2, new GravityTurn without AscentStartTime is there
  2. Hi there, I'd like to suggest a small and easy contest, which is all about launch efficiency, trajectories, gravity turn, etc. You'll find below a Full Stock Craft : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/706948521735225374/753224100033462372/KSC_-_SLG4_-_MunAr.craft A quick VAB pic of this very basic rocket : What you can do : - tweak every contextual parts menu : engine's gimbal, booster's power, fuel capacity, fairing jettison option, Autostruts, Rigid connection, fuel consumption priority... Etc. - modify the staging : fairing separation sooner, synchronize a decouple with the upper engine, etc. - fly the way you want, provided that you're not using dirty alpacas, bug using, AltF12, etc. - you can use any AutoPilot mod or script you want : be sure to avoid adding Parts, I know there is Partless version of MechJeb for instance. Otherwise that would add some mass / drag. - mods are generally okay, they do not alter physic in any way and you're not adding any parts, etc, see previous rules :p What you cannot do : - obviously, you can't add or remove any parts. And you can't do anything to the Payload. - do not unlock the upper tank of the last stage, it's here for a reason : you should be able to put that craft into orbit without touching the locked tank, with margin. If you don't, you're in the good place to ask for tips, do not hesitate - do not use any mods / thing that is altering the Stock Physic. Provide some screenshots you want, but one them must be the Orbit View, after reaching 100x100km circular orbit, minimum, just like the next image : If you're using some AutoPilot mod, please provide a Screenshot of the settings panel as well, as it's one of the thing that i'm personally interested in : i've never find any one beating me at this challenge using autopilot :p Your goal : preserve as much DeltaV you can ! We will only look at the Stock indicator, at the lower left corner ! You should provide : a screenshots of the orbital view showing the 100x100 circular orbit minimum and the Lower Left corner DeltaV Stock indicator, and any other screenshots or information regarding what you've tweaked / change, according to the rules, as well as AutoPilot Settings Panel, if you're using one. Try to use a recent version of KSP, at least from 1.7.1 since this is the one that brought the Stock DeltaV indicator. Any feedback appreciated if there is questions, suggestions, etc !
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