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  1. In my previous mission report for Beyond Jool, I sent a Cassini style mission to the mod's Saturn analogue, Sarkin. This completed the mod's 'Sarkin Surveyor' challenge. The next challenges were probe exploration of minor planets analogues for Pluto, Haumea and Eris in the 'Robau Belt'. However, as there was no Comnet range past Sarkin, and as I wanted to keep this mission stock, I decided on the logical solution - doing a full crewed mission to each. And throwing in a mission to another body for good measure. Mission Objectives: Land on Plad (Pluto analogue) and its moon Chau Land on Hamis (Haumea analogue) and its moon Haki Land on Elross (Eris analogue) and its moons Mrokrok and Bongbong Land on all moons of ice giant Anune Fly-by Jool at least once System map for reference: Rocket The rocket being used for this rocket is a remake of a launch vehicle I used extensively on console - the Finale series. It uses a fairing-protected MK3 fuselage (+ some MK1s, which is still less fuel than the fairing volume could hold) and 7 NERVs, assisted by a 2nd stage of 4 Wolfhounds and a 1st stage that is bolted together. This, alongside the placement of the Wolfhounds and a set of struts along the rocket, was to lower the amount of joints and keep the rocket as rigid as possible. The lander is fairly solid, however the Science Jr is stuffed into the side of the cockpit. There is also the problem of the command stage having the radial tanks slightly clipped into each other. I suffered for that mistake. NBs If you want to have a go at these yourself, note that Anune is part of its own pack, AnuneExpansion. See the Beyond Jool Thread (link above) for details. Halfway through this mission, I re-installed AVP, so the skybox will change in some of the pictures Missions I have a lot to say about each, so they've been put into dropdowns. Arrakis 1 (Anune) Robau 1 (Hamis) Robau 2 - Plad Robau 3 (Elross) Conclusion The combined efforts of all the crews netted me over 50,000 Science. Werner was content with all expeditions except for Elross, where the loss of a single gravity scan over the lowlands triggered a perfectionism. I think these have also passed the remaining challenges, though there seems to be some more in the works. @Mr. Kerbin, bring 'em on. (btw, this took over 2 hours to put together. why did i do this)
  2. I have been studying concepts for missions, and I think I might have one. It is basically an expansion upon the idea of a Saturn atmospheric probe whose relay will escape the Solar System. As of yet, it is nameless, but I have some ideas for what it will be. The carrier-relay probe will have a wide-angle camera with color capabilities, and a narrow-angle camera with only B&W. This is similar to the Ralph-Lorri dichotomy on New Horizons. It may also have some other instruments from the Voyager probes, such as a magnetometer, radio receiver, UV spectrometer, etc. Finally, it will carry an atmospheric probe to descend into Saturn's atmosphere. It will be released not long before the Saturn flyby, and after the relay passes from the shadow, it will relay the data collected from the atmospheric probe, as well as data it may have collected as well. The carrier-relay would look like a mesh between Voyager, New Horizons, and Galileo (with the atmospheric probe), possibly. It would be launched in mid-2034, have a 1.7-year-long cruise phase to Jupiter, then take about 4 years to get to Saturn. After that, a Haumea flyby may be possible, given enough funding directed toward it. A couple of questions, however: Since it's on an escape trajectory from the Solar System, what cargo will it carry for aliens to find? Would it be feasible to have a camera embedded into the probe to take a picture of the Saturnian atmosphere? To get to Haumea, how close would the carrier-relay have to fly to Saturn? Would it be possible to make a mockup of it using RSS? (preferably both imgur photographs AND a youtube video) These are two possible trajectories I might use. They aren't necessary, but is instead a template or guideline. https://drive.google.com/open?id=14YrJYsIIzYcgSTCZa_DjR8acOjPp26Ks https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GF_xSTJa7mQ37aFmDcRsh06SYOPoPD0e Share your thoughts below.
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