In four days, I'm going to Philmont scout ranch in New Mexico, I'll be gone 'till the 6th of July, and the trek will be 55 miles in 12 days, with the first and last day being in camp HQ, now here's the funny part, here in Florida, the only elevation changes I've seen are cracks in the sidewalk, and stairs, and I've been doing most of my training in the air conditioned YMCA, while my old troop back in Washington state has the freakin Olympic mountains they can train on, and I can't train on them anymore since I moved
Probably not, but I'll have a harder time, luckily, when I did live in Washington, I had over 240 miles of hiking/backpacking under my belt, but I haven't done any decent hiking since December, and the longest I ever did in a weekend was 13 miles.
Any good tips for me? I know @Dman979 went, but are there any others?